Listening to Yang Qi's words, this third-order strange beast couldn't help but become so angry.

The humans it encountered just now were all terrified!

But only this human being in front of him seemed to treat it as air.

As a Tier 3 monster, how can it be tolerated? !

Immediately, this Tier 3 strange beast rushed towards Yang Qi.

Looking at the Tier 3 strange beast that suddenly rushed forward, Yang Qi couldn't help but shook his head secretly. He wondered why the evil head Tier 3 strange beast didn't understand?

His hand is already on the back handle.

I saw that the third-order strange beast was very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive in front of Yang Qi.

This Tier 3 strange beast arrived in front of and behind Yang Qi...

Opened a big mouth!

Prepare to swallow Yang Qi in one bite.

It's a pity, this Tier 3 strange beast is a bit underestimated.

This is Yang Qi's strength!

Behind Yang Qi, Lu Yao and a dozen of Yuanzong’s disciples, their eyes have been opened for the biggest time in history, just because they discovered that the blood bowl of this Tier 3 monster was about to swallow the big brother. Down.

"Big brother, be careful!"

Seeing such a scene, Lu Yao hurriedly yelled to Yang Qi.


But what everyone present did not expect in any case was that such a scene appeared next.

I saw that just when the blood basin of this third-order strange beast was about to swallow Yang Qi, the magic knife thousand blades in the scabbard of Yang Qi's back were already out of the sheath.

A horrible sword light appeared past.

Suddenly, this third-order strange beast uttered a scalp-tingling scream.

Lu Yao and a dozen Yuanzong disciples watched this scene, their faces were all shocked to the extreme.

How could they have thought that the big brother was so terrible.

You know, this is a Tier 3 strange beast!

This Tier 3 strange beast was just beheaded by the big brother.

The integral stone in Lu Yao's hand suddenly lit up.

She quickly looked up to the integral stone.

It is found that the points on the integral stone are 300 more.

Now, their points are already 567.

Looking at the points on the integral stone, Lu Yao couldn't help being surprised to the extreme.

She had never imagined that killing a Tier 3 strange beast could earn 300 points.

"Master, 300 points are added to the points stone."

Lu Yao quickly walked to Yang Qi and said to Yang Qi in surprise.

"Well, not bad."

Yang Qi's face still didn't show much change.

"Master, thank you for saving us."

A dozen Yuanzong disciples all looked at Yang Qi gratefully. They knew that if it were not for Yang Qi, their lives would have disappeared in this world forever.

"There is nothing to be thankful for, it's just a matter of effort."

Yang Qi slowly said to the dozen Yuanzong disciples in front of him.

"Let's go ahead."

After speaking, Yang Qi glanced at Lu Yao.

Lu Yao nodded quickly after hearing this.

She was secretly delighted, thinking that it was right to follow the big brother, and they would surely be the first in Beiyuan's trial.

Then, they continued to search in Beiyuan.

It didn't take long.

They saw the strange beast again.

However, the strange beast I saw this time was only a first-order strange beast, and it was not challenging at all.

Moreover, there are only a few strange beasts.

"Brother, leave these strange beasts to me."

Lu Yao said to Yang Qi.

"Go ahead."

Yang Qi nodded to Lu Yao.

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