The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 1077: Hundreds of strange animals

After seeing the big brother agreed.

Lu Yao shot a few first-order strange beasts not far away.

Seeing that the humans dared to rush towards them, these first-order strange beasts naturally rushed over unwillingly.

However, how could these first-order strange beasts be Lu Yao's opponents?

It didn't take long for Lu Yao to successfully kill these first-order strange beasts.

After several Tier 1 monsters were beheaded, there were 5 more points on the integral stone again.

Yang Qi thought it was meaningless.

But this time the Kitahara Trial Tower still wants to win the first place.

After finishing first, he will be able to go to the highest level of the Lingji Pavilion to select the Lingji.

Time came to the fourth day.

Yang Qi and Lu Yao already had 2578 points on their integral stones.

This number of points is too scary.

Lu Yao looked at the points on the points stone, she was already dumbfounded.

She would never have thought that the Beiyuan Trial she participated in could actually get so many points.

Could this be true?

Lu Yao even rubbed her eyes. She felt that she might have seen it wrong, but no matter how she rubbed her eyes, the result was the same.

"Big brother, we have stabilized this time in Beiyuan trial."

Lu Yao said to Yang Qi in surprise.


Lu Yao just finished speaking.

She found a broken house not far from them.

She naturally did not expect to see the house in Beiyuan.

"Master, let's go and take a look."

Lu Yao said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi nodded, of course he did not expect to see the house in Beiyuan.

Immediately, the two walked slowly towards the broken house not far away.

After arriving at the broken house...

Yang Qi and Lu Yao found that there was no one inside, and the house was dirty.

"Master, why don't we rest here tonight?"

Lu Yao looked at Yang Qi tentatively.


Yang Qi said to Lu Yao.

In his opinion, wherever you rest is the same.

Lu Yao heard Yang Qi's words, her face was a little happy.

At this moment, it was getting late.

Tomorrow is the last day of Yuanzong Beiyuan's trial.

As long as they spend the last day safely, they should be the first in Beiyuan's trial.

The night is starry.

"Master, what is your background?"

Suddenly, Lu Yao asked Yang Qi.

"I have no background."

Yang Qi shook his head at Lu Yao.

Lu Yao was startled.

"Big brother, with your amazing talent, shouldn't you have an extremely strong background?"

At least it seemed to Lu Yao.


Yang Qi said to Lu Yao.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar resounded in Yang Qi and Lu Yao's ears.

Of course Yang Qi and Lu Yao knew that this was the roar of a strange animal.

I saw that hundreds of strange beasts appeared in front of Yang Qi and Lu Yao.

They surrounded the two.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Yao's pretty face showed a touch of horror.

She hadn't thought of so many strange beasts.

And Yang Qi also pulled out the Thousand Blades of Magic Knife from the scabbard in the back.

In his opinion, hundreds of strange beasts, but so!

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, hundreds of strange beasts rushed towards Yang Qi and Lu Yao.

Both Yang Qi and Lu Yao are martial artists, and their eyesight is excellent even at night.

Afterwards, they began to fight against hundreds of strange beasts.

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