"The Canglong Temple didn't do anything to me, so I came back."

Yang Qi said to everyone in the hall.

"Really, that's great."

Yuan Zong's lord Yuan Zhan was extremely pleased.

He originally thought that Yang Qi might never come back when he went to the Canglong Temple this time, but now it seemed that he was worrying too much.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning a random lottery."

Suddenly, the voice of the system appeared in Yang Qi's mind.

Yang Qi was startled.

He wondered whether he would be lucky if he survived a catastrophe, but he didn't expect to get another chance to draw a lottery.

"Sect Master, I'm going out first."

Yang Qi said to the sovereign Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan nodded after hearing this.

Immediately, Yang Qi left the hall, and he returned to the Eighth Peak.

Lu Yao was depressed on the Eighth Peak Square.

"Why are you so unhappy?"

Suddenly, Yang Qi's voice reached Lu Yao's ears.

Lu Yao was shocked!

She just felt that she must have heard it wrong.

But after she followed the voice and looked at it, she found that she had not made a mistake.

Really big brother!

"Master, you, you are back."

Lu Yao's pretty face was extremely happy.

After Yang Qi left Yuanzong.

She felt very regretful in her heart.

She didn't understand why she didn't stop the big brother at that time.

Lu Yao also knew that after the big brother went to the Canglong Palace, he would be more and more miserable.

At the same time, she also knew that if she wanted to go to Canglong Temple to save the big brother, it would be a joke.

So, she did not go!

She knew that if the big brother died, she would definitely avenge the big brother. This was her goal in this life.

But now...

Big brother unexpectedly returned.

And he came back without incident, of course Lu Yao was happy.

Yang Qi smiled, "It looks like you haven't slept for several days, go to bed."

"Good brother."

Lu Yao nodded to Yang Qi.

She hadn't slept for several days, and now the senior brother came back without incident, and the heart in her throat finally fell.

After speaking, Lu Yao returned to his room.

After seeing Lu Yao's departure, Yang Qi began to use the random lottery chance he won.

The virtual pointer began to spin in the roulette in his mind.

It didn't take long before the virtual pointer stopped.

"Get the Sky Shadow Sword Drawing Technique."

Sky shadow draw sword tactics: 100 billion times increase in draw sword.

"Ding! Does the host practice the Sky Shadow Sword Drawing Technique?"


Without any hesitation, Yang Qi nodded.

It didn't take long for Tianying to practice his sword drawing technique successfully.

There was a wonderful color on his face.

He thought that after having the Heavenly Shadow Drawing Sword Art, his realm would be able to improve faster.

He doesn't need to draw a sword in reality now, but draw a sword in his mind.

Time is fast, a month later.

After only a month passed after the Sky Shadow Sword Drawing Art, Yang Qi was already at the Great Perfection of the Soul Realm.

After the spirit state, it is the earth king state.

And the Lord of the Canglong Temple is a martial artist of the Heavenly King Realm Great Perfection.

Yang Qi thought that he didn't have any powerful spiritual skills yet.

He walked to the Eighth Peak Spirit Skill Pavilion, ready to find a good Spirit Skill.

It didn't take long for him to see an original skill named Tu Long Tian Mo Zhan.


It's just a handicap.

But what he didn't expect was that the residual skills were all heavenly ranks.

The full version mustn't be Super Sky!

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