Yang Qi took down the Dragon Slaying Heaven Demon Slash.

But what he didn't expect was that the voice of the system appeared in his mind as soon as he took off the Dragon Slaying Heaven Demon Slayer.

"Get the coordinates of the Dragon Slaying Heaven Demon Slashing Skill."

As the system's voice fell, Yang Qi's mind already had the position of Dragon Slaying Heaven Demon Slashing coordinates.

The coordinate position of the Dragon Slaying Heavenly Devil Slashing Technique was not close to him now.

He is naturally going to find!

He left the Lingji Pavilion.

"Big brother, are you choosing spiritual skills?"

Lu Yao on the square said to Yang Qi.


Yang Qi nodded to Lu Yao.

"By the way, I may have to leave for a while."

Yang Qi said.

Lu Yao was startled when he heard the words, "Big brother, where are you going?"

"Just leave it alone."

After speaking, Yang Qi left.

After leaving Yuanzong, Yang Qi moved towards the coordinates in his mind.



Yang Qi went to a village called Kimura.

When the people in the village saw the stranger coming, their faces were all wary.

"who are you?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked up to Yang Qi and spoke coldly to Yang Qi.

"Oh, my name is Yang Qi."

Yang Qi said his name truthfully, just because he felt there was nothing to hide.

"Yang Qi?"

The villagers naturally did not know Yang Qi.

"What are you doing in our village?"

The middle-aged man asked Yang Qi again.

"I'm here to find something."

"Looking for something?"

The faces of all the villagers were puzzled.

They didn't understand what Yang Qi could find in their village.

"You, are you a warrior?"

An old man looked at Yang Qi.

He thought of Yang Qi's extraordinary temperament, with a sword behind him, and he looked like a powerful warrior.


Yang Qi nodded to the old man who was talking.

"Master Martial artist, what are you looking for when you come to our village?"

When Yang Qi came to the village, the coordinates in his mind had disappeared, and he didn't know where the remaining residual skills of Slaying the Dragon and the Devil were.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man ran over. The middle-aged man's face was already terrified, as if he had encountered something impossible.

"what happened?"

The villagers quickly looked at the middle-aged man.

"Weird animals, more than a dozen weird animals rushed towards our village!"


When all the villagers heard such words, their faces couldn't help but amazed.

"How come the alien beasts come to us?!"

"what should I do now?"


The villagers returned home and took their weapons!

They are waiting for the arrival of the alien beast at the entrance of the village!

Naturally, Yang Qi didn't expect to meet strange beasts in these places.

It didn't take long before they saw a dozen strange beasts rushing towards the village!

"Everyone is ready to fight these strange beasts!"

Mr. Kimura said to the villagers.

I saw a dozen strange beasts, already in front of these villagers.

"Haha, I don't think there are so many humans here!"

A Tier 2 strange beast sneered at the villagers.

"You beasts!"

Mayor Kimura stared at a dozen strange animals in front of him and said coldly.

"Humans come here, let us eat you!"

This second-level strange beast spoke again.

The villagers in Kimura became very angry when they heard the words, their hands tightly gripped their weapons, ready to fight these strange beasts at any time.

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