The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 832: Break your arm, you can be convinced

I saw that Yang Qi faintly looked at Lin Chuan in front of him, and slowly spoke:

"You have always said a lot?"

"That's what I say, what can you do to me!"

Lin Chuan looked at Yang Qi tightly.

He thought that although he might not be Yang Qi's opponent, this is Nanyun City after all, it is the dragon who is holding it, and the tiger is lying!

Qianglong is still a snake, he does not believe that Yang Qi dares to mess around.

"Then I will give you one second to disappear in front of me," Yang Qi looked at Lin Chuan, "Otherwise, you should know the consequences."

"Hehe, I just..."

Before Lin Chuan finished speaking, he flew out upside down.

what! ! !

Everyone in the Luo Family Hall was exclaimed.

They rubbed their eyes quickly, just because they thought they must have made a mistake.

They didn't even see how Yang Qi made the move, but Lin Chuan did fly out.

Lin Chuan slammed heavily into the Luo family compound.

The Luo family's children in the compound were all stunned.

They naturally knew Lin Chuan, but they never thought that Lin Chuan would fly out of the hall.

"That is……?"

One of the Luo family's children looked at Yang Qi.

The Zhongluo's children also looked over.

They were all stunned.

I didn't see Yang Qi entering the hall before. How did he get out of the hall?

Under the horrified gazes of the Luo family's children, Yang Qi walked to Lin Chuan.

Behind Yang Qi, Luo Hongyun, Luo Zhan and the elders all followed.

Seeing the Patriarchs also came out, the expression on their faces seemed to be shocked, and the Luo family's children became even more puzzled.

"Let you fly upside down, are you convinced?"

Yang Qi faintly looked at Lin Chuan who was lying on the ground. At this moment, Lin Chuan was already embarrassed, not to mention embarrassed.

"Yang Qi,!"

Lin Chuan was naturally not convinced, he wanted to say something cruel to Yang Qi.

However, before he could finish his words, a scream like a pig killing clearly fell into the ears of everyone in the compound.

The Luo family's children looked at the scene before them, and couldn't help but gasp, and they were dumbfounded.

Just because Lin Chuan's right arm had been broken.

Everyone in the Luo family compound was thunderous, and their faces became as horrified as they were.

They all looked at Yang Qi in shock.

They didn't even see how Yang Qi did it, but...

Lin Chuan's right arm has been separated from his body!

Some of the timid Luo family children, their faces were extremely pale, and they were even limp on the ground.

They found that Yang Qi's face was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Break your arm, can you be convinced?"

Yang Qi slowly said to Lin Chuan who was screaming.

Lin Chuan heard this, and a chill rushed from his tail vertebra to the Tianling Gai, and the cold sweat had already wetted his whole body.

He knew that if he was still not convinced, then what awaited him would be a more terrifying punishment.

"Convinced, convinced!"

Lin Chuan endured the pain and exhaled loudly.

"Since you are convinced, take your hand and get out."

Yang Qi spoke slowly.

Where did Lin Chuan dare to stay for a while, quickly took his severed hand and ran out of Luo's house at an unprecedented speed.

Only the Luo family members in the compound remained frozen in place with a look of surprise.

"You...who are you?!"

Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, almost cried.

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