The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 833: The Lin family and the old man of the devil are here

Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, finished thinking about it.

Yang Qi took off Lin Chuan's arm, representing the immortal situation of the Lin Family and Luo Family.

Lin Chuan's master is also a prestigious old man.

The powerhouse of the Divine Sword Sect did not come again.


Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, felt that Yang Qi was quite strong.

When Linchuan broke his arm, he hardly saw how Yang Qi made the move.

But no matter how strong he was, he didn't believe that Yang Qi would be the opponent of the old man of the devil.

"Patriarch, what should I do now?"

The Luo family elder looked at Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family.

Luo Zhan sighed heavily, "This is the end of the matter, and we can only take one step and see one step."

"What is the realm of the old man of the devil?"

Yang Qi looked at Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family.

"Level 91 Spirit Emperor."

Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, sighed again.

Listening to the words of the Luo Family Patriarch, Yang Qi was relieved.

Although he is also a 91st-level spirit emperor, the old man of the sky demon will definitely not be his opponent.

When Luo Zhan, the Patriarch of the Luo family, spoke of the realm of the old man, he looked at Yang Qi's face because he wanted to know what Yang Qi's facial expression would look like.

But what made Luo Zhan Patriarch of the Luo family never expected was that Yang Qi's face didn't fluctuate, as if he hadn't heard anything.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, isn't it just a small 91-level spirit emperor, what are you afraid of?"

Yang Qi scanned the people in the compound slowly.


After hearing this, everyone in the Luo family compound couldn't help gasping again.

They would never think that Yang Qi dared to say such a thing.

A small 91-level spirit emperor?

Is a terrifying spirit emperor so unbearable in front of this person?

Do you pretend to be calm, or do you have such strength?

Everyone present would rather believe the former.

After all, Yang Qi looked too young.

"Go to the hall. If the Lin family comes, or some old man of the devil comes, then they go directly to the hall to find me."

After leaving this sentence, Yang Qi walked towards the hall slowly.

Luo Zhan, the Patriarch of the Luo family, glanced at each other with the elders, and then walked in.

Luo Hongyun naturally followed.

After the group arrived at the main hall, Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, asked Yang Qi:

"Can you defeat the old man of the devil?"


Yang Qi said lightly.

maybe? !

What is this answer?

Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, and the elders were shocked.

They wondered if it was possible, then why did Yang Qi say that the old man of the sky demon was just a small 91-level spirit emperor?

Could it be... Is it really impossible to be calm by force?

Suddenly, a look of despair appeared on the faces of Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, and the elders.

Time passed by every minute.


Suddenly, a Luo family kid ran in in horror.

"what happened?"

Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, asked quickly.

"The Lin family and the old man of the devil are here!"

This Luo family's child had already scared his three souls to roll on the ground, and his seven souls were flying all over the sky.

What...what? !

When Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, and the elders heard this, their whole body seemed to be drained by something, and they retreated feebly.

When Yang Qi saw this, he smiled secretly. He had told them not to be afraid, but if they had to be afraid, he would have nothing to do.

Immediately, Yang Qi got up from the seat and walked slowly out of the hall.

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