Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, and the elders looked at Yang Qi's back.

They sighed secretly, the matter is over, they can only follow.

It didn't take long before they saw everyone in the Lin family and the old man of the demon.

The Lin Family Patriarch and all the elders are here, and their faces are extremely cold at this moment.

"Ha ha."

Just listen, Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, sneered at Luo Zhan.

"You Luo family are so cruel, you actually broke my arm!"

"No, it's not..."

Before Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, had finished speaking, Yang Qi interrupted him.

"I did it."

Yang Qi watched Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, spoke slowly.

Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"It's you?!"

The elders of the Lin family were also stunned, just because they never thought that Yang Qi would do it anyway.

After a few seconds, Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, looked extremely cold.

"Since it's you, then you should die too!"

The sound falls.

Patriarch Lin raised his fist and slammed his fist in Yang Qi's direction.

The terrifying fist fist flew in.

Yang Qi's face was calm, and after he had the Dragon Elephant Diamond Body with a super-sky defense technique, such an attack seemed to him too pediatric.

He didn't make any appearance that he wanted to resist.

In the eyes of everyone in the Lin family, Yang Qi would soon fall.

But the next ending was quite different from what they thought.


The terrorist fist hit Yang Qi's body hard.

When everyone thought that Yang Qi was going to fall, he was still in place like a bell, as if nothing had happened.

how is this possible! ! !

Everyone present was stunned.

Their eyes opened wide, you must know that the Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun is an 89-level Great Spiritual Saint.

His blow didn't cause any harm to Yang Qi?

Isn't this a dream?

All the people present were dumbfounded like five thunders.

"You, you... how can your defense be so terrible!"

Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, was dumbfounded.

"Is there anything surprising about this?" Yang Qi looked at Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, "In fact, you don't have to believe your eyes, because sometimes your eyes will deceive you."

The voice fell.

Yang Qi urged the sky-level high-speed spiritual skills to run thunder and magic shadow step.

In an instant, the Demon Shadow outside Luo's house became heavy.

Regardless of the difference between level 89 and level 91, there is only two levels, but the gap is too big.

How could Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun capture Yang Qi's speed, but Yang Qi was in front of Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun in an instant.


what! ! !

Just hearing a scream, Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, flew out.

When Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, fell heavily on the ground, everyone present still did not react.

"Any ant."

Yang Qi shook his head at the fallen Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun.

After these words, everyone present reacted. They couldn't help but gasp, and their eyes opened for the biggest time in history, as if they had seen something that would never be possible.

Quiet, silent, needle drop can be heard.

"Ha ha."

Suddenly, an extremely cold voice came into the ears of everyone present.

Just listening to this kind of sound makes the scalp numb.

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