The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 835: Battle against the old man

The cold laughter was not from someone else, it was the old man of the demon.

Tianmo old man, 91-level spirit emperor.

He looked withered, his face was full of gloom, and looked terrifying.

"Unexpectedly, a junior is so powerful."

The Tianmo old man naturally did not expect Yang Qi to be so terrible before.

"Presumably you are the old demon old man."


The old man of the Tianmo nodded, still with a terrifying cold smile on his old face.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Yang Qi looked at the old man of Heavenly Demon indifferently.

The old man of the devil sneered coldly, "You broke my disciple arm, why did you say I came here?"

In the eyes of the old man, Yang Qi was a little too funny to ask this question.

"You are here to avenge your apprentice."

"It seems that you are not too dumb."

"But..." Yang Qi pondered for a few seconds, "You are just a poor ant in front of me. If you can avenge your apprentice?"

what! ! !

When everyone present heard this, they couldn't help exclaiming.

The old man of the devil is just an ant in front of this person?

How dare you say this sentence?

All the people present looked at each other.

Luo Zhan, the Patriarch of the Luo family, was naturally worried, just because he knew that Lin Chuan was severed by Yang Qi, and his Luo family could not get out of this matter.

"Ha ha."

The old man of the devil smiled instead of anger, he looked at Yang Qi with a sneer.

"Junior, it looks like you are confident of your own strength?"

"Normally, not too confident."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the old man of the demon.

Hearing this, the Tianmo old man couldn't help getting very angry.

"Junior, this old man will kill you!"

The sound falls.

A terrifying magical energy surged toward Yang Qifei.

Seeing the devilish energy coming, Yang Qi shook his head secretly. He wondered why the devil old man didn't understand?

Just as the terrifying devilish energy immediately hit Yang Qi's body, a terrifying blade light appeared.

The devilish energy instantly dissipated without a trace.

what happened? !

The old man of Tianmo was shocked, he had not had time to react.

Even the old man of the demon didn't have time to react, let alone others.

When everyone reacted, they saw the contract weapon in Yang Qi's hand.

"This...A high-ranking contract weapon?!"

Everyone present was shocked.

They never thought that Yang Qi would have a high-level contract weapon.

"Junior, it looks like you hide deep enough!"

The old man of the devil stared at Yang Qi fiercely.

A boring look appeared on Yang Qi's face, "Summon your contract weapons and weapon spirits, my time is precious."

Hearing this, the Tianmo old man couldn't help getting very angry.

"as you wish!"

The sound falls.

The old man of the demon summoned his contract weapon and spirit.

His contract weapon is the mid-level contract weapon Demon King's Whip.

Qi Ling: earth, earth, earth, earth, earth, sky, sky, sky, sky, sky, sky.

Seeing that the old man of the sky demon summoned contract weapons and weapon spirits, everyone present was terrified.

They knew that the old man of the devil was about to come true.

However, Yang Qi's face still didn't have any fluctuations.

This is something that puzzles everyone present, isn't Yang Qi afraid?

If they were facing the old man of the heavenly devil, they would have been so scared.

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