The villagers would never expect that Yang Qi would say such a thing.

"what did you say?!"

The middle-aged man looked at Yang Qi in amazement.

"Cut me three times, is there anything else you don't understand?"

Yang Qi said slowly.

The villagers only thought that they must have heard it wrong, but this time they heard it clearly.

How dare Yang Qi say such a thing?

Is it playing them?

"it is good!"

The middle-aged man yelled, then took out a machete.

The machete is very sharp.

The faces of all the villagers were a little surprised.

They naturally knew where three knives were needed, and with just one knife, Yang Qi's life would disappear from this world forever.

"This is the three swords you said!"

The middle-aged man stared at Yang Qi coldly.

"Hurry up, stop talking nonsense."

Yang Qi showed a very patient look on his face.

"go to hell!"

The sound falls.

This middle-aged man was holding a mountain knife and slashed towards Yang Qi's neck with a sharp knife.

All the villagers present knew that Yang Qi's head would fall to the ground.

Some timid villagers have closed their eyes, and needless to say they know what the next scene will be.


What the villagers present would not even think about breaking their heads was that the mountain chopper made the sound of steel collision with Yang Qi.

how is this possible? !

All the villagers gasped, and they were dumbfounded.


The middle-aged man with a machete looked at the machete in his hand, only to find that a large piece of the machete was gone.

Oh my God! ! !

The villagers naturally saw the machete in the hands of the middle-aged man.

They didn't expect that the machete not only made the sound of steel colliding with Yang Qi's neck, but it was also missing?

Is this man's neck made of steel?

"Two more dollars."

When the villagers were shocked, Yang Qi spoke.

How dare this middle-aged man continue to cut Yang Qi the remaining two knives?

Although he is stupid, he is not a complete idiot, he can also imagine with his toes, this person must be a strong warrior.

If it's just an ordinary person, then he is dead.

"Senior, just now I had no eyes, and please let your lord spare me this time."

The middle-aged man quickly threw the machete in his hand and knelt in front of Yang Qi.

The villagers also knew that Yang Qi would not be a member of Erlong Mountain, because only the leader of Erlong Mountain was the spiritual master.

Moreover, Yang Qi's defense is so terrifying, if he is not a powerful magician, they would not believe it.

"Senior, I'm really sorry for what happened just now, please help my granddaughter."

The old man looked at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi smiled lightly.

"Just now when I said I helped you, you didn't believe it, and now you are asking me to help you. Why is this?"

Hearing this, the old man quickly knocked his head at Yang Qi.

"Nothing to kowtow."

After speaking, Yang Qi looked outside the village, as if...some uninvited guests.

I saw a dozen men rushing towards the village on tall horses.

The villagers naturally heard this movement, and they quickly followed the voice and looked over.

At this look, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Just because they know that these people are from Erlong Mountain.

They quickly stood up from the ground.

Before long, more than a dozen men riding tall horses entered the village.

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