The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 861: Chief of Erlong Mountain

After arriving in the village, more than a dozen men arrogantly!

"Old Tao Tou, we are here to tell you that in three days our leader will come to marry your granddaughter."

A man spoke coldly to the old man.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The old man nodded quickly, obviously very afraid of the people of Erlongshan.

After speaking, the dozen men left.

Seeing a dozen men leave, the villagers let out a sigh of relief.

How could they be the opponents of Erlong Mountain? The people on Erlong Mountain are all killers.


The old man looked at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi's face naturally didn't have any fluctuations, "It's okay, isn't it the Erlong Mountain?"

Upon hearing this, the old man and the villagers knew that Yang Qi was going to continue to help them.

Time is fast.

In a blink of an eye, three days are almost here.

At this moment, all the villagers are waiting for the arrival of Erlong Mountain at the entrance of the village.

Not long after, the sound of gongs and drums rang.

All the villagers were shocked, and they could even think of it with their heads. This is the arrival of the people from Erlong Mountain.

I saw a tall and mighty man riding a tall horse with a red hydrangea hanging from its head, followed by a sedan chair carried by eight people, followed by a hundred and eighty people.

When all the villagers saw this, their faces were all shocked.

The old man glanced at Yang Qi secretly and found that Yang Qi's face didn't look scared, as if he hadn't seen anything.

The mighty man riding a tall horse is naturally He Hu, the leader of Erlong Mountain!

The wedding party has already reached the entrance of the village.

"Old Tao Tou, where is your granddaughter?"

He Hu frowned when he realized that his wife was not there.


Just when the old man didn't know how to speak, Yang Qi opened his mouth. He spoke slowly to He Hu, the leader of Erlong Mountain:

"You are the leader of Erlongshan?"

"Not bad!"

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, smiled coldly at Yang Qi.

"Since you are the leader of Erlong Mountain, then you must commit suicide."

Yang Qi said.

what! ! !

Hearing this statement, everyone present was shocked.

They even wanted to break their heads and would never think that Yang Qi would say such words.

Let the leader of Erlongshan commit suicide?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it even if they were killed.

"Boy, what are you talking about?!"

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, naturally did not expect that he looked at Yang Qi with a cold expression.

"Let you commit suicide, is it possible that you are deaf?"

Yang Qi thought that He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, was only a level 31 spirit king, and in front of him he was a hundred times weaker than the ant.

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, would never have thought that he would encounter such arrogance in this village.

Could it be...

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility.

That is, Yang Qi was invited by the village to deal with them Erlongshan, otherwise how could he be so arrogant.

Thinking of this, He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, did not act rashly.

"You are not from the village?"

He Hu looked at Yang Qi coldly.

"Guess, will I tell you?"

Yang Qi looked ambiguous.

Seeing the expression on Yang Qi's face, He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, couldn't help but slammed into the fire and became extremely angry.

"Are you looking for death!"

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, roared at Yang Qi.

"court death?"

Yang Qi smiled.

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, was stunned. How could he think that Yang Qi could actually laugh.

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