The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 862: Kill everyone in Erlong Mountain

I saw that He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, looked at Yang Qi with great anger. He no longer knew how long he had not been so angry.

"Boy, do you know what your end will be?"

"I don't know what my end will be, but I know what your end will be."

Yang Qi said lightly to He Hu, the leader of Erlong Mountain.

He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, heard this, he could no longer bear Yang Qi's arrogance.

"Die to me!"

The sound falls.

The leader of Erlongshan raised his fist and fisted towards Yang Qi.

However, this kind of attack is too weak in Yang Qi's eyes.

what! ! !

Suddenly, what everyone did not expect was that He Hu, the leader of Erlong Mountain, screamed like a pig.


Everyone present watched this scene, and they were all panicked to the extreme.

Just because they discovered that the head of He Hu, the leader of Erlongshan, fell off.

how is this possible! ! !

Everyone in Erlongshan watched this scene, they were like five thunders.

I saw that Yang Qi faintly looked at the head of He Hu, the leader of Erlong Mountain on the ground, and slowly spoke:

"Let you commit suicide, why don't you listen?"

Everyone in Erlong Mountain recovered after hearing this, they looked at Yang Qi in shock.

The leader He Hu was a Level 31 Spirit King, but he was beheaded so easily by this person.

So how scary is Yang Qi?

I'm afraid I don't need to think about it.

"You, dare to kill our leader?!"

A man looked at Yang Qi in horror.

"By the way, your leader is dead, it's up to you now."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the man in front of him.

Hundreds of Erlongshan men heard that they were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and a chill had already rushed from their tail vertebrae to the Tianling Gai.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, we will fight him!"

When hundreds of men heard this, their faces became firm.

They thought that yes, they didn't believe that so many of them were not one person's opponent.

Afterwards, hundreds of Erlongshan men all took out their weapons and rushed towards Yang Qi.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Qi couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

He wondered why these people just don't understand?

Is it alive...

Is it really bad?

I saw that hundreds of Erlongshan men had already rushed in front of Yang Qi.

Yang Qi has already raised his fist.

After making a fist, he slammed it out.


After a punch, the terrifying fist swept out of Yang Qi's fist.

Hundreds of men watched such a terrifying fist strike, their faces were not only terrified, but also a deep despair.

They knew that under such a terrifying fist, they would never survive.


The terrifying fist struck the area where hundreds of men were located.

Hundreds of men will never have any chance of survival.

Oh my God!

The villagers were all dumbfounded when they saw such a scene.

Yang Qide is such a powerful magician who can strike such a terrifying punch.

In the eyes of the villagers, Yang Qi is really terrifying.

"Thank you senior."

After the old man turned around first, he knelt in front of Yang Qi. When the villagers saw this, they also knelt on the ground quickly.

"There is nothing ridiculous, get up."

Yang Qi said slowly to the old man.

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