"Senior, I really don't know how to thank you, if it weren't for you, my granddaughter..."

"I said, there is nothing to be thankful for."

Yang Qi interrupted the old man.

"I am leaving."

He went on to say.

The words came out.

The villagers were all startled, and they didn't expect to leave at this time.

"Senior, you... are you leaving?"

The old man looked at Yang Qi in amazement.


After speaking, Yang Qi walked out of the village without turning his head.

The villagers looked at each other. They knew that existences like Yang Qi didn't like others to talk too much, and they didn't leave Yang Qi.

Such a powerful existence does not belong to their village.



Yang Qi arrived at Gaofeng City.

Gaofengcheng is one of the big cities in the eastern part of Tianyu.

He came to Gaofeng City only to step on the spot, he had to go to other places, and would not stay too much.

"Have you heard that Miss Lei's family is throwing hydrangea in the center ring, let's go quickly."

"What? Do you want to be the son-in-law of the Lei family?"

"Of course, if I become the son-in-law of the Lei family, I'll be considered a prodigious in my life."

Several spirit masters not far from Yang Qi whispered.

Yang Qi was stunned when he heard the words.

He thought it was a bit interesting, throwing hydrangea?

Isn't this a plot that can only be seen in the Chinese costume TV series?


Go see it yourself?

After a few seconds of indulging, Yang Qi followed behind these spirit masters.

It didn't take long before he came to the center grand arena with these spiritual masters.

After arriving at the center arena, I found that there was already a crowd.

In the ring, there is a very beautiful girl.

The girl's age is similar to him.

Yang Qi secretly thought about being so beautiful, so why couldn't he think about it?

Isn't she afraid of throwing someone into a very ugly person?

Yang Qi shook his head secretly.

The people under the ring all showed extremely surprised expressions on their faces.

Just because if the hydrangea is thrown to them, then they can be said to be Guangzong Yaozu.

"Miss Lei, throw here! Throw here!"

Many people under the ring are already showing their respect to the girls on the ring.

Yang Qi was naturally watching.

The **** the ring is named Lei Yu, the eldest lady of the Lei family of Gaofengcheng, and also a genius of Gaofengcheng, a level 56 spiritist.

Lei Yu was looking for something. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she threw the hydrangea towards a place.

The hydrangea bears extremely terrifying spiritual power.

Some men who wanted to catch the hydrangea flew out one after another.

Hydrangea came towards Yang Qi.

Seeing the flying hydrangea, Yang Qi couldn't help but smile.

If he knew this was the case, he would not come here.


Want him Yang Qi to be Lei's son-in-law, is it possible?

Yang Qi thought that since he came to Gaofeng City, he would have fun.

Soon, he reached out and held the hydrangea firmly in his hand.

When everyone saw Yang Qi catching the hydrangea, they were all heartbroken.

Lei Yu was very satisfied.

She had looked at it carefully just now, and in terms of appearance, only Yang Qi among this group was worthy of her.

And Yang Qi caught the hydrangea with his bare hands.

You know, she has extremely terrifying spiritual power attached to the hydrangea.

Lei Yu thought that Yang Qi was also a powerful spiritualist.


She tossed the hydrangea just for fun.

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