The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 865: Give you a second to disappear


Everyone under the ring saw such a scene, and they were all in an uproar.

Their eyes opened for the biggest time ever!

Miss Lei's palm hit this person hard, but this person didn't turn back half a step?

Many people even rubbed their eyes quickly, just because they thought they must have made a mistake.

However, the result was to tell them that they were not mistaken.

"you you you……"

Lei Yu quickly backed up a few steps, her fair face no longer had the previous sarcasm, she looked at Yang Qi in horror.

"Is there anything surprising about this?"

Yang Qi looked at Lei Yu lightly.

Lei Yu looked at Yang Qi in shock.

"Your defense..."

Before Lei Yu had dreamed, he would never have thought that Yang Qi's defense was so terrifying.

This kind of defense is really too terrifying.

"Didn't I say that, there is nothing surprising."

Yang Qi looked at Lei Yu calmly.

"You... don't mess around, I'm Miss Lei's family."

Not only was Lei Yu not an idiot, but on the contrary, he was also very smart, knowing that Yang Qi was an extremely terrifying tool spiritist, and he would never be Yang Qi's opponent.

"What about Miss Lei's family?" Yang Qi looked at Lei Yu ambiguously, "Since you attacked me, then I will attack you."

Upon hearing this, Lei Yu paled with fright.


Suddenly, a cold shout came into everyone's ears.

A man of the same age as Yang Qi rushed into the ring.

The people under the ring looked at the men who rushed to the ring, they were all for a while.

"It's Gao Yun."

Gao Yun, the first genius of Gaofeng City, his family is also one of the most powerful families in Gaofeng City.

"Aren't you from our Gaofeng City?"

Gao Yun looked at Yang Qi with disdain.

"so what?"

Yang Qi smiled faintly.

"Haha." Gao Yun smiled coldly again, "If you are not from Gaofeng City, then what right do you have to dare to be so arrogant in front of Lei Yu!"

In Gao Yun's view, Yang Qi is a bit too funny.

Naturally, there was no fluctuation on Yang Qi's face, and he looked at Gao Yun indifferently.

"What about you? Why do you dare to be so arrogant in front of me?"

Yang Qi thought that Gao Yun was just a 66th-level spiritual venerable, and he was a little short of him.


Suddenly, Gao Yun burst out laughing.

Everyone under the ring was shocked. Of course they didn't expect Gao Yun to laugh out loud.

"Funny, do you know how ridiculous what you said?"

When everyone under the ring heard the words, they also thought what Yang Qi said was ridiculous.

This person...don't you know who he is facing?

"Well," Yang Qi looked at Gao Yun, "I will give you one second to disappear in front of me."


Everyone present was struck by lightning, and their pupils shrank rapidly.

How arrogant and dare to say such a thing.

Give Gao Yun a second to make Gao Yun disappear?

This this this...

Everyone under the ring only thought that they had met the most arrogant fanatic ever.

"Give me a second to disappear?" Gao Yun gritted his teeth and became extremely angry.

"It looks like," Yang Qi looked at Gao Yun faintly, "Are you unwilling to disappear?"

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