The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 866: Break your arm, you can be convinced

Seeing that Yang Qi was still arrogant, Gao Yun couldn't help but hit him!

"Boy, I think you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

Gao Yun stared at Yang Qi very angry.

Yang Qi couldn't help but shook his head secretly, wondering why Gao Yun didn't understand?

"Break your arm, can you be convinced?"


Before Gao Yun understood Yang Qi's meaning, he let out a scream like a pig.

Everyone under the ring heard Gao Yun's screams. Such screams really made their scalp numb!

This this this...

When everyone under the ring saw clearly, they all became dumbfounded.

Just because Gao Yun's right arm had been broken.

Everyone under the ring was shocked, they didn't even see how Yang Qi made the move.

But Gao Yun's right arm was broken?

Lei Yu, who was still on the ring, looked at such a scene, naturally he fell in shock.

At this moment, she even felt that Yang Qi was no longer a person, but a devil, a real devil!

A devil killed from Infernal Purgatory!


Suddenly, several men rushed into the ring.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Gao Yun endured the pain and shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, several men all attacked Yang Qi.

However, how could they possibly be Yang Qi's opponent?

Just as these men were about to arrive in front of Yang Qi, they all flew out of the ring.

Everyone under the ring still didn't see how Yang Qi made the move.

They all know that this person's strength is terrifying!

At this time, Yang Qi cast his gaze on Gao Yun again, and slowly spoke to Gao Yun:

"Break your arm, can you be convinced?"

Gao Yun has three souls but two souls, seven souls but six souls.

He had never seen such a terrifying magician like Yang Qi. He knew that Yang Qi really dared to kill him.

"Be convinced, convinced."

How dare Gao Yun not be convinced? He thought that if he was not convinced, then his life would disappear from this world forever.

"Since you are convinced, then you go away."

Yang Qi said slowly to Gao Yun.

Gao Yun heard the words, he resisted the pain, got up quickly from the ground, and then left the ring.

But everyone present knew that Gao Yun would definitely come back again.

In Gaofeng City, no one has ever dared to let Gao Yun suffer such a big collapse.

They knew that at that time, no matter how powerful Yang Qi was, the ending awaiting him was death.

The people under the ring did not leave, just because they knew that the matter between Yang Qi and Lei Yu had not been resolved.

I saw Yang Qi faintly looked at Lei Yu, and he slowly spoke to Lei Yu:

"Now, it's our business."

"You...what do you want?"

Lei Yu discovered that she didn't dare to look directly into Yang Qi's eyes. She felt that Yang Qi was the scariest person in the world, absolutely none.

Everyone under the ring swallowed and spit, and at the same time offended the two most powerful families in Gaofeng City. What are you going to do?

They thought that if they were to switch to them, they would have been scared.

Is this person who grew up eating bear heart and leopard?

"You are my wife now."

Yang Qi looked at Lei Yu ambiguously.

", I'm just playing around, don't take it seriously."

Lei Yu hurriedly waved his hand, where is the strength just now.

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