Seeing this, Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, suddenly became anxious.

"What can I do?"

"What else can I do, go in and find it."

The head of the Gao family, Gao Tian, ​​sneered at Lei Kun.

Lei Kun hurriedly headed towards Yanfeng Mountain upon hearing this.

Yang Qi looked at Lei Kun's back, and thought to himself that Lei Yu's Niczi was also quite interesting, so he should go and find it.

Immediately, he disappeared in place.

Just when City Lord Wu Xiong wanted to say something to Yang Qi, he discovered that Yang Qi was gone.


Yang Qi has already arrived on Yanfeng Mountain.

On Yanfeng Mountain, the atmosphere of darkness is full.

He knew that there were many demons and monsters on it.

However, he was naturally not afraid of the monsters and monsters on Yanfeng Mountain.

It didn't take long that God really fell in love with him.

More than a dozen monsters came into his eyes.

"Huh, human!"

The dozen monsters all sneered at Yang Qi.

"Have you seen a girl about my size?"

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the dozen monsters in front of him.

In his eyes, these dozen monsters were too weak and could be slain without any effort.

But Yang Qi's words shocked all these dozen monsters.

Of course they didn't expect that Yang Qi would be so bold and dare to ask them such questions.

"Human, shouldn't you worry about yourself now?"

A demon looked at Yang Qi coldly.

Yang Qi's face was calm as water, and he looked at the talking monster faintly.

"Is it?"

The sound falls.

This talking monster exploded and died!

how is this possible? !

The rest of the demons all turned pale in shock, they looked at the blood mist still remaining in the air.

They have not had time to see clearly...

They didn't even know how Yang Qi shot it.

The rest of the demons, they all fell in shock, knowing that Yang Qi is a powerful human spirit master.

"Now, you can tell me," Yang Qi looked at the remaining demons faintly, "Do I want to know?"

The remaining dozen monsters were so frightened that they shook their heads quickly.

"I didn't see it, we really didn't see it."

"Since you haven't seen it, it means you are useless, go to death."

Yang Qi said lightly.

After finishing talking, a dozen monsters, like the one just now, exploded and died instantly.

Yang Qi continued to look for Lei Yu's figure.

After a long time, he finally noticed some clues.

He found a cave not far from him, and there was also a hint of blood in the air.

Yang Qi knew that this was the smell of human blood.

Could it be...

He thought of a possibility that Lei Yu was injured and entered the cave.

Yang Qi walked to the cave.

He thought to himself that he hoped Lei Yu was inside.

Immediately, he walked into the cave.

The cave was not very deep, and it didn't take long before Yang Qi came to the end.

However, there was an extra jade shoulder in his eyes.

The jade shoulders were already full of blood.

Yang Qi knew that this was Lei Yu.

"who is it?"

Lei Yu quickly turned around.

But she had completely forgotten that most of the clothes on her upper body had taken off.

After a few seconds, she came back to her senses.

what! ! !

Lei Yu screamed.

Yang Qi shook his head, thinking about what scene he hadn't seen before, should he scream?

"You are hurt?"

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