Lei Yu quickly turned around and put on his clothes again.

The pale face was flushed.

She dare to swear that this is the blushest time she has been since she was born.

"You... why are you here?"

"Why can't I come?"

Yang Qi smiled lightly.

He knew that Lei Yu did not go to the City Lord's Mansion Hero Challenge, so he didn't know that he was the highest commander in the eastern part of the heaven.

"You are injured, let's go, I will take you out."

Yang Qi said slowly to Lei Yu.

Lei Yu got up from the ground with difficulty, "Go."

But Lei Yu fell to the ground just as he stepped forward.

She has no strength.

"I... I can't walk anymore."

A touch of embarrassment appeared on Lei Yu's pale face.

When Yang Qi saw this, he couldn't help but hesitated. He is the highest commander in the eastern part of the dignified heaven, but after all he has fallen to the back?

"Let me carry you."


Lei Yu shook his head quickly, a flush of blush on his pale face again.

"There is nothing to be shy of."

Yang Qi said slowly to Lei Yu.

Immediately, Yang Qi walked to Lei Yu's body and directly carried Lei Yu on his back despite Lei Yu's opposition.

"Do you know, in fact, it is the greatest honor of your life that you can let me carry my identity."

Lei Yu was startled when he heard the words.

Although she knew that Yang Qi was a terrifying tool spiritist, she did not know Yang Qi's identity.

However, it is not difficult for her to guess from Yang Qi's mouth that Yang Qi's identity is terrible.

"Yang Qi, what if you run into monsters and monsters behind your back?"

"Isn't it the monsters and monsters? There is nothing to be afraid of."

Yang Qi shook his head and said.

Facts have proved that women are not only accurate in their sixth sense, sometimes their crow's beak is also accurate.

Not long after they had just walked out of the cave, dozens of monsters appeared before their eyes.

Seeing this, Lei Yu's pale face became paler.

"Yang Qi, monster."

"What the monsters are afraid of, there is nothing fuss about."

Yang Qi said lightly.

Lei Yu was stunned when he heard the words.

Yes, Yang Qi is so scary, she doesn't need to worry.

"Humans, how dare you come to Yanfeng Mountain?"

A Tier 5 demon beast addressed Yang Qi coldly.

In the eyes of this Tier 5 monster, Yang Qi and Lei Yu had committed suicide when they came to Yanfeng Mountain.

"Because a dog barks."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to the Tier 5 monster not far away.

This Tier 5 monster was startled, of course it did not expect Yang Qi to say such a thing.

"Humans, what does your daring to come to Yanfeng Mountain have to do with a barking dog?"

Not only this Tier 5 monster, the other monsters are also puzzled!

At this moment, all the monsters looked at Yang Qi, and they were waiting for Yang Qi's answer.

Even Lei Yu on Yang Qi's back was stunned.

I saw that Yang Qi looked at the Tier 5 monster not far away indifferently, and slowly spoke:

"Then what does our visit to Yanfeng Mountain have to do with you?"

what? !

Upon hearing this, this Tier 5 monster couldn't help becoming extremely angry.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

Following the order of the fifth-order monster beast, dozens of monster beasts flew towards Yang Qi.

What a pity, what are these monsters in Yang Qi's eyes?

It's nothing more than seeking a dead end!

He raised his fist!


Suddenly, the terrifying fists flew toward the dozens of monsters that came!

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