The dozens of men were a little stunned when they heard Yang Qi's words. They thought that since they knew this was Bailuo Mountain, they would dare to be so arrogant?

"Boy, what's the matter with you here?"

The speaking man spoke coldly at Yang Qi again.

Naturally, there was no fluctuation on Yang Qi's face. He faintly looked at the talking man, and spoke slowly:

"If you release the girl you caught, it will be fine, otherwise your cottage will be gone."


As soon as Yang Qi said this, dozens of men surrounding Yang Qi gasped. They didn't even think that they would break their heads. Yang Qi actually said such words.

"Ha ha!"

Just listen, the talking man smiled coldly at Yang Qi, "Aren't you crying without seeing the coffin?"

"I won't cry when I see the coffin, because I will never need a coffin."

Yang Qi said frankly.

The speaking man's pupils shrank abruptly when he heard the words, he stared at Yang Qi with an extremely cold expression, and then shouted:

"kill him!"

The sound falls.

Dozens of men surrounding Yang Qi began to attack Yang Qi.

It's just that these people are too weak in Yang Qi's eyes, even too weak to know what words to use to describe them.


When dozens of men rushed towards Yang Qi, Yang Qi threw a punch.

With the blast of this punch, dozens of men all flew out and hit the ground heavily. There was no chance of survival.

This this this...

The speaking man who was still in the same place looked at such a scene and couldn't help but fell in shock.

His eyes have been opened for the biggest time ever.

"Are you scared?"

Yang Qi faintly looked at the talking man before him.

" wait, I'll call the leader."

After speaking, the talking man quickly rushed.

What a pity.

Jiang Xie didn't want this talking man to survive, so he punched out again.

With the blow of this punch, the life of the speaking man disappeared in this world forever.

The occurrence of such a movement in Bailuoshan Dazhai was naturally noticed by everyone.

Suddenly, thousands of people from Bailuoshan Dazhai came out, and they looked at Yang Qi tightly.

"Who ate the guts of the bear heart and leopard and dared to break into my Bailuo Mountain?!"

An extremely angry voice reached Yang Qi's ears.

I saw that a stalwart man came over in stride.

What Yang Qi didn't expect was that this man turned out to be a Level 45 Spirit Sovereign.

Obviously, the man is the leader of Bai Luoshan.

Leader Bai Luoshan walked in front of Yang Qi and stared at Yang Qi.

"Do you know what your fate will be after you break through Bailuo Mountain?"

"Not very clear."

Yang Qi spoke slowly to the leader of Bai Luoshan.

The leader of Bai Luoshan sneered upon hearing this, "Since you don't know what to say, then I will tell you, not only will you die, but you will die miserably."

Everyone in the square also sneered.

They knew that Yang Qi never had any chance of survival.


Yang Qi pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the leader of Bai Luoshan, "I don't know what death means."

Leader Bai Luoshan frowned upon hearing Yang Qi's words, "Boy, it seems that you are very confident in your strength."

In the eyes of the leader of Bai Luoshan, Yang Qi dared to say such words, it was nothing more than possessing good strength, otherwise he would never dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

"Normally, not too confident."

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