The leader of Bai Luoshan stared at Yang Qi fiercely when he heard this. He didn't expect Yang Qi to dare to say such a thing. It was really unbearable!

"Boy, do you really want to die so much?"

Listening to the words of the leader of Bailuoshan, Yang Qi shook his head secretly. He wondered why the leader of Bailuoshan didn't understand?

"Listen, I don't want to cause too many killings. Now that you release the girl you caught, this matter is over."

Yang Qi thought that if these evil organizations were destroyed, they would be destroyed.


But what Yang Qi didn't expect was that the leader of Bai Luoshan laughed aloud, as if he had never heard such a funny joke.

"Boy, don't you think what you said is a little too funny?"

In the eyes of the leader of Bai Luoshan, Yang Qi is the most ridiculous person in this world.

Thousands of people in the square couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that you don't want to let people go?"

"Of course not!"

Leader Bai Luoshan spoke coldly to Yang Qi.

"Then there's no way."

The sound falls.

Yang Qi's hand was already on the back handle.

Suddenly, he pulled out the Magic Sword Thousand Blades from the back scabbard!

The terrifying sword light, and the sound of the sword sounded into everyone's ears.

What...what? !

Everyone on the square looked at the magic knife Qianbian in Yang Qi's hand, and their faces were full of horror.

"Heaven...A high-ranking contract weapon?!"

Leader Bai Luoshan's pupils shrank even more rapidly, just because he would never have thought that Yang Qi would actually have a high-ranking contract weapon.

In his opinion, this is too incredible.

Just when the leader of Bailuoshan was extremely frightened, countless terrifying shadows suddenly appeared on the square, and Yang Qi had no idea when he disappeared.


Leader Bai Luoshan quickly searched for Yang Qi's figure, but where could he find Yang Qi?

He found that even if he blinded his eyes, he couldn't find where Yang Qi would be.

"Actually, I am right in front of you."

Suddenly, Yang Qi's voice reached the ears of Leader Bai Luoshan.

The leader of Bai Luoshan was shocked!

He found that Yang Qi had appeared in front of him for some time, and the magic knife Qianbian had already stabbed him.

"Do not……"

Before the leader of Bai Luoshan finished speaking, the magic knife Qianbian had already pierced into his body.

After Yang Qi drew out the magic knife Thousand Blades, the leader of Bai Luoshan fell heavily to the ground, and his life disappeared from the spirit continent forever.

"The leader... is dead?!"

After the leader of Mount Bailuo fell to the ground, thousands of people on the square reacted, and they fell in shock.

They didn't even see how Yang Qi made the move, and the leader died?

Of course they won't see it.

Yang Qi's speed is even invisible to many powerful magicians, let alone them.

"You," Suddenly, Yang Qi scanned the people in the square, "How do you want to die?"

Thousands of men in the square heard this, their whole bodies trembling uncontrollably.

Of course they don't want to die!

"Fight with him!"

Suddenly, a man shouted loudly.

The sound falls.

Hundreds of men rushed towards Yang Qi.

Yang Qi shook his head secretly, wondering why he had to resist meaninglessly?

Suddenly, he raised the Magic Sword Thousand Blades!

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