The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 980: Black Demon Mountain, Slaying Dragon and Slashing Sky Blade

Seeing so many demons pouring into Kunmo Cave, Yang Qi's face showed a dull look.

Why do these demons just don't understand?

He had just inserted the Magic Sword Thousand Blades into the scabbard in his back, and now he has to pull it out again, which is really troublesome.

The demons pouring into the Kunmo Cave were surprised to see that there were two humans in the Kunmo Cave!

"Humans, how can you..."

Before a seventh-order monster had finished speaking, it saw the corpse of the high-level monster in Kunmo Cave!

Seeing such a scene, this seventh-order monster couldn't help being terrified to the extreme.

"Humans, you..."

Before the seventh-order monster had finished speaking, it would never have a chance to continue.

Just because its head has been separated from its body.

The demons who poured into the Kunmo Cave saw that the heads of the seventh-order demons had fallen, and there was a sudden chaos.

Naturally, Yang Qi would not let these demons leave safely, he held a magic knife with Thousand Blades and started a crazy massacre.

It didn't take long.

These monsters were all beheaded by Yang Qi.

"Let's go, it's not interesting."

After Yang Qi inserted the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife into the scabbard in his back, he urged the Heaven-Rank High Speed ​​Spirit Skill to rush to the Shadow of Thunder.

When the southern commander Zhang Tianba saw this, he also disappeared.

Yang Qi and Southern Commander Zhang Tianba returned to the Commander's Mansion.

"Emperor Yang Qiling, thank you so much this time. Otherwise, I don't know what to do."

"There is nothing to be thankful for, but it's just a matter of effort."

Yang Qi spoke slowly.

The reason why Yang Qi came to the south was to replace the weapon spirit. He had found the Heavenly High-ranking weapon spirit Jiuyou Tiandao in the Yellow Fire Forest, and it was time to leave.

He checked the coordinates of the high-level artifacts in the universe in his mind.

It didn't take long for another high-ranking weapon spirit to come into his eyes.

"Sky-rank high-level weapon spirit, Slaying Dragon and Slashing Heaven Sword."

Dragon Slaying Sword?

This name is domineering!

Yang Qi thought about it.

The Dragon Slaying Blade is in Heiyun Mountain.

Heiyun Mountain is a place where monsters and monsters gather.

But such a monster, the gathering place of monsters is nothing to Yang Qi.

After he left the southern commander's mansion, he headed towards the Heiyun Mountain in the north.


There are still dozens of miles away from Heiyun Mountain.

Jiang Xie suddenly found a group of young girls, all of them wearing uniform clothes with the word "Sky" on them.


They are disciples of a sect.

"Have you heard that a strong man has appeared on the Artifact Continent recently."

"Are you talking about Emperor Yang Qiling? Of course I have heard."

"I also heard that Emperor Yang Qiling is only in his twenties."

A dozen teenagers and girls all talked.

Yang Qi was a little stunned.

Is his reputation so big that even people in the north know it?

Not to mention, this feeling is good.

Yang Qi smiled secretly.

"Huh? Someone ahead."

A dozen disciples of the Sky Star Sect all looked intently and found that there was a person not far from them.

And this person is not someone else, but Yang Qi.

The dozen or so disciples of the Sky Star Sect were all a little stunned, and it was obvious that none of them expected to meet anyone here.

You know, it's not far from the Black Devil Mountain, and no one dares to come here.

They looked up and down Yang Qi and found that Yang Qi was carrying a knife behind his back.

Could it be a powerful tool spiritist?

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