The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 981: Disciples of the Star Sect

More than a dozen young girls guessed that Yang Qi should be a powerful magician, otherwise they would never dare to come here.

Even if it is not a powerful magician, it should be better than them.

They walked towards Yang Qi.

"Senior, did you also go to the Black Devil Mountain to practice?"

A girl looked at Yang Qi curiously.


Yang Qi shook his head.

The girl saw that Yang Qi didn't want to talk to her, so she stopped asking.


Suddenly, a cold laughter appeared in everyone's ears.

Hundreds of demons appeared.

These demons surrounded a dozen disciples of the Sky Star Sect.

However, none of the dozens of Tian Xing Sect disciples showed any fright on their faces.

Just because in their eyes, the hundreds of monsters surrounding them are not only weak, but also pitifully weak.


Suddenly, more than a dozen disciples of the Tianxing Sect started.

Hundreds of monsters did not expect that these dozen humans would suddenly act, and they quickly resisted in shock.

What a pity.

These monsters are not the opponents of a dozen disciples of the Star Sect at all.

After dozens of seconds, hundreds of monsters fell to the ground.

The faces of the dozen or so disciples of the Sky Star Sect were filled with joy.

"These monsters don't know what to say, do they dare to attack us?"

"Yes, don't these monsters know the horror of our Tianxing Sect disciples? It's really ridiculous."

"Why didn't you make a move?"

A disciple of the Star Sect cast his eyes on Yang Qi.

Yang Qi did not speak.

A dozen disciples of the Sky Star Sect saw that Yang Qi didn't speak, they all understood.

Previously, they guessed that Yang Qi should be a powerful magician, otherwise they would never dare to appear in this place.

But now it seems that their guess is wrong.

After learning that Yang Qi was not a powerful spiritual master, the dozen or so disciples of the Sky Star Sect were a little disappointed. They did not pay attention to Yang Qi any more, but left here.

Yang Qi also followed them.

"Why have you been following us?"

Seeing that Yang Qi had been following them, the girl couldn't help but feel very puzzled.

"What else can I do? I just want to go to the periphery of the Black Magic Mountain to practice with us. Can he let go of such a golden opportunity?"

A teenager said sarcastically.

Yang Qi didn't want to care about these people at all, because the distance between them was one sky and one earth.

Among this group of people, the most powerful spirit master is no more than 62 spirits.

Seeing that Yang Qi still didn't speak, the dozen or so disciples of the Sky Star Sect found it very boring, and they continued to walk towards the Black Demon Mountain.

Black Magic Mountain.

A big mountain entwined with evil atmosphere.

More than a dozen disciples of the Sky Star Sect sneaked out to experience. They are also the first time to come to the Dark Mountain.

They looked at the Black Demon Mountain in front of them, and their faces couldn't help showing shock.

"Is this the Black Demon Mountain, it is really scary."

"Yeah, I feel unstoppable trembling just by looking at it."

"Think about it when we are going to the Black Devil Mountain, I feel exciting."

Without staying too much under the Black Demon Mountain, these dozens of Tianxing Sect disciples stepped onto the Black Demon Mountain.

Yang Qi's face was calm.

He also followed up.

They arrived outside the Dark Mountain.

"There should be no powerful monsters and monsters around the Black Demon Mountain. We can safely experience it."

Yang Qi ignored them and walked straight to the depths of the Black Demon Mountain.

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