The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 983: Children are children after all

"Kill you," Yang Qi looked directly at this eighth-order high-level monster, "always enough."

The eighth-level high-level monster was stunned.

It never expected that this human being would say so.

It originally thought that this human being asked if there was still a chance, because he wanted it to spare his life.

But now it seems...

This eighth-order high-level monster felt that he was still a bit naive.

"Human, I want to smash you into pieces!"

The eighth-order high-level monster felt that Yang Qi dared to play him, and couldn't help getting angry.

Afterwards, this eighth-tier high-level monster beast flew towards Jiang Xie.

Naturally, Yang Qi's face didn't have any fluctuations.

When this eighth-order high-level monster flew towards him, he had already raised a finger.

On the fingers, there were horrible spiritual power fluctuations.


Suddenly, the spiritual power fluctuations condensed on the fingers formed a terrifying shock wave.

The shock wave formed by the spiritual power flew towards the incoming eighth-order high-level monster beast.

This eighth-ranked senior had to watch such a scene diligently, and couldn't help but panic to the extreme.

"My life is over!"

After the eighth-order high-level monster beast yelled, the shock wave formed by spiritual power penetrated its body.

The huge body of this eighth-level senior monster beast hit the ground heavily, smashing the ground out of a big hole.

Yang Qi's face was extremely calm.

He looked at the heavenly high-level weapon spirit Tulong Slashing Heaven Sword on the stone wall.

He grabbed his right hand!

The Dragon Slaying Sword on the stone wall reached Yang Qi's hands.

"Ding! A high-ranking weapon spirit, Slaughter Dragon and Sky Slasher, is detected. Is the host fused?"


"The fusion begins."

"Successful integration."

As the voice of the system fell, the high-ranking weapon spirit Tulong Slashing Heaven Sword was successfully integrated.

Now there is only the low-level Heaven-rank weapon Lingwen Water Demon Halberd that has not been replaced. After the replacement, all his weapon spirits are high-level Heaven-rank weapon spirits.


Black Magic Mountain, periphery.

Jiang Ningxue and the disciples of the Sky Star Sect were practicing.

After the matter of the seventh-order monster just now, they became more cautious.

Originally, they had retired, but they felt that if they didn't increase their combat experience, they would always be flowers in the greenhouse.

"Emperor Yang Qiling is out!"

Suddenly, a disciple of the Star Sect screamed.

Jiang Ningxue and the disciples of the Sky Star Sect quickly looked over and found that Yang Qi had come out.

"Senior," Jiang Ningxue walked quickly to Yang Qi, her white face was a little bit hesitant and stopped, "Are you the legendary Emperor Yang Qi?"

Jiang Ningxue thought that although Yang Qi had shown extremely terrifying strength, it was not certain that he was the legendary Yang Qi Lingdi.

"do not know."

Yang Qi walked slowly towards the Black Demon Mountain.

Jiang Ningxue and the disciples of the Sky Star Sect looked at Yang Qi's figure, and they were all puzzled.

Whether he is the legendary Emperor Yang Qi Ling has become the biggest doubt among the disciples of the Sky Star Sect.

"How about... shall we follow him?"

A disciple of the Star Sect suddenly said.

"Follow him?"

Jiang Ningxue was a little startled, "This seems a bit bad, right?"

"What's wrong with this, you also want to know if he is the legendary Yang Qi Lingdi?"

Yang Qi's hearing is so terrifying, of course he has heard the conversations of these Star Sect disciples.

He secretly shook his head and smiled, thinking that the child is a child.

Only children can do such a thing.

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