The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 984: Star Sect is attacked by monsters and monsters

A dozen disciples of the Sky Star Sect reached a consensus, and they began to follow Yang Qi.

Yang Qi thinks I am going somewhere else now, follow me?

It's ridiculous.

But as soon as he and a dozen disciples of the Sky Star Sect came down to the Black Demon Mountain, an old man came into their sight.

"You really are here!"

Jiang Ningxue and a dozen of Tian Xing Sect disciples looked at the old man, with expressions of fear on their faces.

They sneaked out of the Heavenly Star Sect to experience it.

The old man is no one else, but the great elder of the sky star, the 87-level great spiritual saint.

"Grand Elder, we..."

"Don't talk about it, let's go quickly, when you left the Sky Star Sect, the monsters and monsters suddenly attacked the Sky Star Sect, and the Sky Star Sect was almost unable to resist."

"The Sect Master asked me to take you away. You are the geniuses of the Sky Star Sect. In the future, the Sky Star Sect will rely on you."

After speaking, the elder Tianxingzong sighed.

Jiang Ningxue and a dozen young girls were stunned.

They couldn't recover for a long time.

Monster, Monster Beast suddenly attacked the Star Sect?

Can't resist the Sky Star Sect?

Such news is like a bolt from the blue for them!

"Give me your hand."

Suddenly, Yang Qi cast his gaze on the elder of the Sky Star Sect.

The elder Tianxingzong was startled, "Are you...?"

"I'll say it again, give me your hand."

Yang Qi's face was as calm as water, and his tone was uneven.

"Why am I giving you my hand?"

"Go to the Sky Star Sect and destroy the monsters and monsters."

Yang Qi spoke slowly.


Before Elder Tianxingzong finished speaking, Yang Qi had already held his left hand.

Subsequently, the two disappeared in place.

Jiang Ningxue and the disciples of the Sky Star Sect only saw the afterimage in front of them.

"This is... what kind of speed?"

Jiang Ningxue stared blankly at the afterimages before her eyes.

"At this speed, is it possible that he is really not Emperor Yang Qiling?"

"I think it must be Emperor Yang Qiling."

"Yes, Emperor Yang Qiling's appearance in his twenties, and his various characteristics are in line with Emperor Yang Qiling."

Jiang Ningxue pondered for a few seconds, "Let's go to the Sky Star Sect!"

Yang Qi took the hand of the great elder of the Sky Star Sect and swiftly moved towards the Sky Star Sect.

He didn't know where the Sky Star Sect was, so he had to run for a while and then asked the elder of the Sky Star Sect.

The elder of the Star Sect was already scared silly.

At this speed, he hadn't even heard of it before, not to mention having seen it before.

However, in addition to being extremely frightened, the elder of the Sky Star Sect also had a deep surprise in his heart.

After all, a spiritualist who can possess such a terrifying speed must be an extremely powerful spiritualist.

If such an existence goes to the Sky Star Sect, maybe there will be a glimmer of life in the Sky Star Sect.

"Senior, the Sky Star Sect is not far ahead!"

Elder Tianxingzong said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi nodded.

He speeded up.

Finally, he and the elder of the Sky Star Sect arrived in front of the sect of the Sky Star Sect.

On the square, the disciples of the Sky Star Sect were fighting with the monsters, and the monsters were torn and killed. The scene was extremely tragic.

Yang Qi's hand was placed on the back handle of the knife.

He slowly pulled out the Thousand Blades of Magic Knife from the scabbard on his back!

Elder Tianxingzong looked at the contract weapon in Yang Qi's hand, and he found three red spirit rings on the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife, and he was stunned for a moment.

This is……

Is it a high-level contract weapon?

Suddenly, the elder Tianxingzong discovered that Yang Qi had disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, in the square, the swords were everywhere!

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