The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Nian Jincheng left Beijing (second update)

Zhou Yuan didn't expect to take the person back, but Yan Yu told him that no matter what Su Liang said, he would do it, so he agreed and promised to send the person safely. Read 520 official website

After Su Liang watched Zhou Yuan leave with Liu Xiaoyue, he returned home. Ning Jing had built his carpentry workshop and it looked stylish.

When Mrs. Liu came back, she was surprised to learn that Su Liang had arranged for Liu Xiaoyue to go find one of her friends, but said that it would be better. Go to a place where no one knows you and start over.

There was a knock on the door in the afternoon. Su Liang went over and saw an old woman with a sad face, carrying a basket, as if she had seen her somewhere.

As soon as he saw Su Liang, he knelt down and said, "I am Xiaoyue's mother. I am here to see my daughter. Please let me see her!"

Su Liang remembered.

That time when she went to Liu's house, this old woman was among the group of people, with a blank look on her face, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Su Liang closed the door expressionlessly, not even bothering to say a word. Perhaps Liu Xiaoyue's mother had no say in the family, but her biological daughter had been sold, more than once. If Su Liang came to find her again, it would be hard for Su Liang not to suspect that she was doing it for the sake of her sons, and was unwilling to break off the relationship with Liu Xiaoyue, hoping that in the future What more benefits can you get?

Bai Xiaohu saw an old woman sitting in front of Su Liang's house crying. He thought of Mrs. Niu who had been so troublesome before, and immediately ran home to report to his grandma.

When Mrs. Liu learned that she came out to see it, she was very angry! Su Liang didn't know, but she knew very well who Liu Xiaoyue's mother was. The son is a treasure and the daughter is a piece of grass. Liu Xiaoyue was bullied, but she never saw it. Once Liu Xiaoyue was beaten by her brother and she fought back. The old woman almost beat Liu Xiaoyue to death.

Mrs. Liu came over with a sullen face and pulled Liu Xiaoyue's mother up, "Auntie, go back, Xiaoyue is not here anymore!"

The old woman's cry suddenly stopped, "What? Dawei said this is the place!"

When Mrs. Liu turned around, she saw someone sneaking around not far away. Who could it be if it wasn't Liu Dawei?

Mrs. Liu wanted to say that Su Liang had sold Liu Xiaoyue to another place, but she felt that it would be bad for Su Liang's reputation if the news spread, so she said with a cold face, "Xiaoyue insists on becoming a nun. If Miss Su can't stop her, let her go." ”

The old woman cursed, "What's the use of giving birth to that dead girl! She climbed into a wealthy family and insisted on leaving, so she never thought of pulling her brother!"

"Didn't I give you five hundred taels?" Ms. Liu frowned.

The old woman cried even harder, "I don't know who the hell stole the money. Not a penny is gone! Dawei went to report it to the official, but no one cared about it!"

Ms. Liu didn't expect that so much money they had received would be stolen. Then she suspected that they had hidden the money on purpose and wanted more.

"Let's go quickly. Mr. Ning's status is extraordinary, and you can't afford to offend him. Xiaoyue is really not here anymore, and I don't know where she is! Don't come again!" Ms. Liu pushed the old woman and scolded Liu Dawei a few more times. , the mother and son left cursing.

Su Liang and Ning Jing returned to their busy and fulfilling lives.

After Liu Xiaoyue left, Ningjing changed the room and specially used it for Su Liang to practice medicine. Someone came to Su Liang for medical treatment before, and they were in and out of her room, which was very inconvenient.

The medicine cabinet was put in, tables and chairs were added, and all the tools from the medical clinic in town were purchased.

Su Liang's reputation has gradually spread. Everyone in Feiyan Town knows that there is a female doctor in Sujia Village. She is the adopted sister of Ning Gongzi, the head of the hospital's examination case. Many patients come from other places because of her reputation, and some even come from the county. Mrs. Miss.

Some diseases are inconvenient to see a male doctor, but female doctors are extremely rare.

On this day, he received three female patients from the county. Su Liang said, "In fact, it would be better to let Xiaoyue stay and be my apprentice."

Ning Jing, who was carefully making medicine, raised his head and said, "What is it about me, an apprentice, that dissatisfies you?"

Su Liang coughed lightly, "No. You learn quickly and do well."

Ever since Su Liang started practicing medicine in the village, Ning Jing helped her and learned medical skills from the outside. But because Su Liang didn't have time, she didn't teach Ning Jing specifically. Ning Jing only read the medical books she had read.

"How many days will it take for us to get from here to the provincial capital?" Su Liang asked.

"As fast as three to five days, as slowly as seven or eight days." Ning Jing said.

"Should we leave at the end of the month?" Su Liang asked.

The provincial examination in October is now the tenth day of September.

"Yes." Ning Jing nodded, "Go five days in advance."

"There's one month left. Go to the capital directly after the exam, or come back and go to the capital after the New Year?" Su Liang asked.

"Come back." Ning Jing said.

With this settled for the time being, Su Liang no longer paid attention to the progress of Mu Luo's iron ore smuggling case, thinking that it would not be that easy to find out.

After receiving Yan Yu's letter, Su Liang felt that her biggest difficulty was over, and thought of Yan Shiba again.

Although the fight between Yan Shiba and Yan Sui was her own choice, the matter had nothing to do with Su Liang and Ning Jing.

Ning Yao hired Yan Yunlou to kill Ning Jing. Yan Shiba killed Yan Feng by mistake for the first time. The mission failed, which also gave Yan Sui an excuse to attack Yan Shiba, leading to a break between the two.

And if Yan Shiba loses to Yan Sui, not only will she be in trouble, but Yan Sui will still continue her unfinished mission to kill Ning Jing.

Therefore, Su Liang hopes that Yan Shiba will get rid of Yan Sui and get Yan Yun Tower.

Late that night, Su Liang, who was sleeping, heard the sound of fighting in the courtyard and guessed that it might be Yan Sui.

If it is really Yan Sui, it means that Yan Shiba is probably dead.

Su Liang did not light the lamp, but stood in the window with a dagger in his hand, piercing the window paper to observe the situation outside. If Ning Jing's strength is not enough to cope with it, she will only cause trouble if she goes out rashly.

The moonlight is bright and silvery everywhere.

The two black shadows entangled and separated at an extremely fast speed. Su Liang recognized that one of them was Ning Jing, while the other's figure was obviously that of a man.

The fight lasted for an hour. Su Liang was so focused that his eyes began to hurt, and the speed of the two men also slowed down.

But she still couldn't see who had the upper hand, and it was difficult to tell the outcome.

Just when Su Liang rubbed his eyes and looked outside, Ning Jing's long sword had pierced the opponent's body!

" are...Gu..." The old voice was filled with shock, and he died before he finished speaking.

Su Liang thought to herself, Gu Ling, she had already guessed it. But they had never talked about it, and it wasn't important for the time being.

Ning Jing looked over, and Su Liang opened the door and ran out, "Is it Yan Sui?"

"Yeah." Ning Jing took off the mask on the corpse's head, revealing an old face. It didn't look evil, just ordinary.

Ning Jing took off the ink jade ring on Yan Sui's hand and handed it to Su Liang. It was the status symbol of the owner of Yanyun Tower.

"With this thing in hand, will anyone from Yanyun Tower come to snatch it?" Su Liang asked.

"Yes." Ning Jing nodded, "If it were me, I would grab my finger and claim that it was the title of the host that Yan Sui passed on before he died."

"Then what are you going to do for me?" Su Liang suddenly felt that the ring in his hand was a little hot.

"Yan Sui's last mission before disappearing is to kill me. No matter who holds the ring, they will come after me." Ning Jing said.

Su Liang looked at the corpse on the ground, raised his forehead and said, "You mean, we will never have a peaceful life from now on?"

"It's the same during the day, they come at night to practice with you." Ning Jing said.

Su Liang coughed lightly, "You have so much confidence in me?"

"You can't die while I'm here." After saying this, Ning Jing dragged Yan Sui's body towards the backyard.

Su Liang put the black jade ring on her thumb and sighed quietly, "These days, I am getting more and more hopeful."

Late at night three days later, Su Liang waited for the first wave of killers to come looking for him.

The other party knew that Yan Sui had been killed, and there were experts here, so of course it was impossible for him to come alone to die, so four of them came at once.

Su Liang heard Ning Jing's warning and was ready for battle. When he went out and saw four menacing killers in the yard, he was immediately confused. This was not part of the plan. It would be difficult for her to deal with even one...

Just when Su Liang thought she had to join forces with Ning Jing to kill the enemy, Ning Jing grabbed her wrist and led her quickly to the backyard, jumped over the wall and rushed towards the back mountain.

Su Liang looked back at the killer who was chasing him. Although he didn't expect Ning Jing to choose to run away, in this case, everything was up to him.

The last time Su Liang went up to the mountain, he went hunting wild boars with Ning Jing and the Bai brothers.

As they walked, Ning Jing suddenly let go of Su Liang and pointed at the tree next to her.

Su Liang understood and quickly climbed up, hiding himself and concentrating with bated breath.

Ningjing was also hiding nearby.

The four killers stopped under the tree. There was a fork in the road ahead, and it was impossible to tell which way Su Liang and Ning Jing were going.

They quickly decided to divide their troops into two groups, chasing each other in different directions. Once they found out, they would send a message to each other.

The killer left. Su Liang looked at where Ning Jing was hiding. A black shadow flashed past and he was gone.

Su Liang stayed where he was and waited.

About half an hour later, Su Liang heard the noise and his expression became condensed!

She recognized Ning Jing and was running this way. There was someone chasing her, only one.

Su Liang clenched the sword in his hand, and after Ning Jing ran under the tree, he jumped down and stopped the killer.

The killer saw the black jade finger ring that Su Liang deliberately put on his finger. His eyes shrank, but instead of kneeling down to call the host, he swung his knife to kill!

Su Liang has been specially trained by Ning Jing on how to deal with enemies who use swords, so he has no fear.

But in terms of martial arts and experience, she still lacks a lot compared to the killer.

Knowing that Ningjing was watching her, Su Liang was not afraid at all and became more courageous as she fought.

"Yan Shiba?" Su Liang suddenly looked behind the killer and called out.

The killer's steps were confused for a moment, and Su Liang took the opportunity to stab his arm!

The situation turned around. Although Su Liang fought hard, he was only slightly injured in the end and successfully killed the enemy.

After his strength was exhausted, he stood still against the tree.

Ningjing walked out of the shadows, "There are two more."

Su Liang was stunned, "Didn't you kill three and leave one for me?"

"I'll just kill one." Ning Jing said, raising his sword, "Here we come. I'll give you half a quarter of an hour to rest."

Yan Luo met the two killers who rushed back after receiving the news.

Su Liang hid quickly and took advantage of the rest to observe the moves of the two killers.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Su Liang rushed out and reached Ning Jing's side, becoming two against two.

When the two killers discovered that Ning Jing was actually taking the opportunity to teach Su Liang's martial arts, they were furious and their offensive became even faster.

It's a pity that even Yan Sui couldn't kill Ning Jing, let alone these people. When they no longer have the chance for the four of them to join forces, they are doomed to lose.

The reason why they didn't die so quickly was because Ning Jing wanted to use them to gain practical experience for Su Liang.

In the end, Su Liang managed to stand still while holding on to his sword, and breathed a long sigh of relief, "Have you been practicing martial arts since you were a child? Why don't you feel tired?"

"It's not that you won't get tired, but you have to make the enemy tired first, otherwise you will die." Ning Jing said.

"I've learned a lesson." Su Liang nodded, "My foundation is too poor, I will continue to work hard next."

The white color of fish belly has appeared in the east, and they are not far from the top of the mountain.

After a sleepless night, although Su Liang was tired and a little injured, she was very awake. Being blown by the cold mist in the mountains, she asked Ning Jing if she wanted to go to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise.

"You go up first." Ning Jing wants to dispose of those corpses.

Su Liang used the long sword as a crutch and slowly walked to the top of the mountain, gradually recovering her strength.

When we reached the top of the mountain, we happened to see a red sun gushing out.

When peace came, the sun rose, and Su Liang fell asleep leaning against the big rock on the top of the mountain.

Ning Jing hit Su Liang on the head with the hilt of her sword. Su Liang woke up immediately and stood up!

"It's time to go down the mountain." Ning Jing walked down, holding the weapons of the four killers in his hands.

"Hey!" Su Liang followed subconsciously. There was blood on her coat and she hoped she wouldn't meet anyone on the road.

When he was nearing the foot of the mountain, Ning Jing stopped, hid the weapons in the grass, and took off his coat to give to Su Liang.

From this position they could see their house, with a carriage parked outside the gate.

Su Liang put on Ning Jing's coat, which was too big and baggy.

The two of them went down the mountain and had no chance to go directly into the backyard because Chang An had sharp eyes and saw them.

"Miss Su, Mr. Ning, what are you..." Chang'an was surprised, there was Mu Luo standing next to him.

Mu Luo's eyes were fixed on Su Liang's clothes, half-smiling but not smiling, "You two went hiking early in the morning? It's really fun."

Su Liang walked over calmly, "That's not true. I sleepwalked up the mountain last night. I ran too far and fell several times. I lost my way. Ningjing finally found me."

Mu Luo's mouth twitched slightly, "Sleepwalking?" He felt that Su Liang was talking nonsense again.

"What do you do for Master Mu?" Su Liang asked.

"Liu Xiaoyue's family said that five hundred taels of silver notes were lost. Do you know about this?" Mu Luo asked.

Chang An thought that it was most likely Su Liang and Ning Jing who stole it back. He originally wanted to do this, but he started a step too late.

Su Liang nodded, "I know. Liu Xiaoyue's mother came here a few days ago and listened to what she said."

"Miss Su, please don't pay attention to that family!" Chang'an blurted out.

"You are sleepwalking. Liu Xiaoyue is at home, right? Why don't you open the door?" Mu Luo asked.

"I sold her somewhere else." Su Liang said, taking a few steps back, jumping over the wall and opening the door from the inside.

Mu Luo was a little stunned when he saw the movements in one go.

Ning Jing walked in and went straight back to his room, ignoring Mu Luo and Chang An the whole time.

"Come in, do you want to eat here?" Su Liang's attitude was quite good.

Mu Luo said angrily, "I can't afford it!"

"Then you have something to talk about. Please do it after you finish talking." Su Liang said.

Mu Luo didn't believe that Su Liang had sold Liu Xiaoyue, but since she said that, Liu Xiaoyue must not be here anymore. As for where she went, Su Liang obviously didn't want to tell her.

"Wu Huaian said he was willing to explain, but he would not do it until he saw you." Mu Luo said.

Su Liang hummed, "When I go, he will say that as long as you kill me, he will hand over what you want. Do you believe it?"

Mu Luo sighed and walked into the courtyard, "I know it's useless for you to go, but there has been no progress. I'm really bored. I went out for a walk and ended up here."

Nian Jincheng came out of the palace and rode back home.

Nian Ruxue, dressed in exquisite clothes, was sitting in a pavilion next to the rockery in his courtyard drinking tea.

"Second brother, you're back! You have to put off the urgent matters today. You promised to teach me martial arts, but you still don't have time!" Nian Ruxue came out of the pavilion and hugged Nian Jincheng's arm.

Nian Jincheng pushed Nian Ruxue's hand away and said, "Ask your elder brother to teach you. I'm leaving Beijing today."

Nian Ruxue frowned, "Leaving the capital? What to do?"

"Wu Yun and his son, who were guarding the mines in Bei'an County, were found out by the fourth prince that they had secretly murdered several civilian girls for three years. The fourth prince has taken them down. Shang Zhezi suggested that I take over Wu Yun's position." Nian Jincheng said.

Nian Ruxue's face darkened, "The fourth prince clearly wants to ruin the second brother's future! How can the second brother guard the mine at such a young age?"

"That is an extremely critical position, why can't I go?" Nian Jincheng asked, "The emperor asked me for my opinion, and I have agreed. Time is urgent, so we will set off today!"

"Second brother, are you crazy? Since the emperor didn't directly issue the order, why don't you find an excuse to ask? Why don't you find an excuse? Hurry up and ask your father to find the prince. His highness certainly doesn't want the second brother to guard the mine. That is the same as being demoted. No different!" Nian Ruxue frowned.

"You don't understand, don't talk nonsense! If you can push me away, the emperor will not call me into the palace." Nian Jincheng looked serious, "You can go back. I will say goodbye to my grandmother and father later and go to Bei'an County .”

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