The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Brothers and sisters, cousins ​​(first update)

The maid opened the curtain and said, "Old lady, the second young master is here. Read"

When Nian Jincheng walked in, he saw his grandmother Qiu playing with a colorful parrot with a smile on her face. Next to her was her brother, Nian Jinxing, the eldest son of the Nian family.

The ancestors are kind and the grandchildren are filial, and they are happy.

Nian Jincheng bowed politely and called his grandmother and eldest brother, but no one seemed to hear him.

Sunlight filtered in through the carved window lattice, and the room was lit with fine silver filigree, making it bright and warm. Except for Nian Jin, who stood half-body in the shadow, like a superfluous person.

Mammy came to Qiu's ear and whispered a few words. Qiu then turned her attention away from her precious eldest grandson and the parrot and gave it to Nian Jincheng.

With only three points, he looked at Nian Jincheng with squinted eyes, not caring at all. When he opened his mouth, he said in a lazy tone, "You are always busy, so why do you have time to see me, an old woman?"

Grandma pursed her lips. Among the grandchildren, only Nian Jincheng was the busiest. No matter how busy he was, he would come to pay his respects every day as long as he was in the capital, but Qiu was not allowed to come in eight out of ten times.

In the eyes of outsiders, the popular man in front of the emperor, the pride of the Nian family, and the promising future of Young Master Nian, have not been liked by his elders since he was a child, no matter how hard he works and how outstanding he is. Even the servants in the family saw this.

"Grandma, my grandson has received the emperor's order and is leaving for Bei'an County to guard the mine today." Nian Jincheng carefully repeated what he had just said.

Mrs. Qiu smiled when she heard this, "Okay, good thing, let's go, don't worry about home."

"Grandma, take care of yourself. I'm going." Nian Jincheng turned around and walked outside. Before the curtain fell, he turned back and saw the eldest brother who had always disliked him and Qiu talking affectionately together. What.

As soon as Nian Jincheng arrived at the gate of his father Nian Jitang's courtyard, he was stopped.

"Second Young Master, I am busy and I have ordered you not to see anyone." The guard said with a straight face.

But Nian Jincheng has already seen Nian Jitang.

The window was open, and Nian Jitang, who was in his forties, was wearing half-undressed clothes. He was holding his charming concubine in his arms, his red sleeves were fragrant, and he looked carefree and happy.

Nian Jitang looked up and seemed to have seen Nian Jincheng, but also seemed not to see him. He lowered his head and didn't know what he said. The concubine laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

Nian Jincheng looked away and said expressionlessly, "When father is done with his work, please tell him that I left the capital to guard the mines in Bei'an County on the emperor's orders. I may not come back for a long time."

The guard was stunned for a moment, "Such a big thing, do you want me to go in and report it? Maybe Master..."

Nian Jincheng turned around and said, "No need. It's nothing important."

His affairs had never mattered to his father.

Last year he won the first prize in martial arts and was praised by outsiders, but he personally heard Nian Jitang tell his colleagues that it was a pity that his eldest son, Nian Jinxing, had not won the first prize in martial arts, otherwise he would go to the ancestral hall to burn incense.

Qiu and Nian Jitang both proposed that Nian Jincheng should resign from his position in the army and Nian Jinxing should be promoted.

They said that this is called respecting the elder and the younger.

Just because he was a concubine, there was a thunderstorm on the day he was born, and fortune tellers said it was an ominous sign. There may be other reasons, but no one has ever told Nian Jincheng.

He returned to his residence, unpacked his luggage and tied it up again. He saw the wine jar that had been on the table for a long time, poured himself a glass of wine, stood by the window, looked at the rockery in the courtyard, and took a sip. Finished the drink.

Follower Nian Yue ran in, "Sir, Prince Beijing and Miss Qin are here!"

Nian Jincheng was surprised when he saw Qin Yujin pushing Xing Yusheng's wheelchair through the door.

Shocking news spread in the capital early in the morning.

Wu Yun, a veteran who invited himself to guard the iron mines in Bei'an County three years ago, and his youngest son Wu Huaian, who was injured and disabled on the battlefield, secretly abducted and murdered several girls in Bei'an County!

The fourth prince Duanmu Chen, who was ordered by the emperor to go to Bei'an County to investigate the case, solved the biggest unsolved case in Bei'an County. The evidence was conclusive and he caught the beastly father and son!

Moreover, three years ago, as the Wu family and his son left Beijing, the bones of the fifth lady of the Mei family, who was engaged to Wu Huaian and disappeared mysteriously after breaking off the engagement, were also found in the garden of the residence of Wu Yun and Wu Huaian in Bei'an County. Found in!

Mei Shilang entered the palace early in the morning and came out with red eyes.

The Wu family in the capital was imprisoned.

After learning about the heinous acts of beasts committed by Wu Yun and Wu Huaian and his son, the people were shocked and despised them.

The general who once returned victorious and full of glory turned out to be so vicious and shameless behind his back, causing countless harm to people, which made people shiver down their spines.

At the same time, the news that the emperor sent Nian Jincheng to replace Wu Yun did not attract much attention.

But some people still noticed it, such as Xing Yusheng.

This was Xing Yusheng's first visit to another home after coming to the capital, but it was not the first time he met Nian Jincheng.

At the Qin Mansion Poetry Festival last month, Nian Jincheng went to see Xing Yusheng. The two played a game of chess and said some things that outsiders didn't know, which was not very pleasant.

Qin Yujin dressed up carefully, and when she saw Nian Jincheng coming out, she smiled and explained, "I'm sorry to bother you. My cousin learned that General Nian was going to Bei'an County, and he wanted to ask General Tonian for help with something."

"Is there anything Mr. Xing needs Nian's service for?" Nian Jincheng looked indifferent.

Xing Yusheng's face was pale, with a cloth bag on his knees and his hands on it, "There is Qiu Ming Villa in Bei'an County, which is my family's villa. Before coming to the capital, I lived there with my grandmother for a while. I met her in Bei'an County I made a friend and learned that General Nian was going there, so I wanted to ask General Nian to help bring a few books to her."

Qin Yujin chuckled, "My cousin has never mentioned having such a friend before. I am very curious about what kind of person he is. My cousin remembers me and asked for the books collected by my grandfather to give to others."

"Okay." Nian Jincheng took the book from Xing Yusheng, "I wonder where Prince Xing's friend lives? What is his name?"

"She lives in Sujia Village, Feiyan Town, Beian County." Xing Yusheng said.

Nian Jincheng's fingers holding the book suddenly tightened.

But the next moment, the name that Xing Yusheng said was different from what Nian Jincheng had in mind...

"Su Liang?" Qin Yujin was curious, "My cousin's friend's name is very special."

"It's a woman, General Nian, don't make a mistake." Xing Yusheng said.

Qin Yujin was surprised, "Woman? Is she my cousin's confidante?"

Xing Yusheng tilted his head slightly, frowned and said, "We're just friends. Cousin, don't talk nonsense."

"Oh." Qin Yujin was very good-tempered towards Xing Yusheng and smiled after hearing this, "I misunderstood."

"General Nian?" Xing Yusheng noticed that Nian Jincheng was distracted, "I heard that you have been to Sujia Village?"

Nian Jincheng nodded, "Last time I was out on business, I passed by there."

Xing Yusheng knew that Nian Jincheng was ordered to track down Gu Ling's whereabouts when he passed by Sujia Village.

But it has nothing to do with what is happening now.

Qi Yan, who went to deliver medical books to Su Liang, had not yet returned to Beijing. Xing Yusheng heard that Nian Jincheng was going, so he happened to ask for some medical and poison classics from Mr. Qin and planned to give them to Su Liang, so he asked Nian Jincheng to take them with him. past.

"I wonder if Crown Prince Xing has anything to say to that girl Su Liang?" When Nian Jincheng mentioned this name, a thin and timid girl in a wedding dress with heavy makeup appeared in his mind.

He had indeed been to Sujia Village, met Su Liang, and talked to her.

At this moment, Nian Jincheng really couldn't understand. How could that girl be Xing Yusheng's friend? Although he knew that Su Liang grew up in the capital, the impression he had from that one-time encounter was not good.

However, Nian Jincheng and Xing Yusheng were not friends. Although he was confused, he couldn't ask more questions.

Xing Yusheng shook his head, "General Nian just helps bring the book, nothing else."

Qin Yujin took off an exquisite embroidered sachet from her waist and said, "Cousin, I really want to get to know Miss Su. Can you give this to her? I made it myself."

Xing Yusheng glanced at it and said, "It's up to you."

Qin Yujin wrapped the sachet in a handkerchief and handed it to Nian Jincheng.

Nian Jincheng took it and put it into the cloth bag given by Xing Yusheng, "Nian will definitely bring it."

"You have a hard time, general." Qin Yujin's face turned red.

"Farewell." After Xing Yusheng finished speaking, Qin Yujin pushed him and left.

Nian Jincheng returned to his room, opened the cloth bag and flipped through it. Inside were three ancient books, two medical classics, and a poison classic.

Nian Jincheng looked puzzled, put the cloth bag into his luggage, and set off with his entourage.

He went to Bei'an County to guard the mines. The soldiers were there, and only the master and the servant traveled lightly.

Not knowing when he would come back from this trip, Nian Jincheng rode out and looked back. No one from the Nian family came out to see him off.

"Sir, let's go, we still have to hurry. If we go too late, the fourth prince may be dissatisfied." Nian Li sighed.

As soon as Nian Jincheng raised his whip, he heard Nian Ruxue's voice, "Second brother, wait!"

Nian Jincheng turned his horse's head and saw Nian Ruxue running out with her skirt in hand.

"Second brother, please take care of yourself on the road."


"When you get there, be careful of the Fourth Prince framing you."

"Will not."

"Go back to Beijing as soon as possible if you have the chance."

"Everything must be done in compliance with the emperor's orders."

"This is a snack I made. Second brother, please take it with you to eat on the way."

"Okay. Fourth sister, practice your martial arts well and wait until I come back to test you."

"I will!"

Nian Jincheng took the snacks given by Nian Ruxue, mounted his horse again, and waved to her, "Go back! Don't worry about me!"

Nian Ruxue smiled sweetly, "Second brother, take care!"

After walking far away, Nian Jincheng looked back and could still see Nian Ruxue standing at the door. He felt warm in his heart and rode towards the city gate.

When Nian Ruxue went to Qiu's place, Nian Jinxing was still there.

"The second brother is gone?" Nian Jinxing asked lazily.

"Let's go." Nian Ruxue sat next to Qiu and tapped her legs naturally.

"Finally, I don't have to see that annoying face every day!" Nian Jinxing snorted.

Nian Ruxue frowned, "Brother, you always have to do things to save face. For someone like Second Brother, if you treat him well, he will definitely repay you very much."

Nian Jinxing sneered, "Is this why you rush to get in front of him every day?"

Nian Ruxue did not refute, "If my second brother makes meritorious deeds in the future, it will be good for both of us."

"That's good for you. I, the eldest son of the Nian family, have been compared to nothing by a concubine and lost all my face!" Nian Jinxing's face suddenly darkened.

"Brother, we will both be prosperous and suffer losses..." Nian Ruxue sighed.

Nian Jinxing played with the agate bead string in his hand and sneered, "He is just a martial arts champion and has never fought in a battle. When will the glory of the Nian family depend on him? Is he a descendant of the Nian family? Or is it two questions? Woolen cloth!"

Qiu's face darkened, "Okay, don't talk nonsense!"

Nian Jinxing realized that what he just said was mocking his father, so he slapped himself in the face, "I was wrong, grandma, don't be angry, it's my fault for being so angry. Xue'er, get out of the way, I'll give grandma a beating." leg."

Qiu smiled and nodded Nian Jinxing's forehead, "How old are you to be so poor? Your aunt sent a message back from the palace, asking you to pay attention to your words and deeds outside, so that she can praise you to the emperor and give you some advice when you are here. Find an important position in the army."

Nian Jinxing suddenly stood up and said solemnly, "Yes!"

This made Qiu laugh and bend down, falling on Nian Ruxue.

But they said that after Xing Yusheng and Qin Yujin left Nian's house, they took a car back to Qin's house.

Qin Yujin smiled and said, "I wonder if Miss Su will like the sachet I gave you."

Xing Yusheng said lightly, "My cousin is not interested in drinking. She doesn't want to make my friends. She clearly wants someone Nian to take your things with her."

Qin Yujin blushed, "Cousin, don't talk nonsense!"

"Could it be that my cousin insists on accompanying me at last year's house today because she thinks Ajun is unreliable?"

"My cousin and that girl Su Liang have an unusual relationship, right?"

"You are overthinking, she is already married."

"Cousin, you actually gave a book to a married woman thousands of miles away? What's your intention?"

"Books are just for reading. It's best to give them to friends. They're not like sachets. They should be carried with you."

"I told you it was for Miss Su!"

"Oh, I also gave it to Miss Su."


"It's a coincidence."

Hearing Qin Yujin's laughter from the car, Qi Jun, who was driving the car, looked at the sky speechlessly.

Although the cousins ​​Xing Yusheng and Qin Yujin rarely met each other before, they had a good relationship. Today, they had their first "quarrel", which was also strange.

"How did my cousin and Miss Su meet?" Qin Yujin was curious.

Xing Yusheng thought for a while and said, "She has a pear tree at home, and the pears are delicious."

Qin Yujin was stunned for a moment, "What then?"

Xing Yusheng changed the subject without warning, "Do you think Nian Jincheng will stay in Bei'an County?"

Qin Yujin thought for a while and said, "No way."

"That's not necessarily the case." Xing Yusheng said.

Qin Yujin reacted, "Cousin, you haven't told me how you met Miss Su?"

Xing Yusheng sighed slightly, "She is a doctor. I was seriously ill at that time, and she came to save me. So she is not only my friend, but also my savior."

Qin Yujin's expression turned serious, "I see, no wonder my cousin gave her a medical book. My cousin should have told me earlier so that I could prepare more serious gifts for Miss Su."

Qi Jun said outside, "Miss Su's cooking is delicious. I have eaten the buns she made by herself."

Xing Yusheng hummed, "Ajun, your monthly payment is gone this month."

Qi Jun raised his forehead and said, "Master, that bun was given to me by Miss Su."

"Next month's monthly payment is gone," Xing Yusheng said.

Qin Yujin couldn't help but laugh, "Ajun is so miserable. But even he has eaten the buns made by Miss Su, but my cousin and I have not. It's really a pity. The buns are so delicious, why is monthly money so important? Ajun, you What do you say?"

Qi Jun said weakly, "Miss Qin, please stop teasing me. Monthly money is very important. I haven't married a wife yet!"

"My cousin can't even get a wife, why are you anxious?" Qin Yujin teased Xing Yusheng again with a smile.

Xing Yusheng hummed, "That's right, no one wants to marry a sick guy like me. But if General Jincheng is a talented person next year and has many admirers, it will not be difficult to find a wife."

Qi Jun thought, to sum up today's quarrel between brother and sister Xing Yusheng and Qin Yujin in one sentence, that is: "Come on, let's hurt each other"...

However, Qi Jun thinks Qin Yujin is very good, and Xing Yusheng is much more cheerful now that she has this sister.


Update 4:00 p.m.

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