The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1038: Sister, what are you doing?

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The ice king Oro and the goddess running dog Ace looked at each other, and they almost burst out a sentence at the same time: "You go to block the Black Demon Venerable, I will deal with the plague messenger."

Just kidding, although the plague messenger is also an extremely difficult old monster, its strength is ultimately much worse than that of the Black Death Demon Venerable. What's more, the Black Death Demon King had just been blasted by the hairy crab. At this time, his temper was hot. It is conceivable that in the current situation, no one dares to ruin him.

"Auror, I have always regarded you as a brother." The goddess running dog Aisi looked solemnly at the ice king Oro, with a tear in his old eyes, "Brother is 103 years old and still a virgin. One. Did you bear the death of your brother, haven't you tasted falling in love? "

"Brother ~" Ice King Oro's emotions are also very excited, holding Ace's hand and said, "The younger brother is seventy-eight years old this year, not even the girl's hand. I used to live in Dongdao indifferently. I do n’t think it ’s hard. But since Lao Wang came, I feel that I have lived in vain for half of my life. Brother, you are so old, give the opportunity to the younger brother, and the younger brother will surely take your share and live back. . "

Aisi fainted, what makes me older? My brother is only 103 years old, and I want to attack the demigods in the future and live longer. A good life has just begun.

However, Auror was right. Since Lao Wang came to Dongdao, he had a great sensory impact on everyone. It turns out that as a human being, I can still live so colorfully.

Traveling all over the world, talking with young girls all over the world, drinking and drinking, the taste is intoxicating.

Naturally, Ace couldn't agree.

The two brothers and brothers started to fight each other.

This embarrassing scene, even the ice and snow messenger can't stand it anymore. She tried her best to support the prohibition barrier, staring at the blue star eyes and shouting, "You two are enough, now when are you still playing infighting? Want to fall in love, right? You have a chance. If you can block the Black Demon Venerable, I will introduce you to your girlfriend. How about Dongsun and Hanju? "

Winter bamboo shoots?

Coming to Naoror and Ezkiqi, they were shocking maids of ice and snow, each of them was very aquatic, and knew how to serve others. Even if it is compared with the white clothes, Bing, it is also better.

Bai Yisi Bingmei is beautiful, but a little bit of pyrotechnic gas, cold all day long with a blank face, no mood and no interest. Of course, this is also the tongue I learned when drinking with Pharaoh. It seems that Pharaoh knows life and has taste.

Not far away, the winter bamboo shoots and cold chrysanthemums are all assisting the ice and snow ambassador to support the prohibition barrier. When they heard the words, they shouted eloquently: "Brother Oro, Brother Els, you must do it, come on ~ we look good to you. "

"Aoao ~"

The fighting will of Oro and Ace was suddenly provoked. Now don't say that you want to intercept a demigod-level strong man, even if the true **** is standing in front of them, they will definitely slaughter them.

Afterwards, they did not wait for the Black Death Demon King to start, they yelled and fell on the Black Death Demon King, and they still roared in their mouths, "Black Death Old Devil, do you think Winter Island is your place to die? Let's die!"

The momentum swallows the sky and the domineering is extraordinary.

Even the Black Death Demon King who had just come back to the gods was startled by them, frowning straight. Did the two broilers take advantage of the medicine and suddenly took the wrong medicine? Dare to be so arrogant.

Seeing this scene, the two maids of Dongsun and Hanju glanced at each other, and they both saw a glance in the other's eyes. Alas, this man is so coaxing. If the words were irritated, it was as if he had hit the chicken blood.

But then again, if you really fall in love, whether it is the ice king Auror or the goddess running dog Ais, they are all very old, and they are so immature.

Compared with the son of flames, it is nowhere near.

These two guys don't think about it, how much is the difference with the son of flame? You are seventy or eighty years old and one hundred years old, all old bones. The son of Flame is a young man in his twenties.

The appearance and temperament are incomparable. How handsome is the Flame Son? Even the pets under him are so hot and handsome.

What's more, you look at the tone of the two of you, and then compare with the son of flames? In the face of strong enemies, the sons of flames have always calmly calmed and expected the enemy to take the lead. And you pair of brothers and brothers are either embarrassed or screamed like chicken blood.

Alas ~

There really is no comparison, there is no harm.

Unfortunately, the son of Flame is Miss Nanlian's boyfriend.

No, no, according to the tradition of the Chinese nation, if the young lady marries, the maid is to marry in the past. In Hua Xiaguo's words, what's that name, Tongfang girl. Well, it's really ashamed.

When Dong Sun and Han Ju quickly talked about each other, when they talked about the shame, they blushed and blushed, and became shy.

With such a shy expression, Auro and Ace were both violently bloody, and they used all the tricks at the bottom of the box to block the Black Demon Venerable and fight with him. At this time, the Black Death Demon Venerable, the body and the soul have been hit hard, and the strength has dropped a lot at a time, but it has been playing well and vividly.

It is a pity that if they can read the mind, they might be spurted to death by the old blood. The pit is really too pit, miserable by Lao Wang.

If Wang Yan can read their minds, it is estimated that they will not be able to speak in half a sentence. You have too many wonderful things on this winter island. You are connected to satellite signals. ? All the girls in the connecting room came out.

But at this time, Wang Yan didn't have time to take care of anyone.

Sister Nan Lian, who is being inherited in the ice and snow cocoon, is constantly suffering from the blood and information of the practice of the winter goddess. Her bloodline and information on the power of practice are so vast.

Even a demigod-level strongman may not be able to sustain it.

If you can't find a way to save her in time, the consequences can hardly be imagined.

However, in front of him there was a barricade dog, a cunning and powerful plague messenger.

"Son of flame, hurry to save the lady, here I will continue." Si Bing, who was dressed in white, stood in front of the plague messenger, and there was ice all over the body.

"Are you okay?" Wang Yan knew she had only half-step S-level strength.

"No matter what you do, I can borrow some power from the snow elves." Si Bing coldly said, "What's more, the most important thing for Dongdao is the power of the ice rule."

At this point, Wang Yan is no longer hypocritical.

Fei flashed into the cocoon of ice and snow, only to see sister Nan Lian in the snow storm, the pretty face expression was already very painful, almost semi-comatose. Wang Yan hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, what should I do now?"


The voice of the winter goddess is very simple.

"Take off, take off your clothes?" Wang Yan fainted. What is the solution? Sister, what are you doing?


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