The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1039: Too late to explain, get in the car first!

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If it were not for Wang Yan seeing sister Nan Lian getting more and more pained, her delicate body was already trembling and twisting in the vast bloodline and information inheritance. Wang Yan really wanted to breathe the old goddess of winter with a spit of blood.

What time is it, are you still making jokes like this?

And Sister Nan Lian, even if it is very painful,

"Boy, what are you still doing?" The voice of the winter goddess sounded in Wang Yan's mind, "Will you still want the teacher to teach you?"

"This ..." Wang Yan looked at her face with pain and a little shy Nan Lian, hesitantly said, "Sister-in-law, of course it is no problem for me to undress. But what is the principle?"

"Ah! Don't you know? Didn't you remind me?" The winter goddess opened her eyes, "Yinyang Yangtai, what are you doing?"

"Yin, yin and yang cross Thailand?" Wang Yan almost spurted his blood out of the old mouth and said it. This originally refers to this. Why did Wang Yan never think of this before. I said this to my sister-in-law before, but in a heart of flicker, he could not help crying and saying, "Sister-in-law, is this kind of thing useful?" Inevitably, the sister-in-law would not just talk about it casually?

"Are you questioning the God of God?" The voice of the Winter Goddess was a little sharper. "The situation now is that the God's blood power and exercises stored in the idol are too large to be controlled without me. Under the circumstances, all the brains are stuffed into Nanlian's body and head. The information on the exercises is better, and at most it will make her a headache. But the huge bloodline power is not something that ordinary mortals can digest. If you don't hurry Take measures, I am afraid she will explode to death. "

"His ~"

Explode and die!

Wang Yan shuddered, and hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, then you can go back to the idol to control, can you still have time?" Maybe Yin and Yang Jiaotai may solve the problem, but in case of failure.

Secondly, he and Sister Nanlian are indeed male and female friends, but if there is no one, when Lang concubine wants, he does n’t mind if he comes to Yin Yang. Now the situation is so complicated, the following is full of crowds.

At this time, this situation made Wang Yan really calm down to play yin and yang.

"What do you say?" Said the winter goddess quietly and angrily. "If the **** could go out, what would he do in this broken staff? What the abominable Black Demon Venerable is simply a beast. Refining the prisoner's soul formation in the rod must have been premeditated. In essence, the **** and the beast are incompatible. "

Wang Yan fainted. It turned out that Nadian's staff was a trap. After the prisoner's soul was imprisoned, she could not get out for a short time. So now it seems that there is only one way to go.


Wang Yan took off his jacket without hesitation and threw it out, and then looked at sister Nan Lian slightly, rubbing her trembling body in her arms, and whispered, "Sister Nan Lian, matter It ’s bad. But rest assured, I wo n’t live up to you in my life. ”

There was a burning masculine breath on him, burning like a small sun.

The winter goddess was originally formed by the congregation of Taiyin, and her blood lineage was filled with a lot of Taiyin atmosphere. Now those forces are rushing towards Huangfu Nanlian like a tide.

Rao is Nanlian's physique is very special, almost to pure Yin physique, can not withstand the impact of so many yin breath. As a result, her body is full of indigestible lunar forces.

And Wang Yan's masculine breath seemed to be above the sun. Although the quantity is not as much as those of the lunar atmosphere, the quality is still better than half.

When the two breaths touch, an extremely delicate chemical reaction occurs.

Yin and Yang are all in one, come from the same source, and attract each other.

"Huh ~" Deeply in Nanlian's throat, there was a whisper of ecstasy. The strong coldness and explosion in her body seemed to dissipate a lot in an instant. Unconsciously, I snuggled into Wang Yan's arms.

It seemed like the little girl who sold matches in the fairy tale. Although the snuggling firelight was weak, it could bring her warmth and hope. And her relationship with Wang Yan is also extremely deep, so snuggling so that she feels very solid inside.

As long as Wang Yan is around, everything is not a problem.

Nan Lian remembered that when he first met Wang Yan, he was just a kid who had just got a chance. But it was the Maotou who stood up in front of her at the most critical moment.

It was the back that made an indelible mark on her heart. Perhaps at that moment, Huanglian Nanlian, known as the Queen of Ice, was soft and melted inside.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, Wang Yan, the son of flames, is a sinkhole, no matter where he goes, it is a disaster. But in the heart of the ice queen Nan Lian, Wang Yan is a trustworthy and extremely reliable man. Never once did she let her down.

The so-called pit is just to pit his enemies or opponents.

"Xiao Yan, me, I'm yours." Nan Lian's voice was like a panting, and he was slightly shy in the effort, "Forever."

Such a touching affair immediately made Wang Yan hot, leaned down and printed the jade lips of Sister Nan Lian.

Almost at the same time.

The wind and clouds outside fluctuated endlessly. The crab that caused the trouble seemed to have disappeared for a long time. It reduced its body to the shape of a small stone and disappeared into the vast ice-blue world.

The Black Death Demon Vener who was trapped by the egg and robbed of the Dianyi Staff was unable to find the hairy crab out of breath. Furious, almost released the power of the wild. How can the poor ice king Oro and the goddess running dog Ace only resist with one breath of blood?

The two were tortured by a maniac black demon into a dog.

As for the ice and snow messenger and Bai Yisibing, the situation is also very bad. The Ice and Snow Envoy not only spends a lot of power to support the large enchantment shield, to resist the enemies of thousands of horses.

She also had to lend a part of her strength to Si Bing to stop the plague messenger to disturb Wang Yan's treatment for Nan Lian.

Everyone is desperately. Every second passed, the situation was getting worse.

"Lao Wang Lao, please do not hurry? Brothers can't hold on." The ice king Oro spit blood in the corner of his mouth, his body was already haggard by the curse and the plague virus, crying and cocooning the sky with ice and snow. The roar urged.

"Auror, my brother." Wang Yan's wandering voice was heard in the sky. "You hold on for a while! My situation is also very critical."


The ice king Oro was helpless and could only mention the spirit to prepare desperately.

Suddenly, a pair of trousers worn by Wang Yan was thrown out of the ice storm and fell in front of Oro. Immediately afterwards was his coat and T-shirt.

Oroton was struck by lightning, I will go, Pharaoh, your girl, how critical is the situation? I want you to undress to solve ...


(ps: From April 1st to April 7th, 2017, Lao Ao's finished book "My God" is free for seven days in the QQ reading client and the starting point reading client, rewarding the brothers and sisters for so many years Our support for Lao Ao. Friends who like Lao Ao can download the client and it looks like ~ I have seen it and can recall it, ^ _ ^ ~ I have n’t seen it and I can save some money ~)

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