The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1094: The second one is a disease and needs to be cured!

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There are teenagers all around, and of course there are no worries about speaking. A series of random words, plus some dirty words, endlessly emerge.

Although the words are rough, Zhao Chengtian's machine guns are not rough at all.

Some metal runes are engraved with some mysterious runes. With the flashing of those runes, each bullet fired out has a faster initial velocity and stronger explosive power, falling in the sky Draw countless meteors, forming a rain curtain.


The eagle that could not be avoided was wiped into the body by a few bullets. The bird hair exploded and fluttered all over the sky.

"This kid ..." Wang Yan was also shocked. He always thought that Zhao Chengtian was a stunned teenager in the second grade, although his strength and potential were good. When Wang Yan found him at the time, he was a high school student and was implementing the use of force to unify all the surrounding universities ...

But Wang Yan also saw some excellent aspects from him, such as passion, perseverance, and even some kindness, which only recruited him to become a key student.

Unexpectedly, this guy also learned badly.

This is a rune artillery, a high-end product in the Rune Technology Research Institute. This price, of course, is extremely hot. Taking into account the assets or points currently owned by Zhao Chengtian, it can't be afforded. Wait, what did he say just now?

Master Burst?

Generally speaking, the relationship between teachers and students is within the college. But this kind of teacher-student relationship is like the teacher-student relationship in a traditional school. The instructors will not teach the students what is at the bottom of the box, they can only lead them into the door, and it is up to them to develop and practice.

But if it is called a master, it is completely different.

In the superpower world, true teachers and disciples tend to be closer than father and son. Like Wang Yan and Uncle Gun, although they are usually not big or small. But once something really happened, whether it was Wang Yan or Uncle Gun, he would desperately care for the other party.

Just when Wang Yan was in doubt.

There was a hearty laugh in the distance: "Hahaha, the baby apprentice did a good job and gave the teacher a face." Talking to the man, the crowd walked away. His body is strong and strong, and his body is full of explosive muscles.

Isn't that anyone who has a bear?

At the same time, there was a slightly sharp voice called: "Brother Xiong, you are wrong. You are not your apprentice, he is also my apprentice!"

"I bought the machine gun!"

"Oh, I taught that hurricane step."

Two guys, you started to talk to each other. They are all trying to prove to the world that the kid is a common apprentice of our brothers.

For a time, Wang Yan also patted his forehead helplessly. Inattentive, these guys actually formed a mentorship. Think about it, what will the result of a middle-aged and second-blooded youth be taken as apprentices by their two middle-aged and middle-aged students?

It seems that Zhao Chengtian is not saved.

However, Brother Xiong and Lige are also considered brothers. At that time, Wang Yan also used special means to exchange them for a S-class cheat for each person. During this time, he has made rapid progress. In the future, it will definitely be very overwhelming to advance to the S-level, but A-level is a matter of rigidity, even with good luck, it is possible to reach the half-step S-level.

Say something off topic.

The S-class cheats redeemed by Wang Yan are expensive, but they still only have the right to use them. In other words, they cannot privately impart the contents of this S-class cheats to anyone by any means.

This is also a small strategy of the National African Affairs Bureau. These rewards are used to motivate employees to actively complete their tasks. Make more contributions for the country and the people. If anyone can exchange a cheat book and teach it to each other, that system would have no meaning.

Therefore, Brother Brother Xiong and Leg Brother can only teach what Zhao Chengtian himself realized.

Perhaps this is the case, Brother Xiong bought a rune cannon for the baby apprentice. This level of rune artillery, on the power of single shot is far inferior to Wang Yan's original rune super sniper. But once the barrage was formed, the repression caused by firepower was better than the rune super sniper.

Both weapons have their own advantages and disadvantages, but they can pose a threat to the B-level powerhouse.

These super rune weapons are not without their shortcomings. First, the cost is extremely expensive and can only be built by hand. Second, there are greater restrictions on the user's power. Ordinary people must not use it, just the reaction force can shock people.

As a result, the Rune Science and Technology Institute has been trying to mass-produce rune weapons and try to simplify them for use by some well-trained ordinary soldiers. It is said that there are already some eyebrows. If the simplified version of the rune weapon can hunt a large number of armies, then humans have the capital to fight the abyss demons. Otherwise, if you rely on the superpowers to fight, you can't resist the abyss' comprehensive attack.

"Bang Bang ~"

Just as Wang Yan lost his mind, the rune machine gun bullets glid across a meteor in the air, and several bullets hit the giant eagle. Ordinary bullets, flat-breed beasts, could not help but screamed like tears and fell down staggeringly.


The eagle grinned and grieved. After screaming at Zhao Chengtian, he came up, "Dare you hurt my bird, no, my eagle. I fight with you."

Alas ~ poor fellow, how much stronger are your defensive abilities than eagles? In the face of that fierce rune cannon, how long can you stop it? There is no doubt that Zhao Chengtian won the battle.

The only problem next is to use a hundred bullets or hundreds of bullets.

However, what everyone did not expect was. Facing the grief from the eagle, Zhao Chengtian turned his eyes bright, waved his hand, put the machine gun away, and the whole body burned a grudge flame. Your bird exploded, let's have an upright battle between men and men. "

Everyone suddenly dumbfounded.

Isn't it?

Has Zhao Chengtian already suffered from secondary disease?

Obviously the battle has been won steadily, but it has to lose its advantage, clamoring for the battle between men and men. This, this, how does this brain grow? What's more, you have already said that all the other birds have been exploded.

In a state where everyone was speechless, Zhao Chengtian and the eagle started the "terrible" fight of you punching me and punching each other. There are no skills, tactics, just pure fist competition fists, ability to fight.

This made Wang Yan's eyelids jump straight, his face sullen, and he wanted to accept this guy as a key student. Was he considered to be stunned? Seeing him clamoring in the second grade, Wang Yan had the urge to push him back to the ordinary high school.

S2 youth, you continue to realize your S2 dream of unifying high school circles!


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