The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1095: What kind of students are these?

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Even the little girl An An twitched her lips slightly and said, "Brother Tian Tian, ​​is still so energetic."

"Vitality is a fart, it's a purebred middle school teenager." Zhang Wei said with a contempt, "It's obviously a thing that can be done with a bullet, and it's a fight between men and men. This time, the discussion represents The glory of the country. "

Zhao Chengtianzhong II, in fact, the Indian A three eagles are not necessarily better. Both of you punched me and punched me without fancy. Although Zhao Chengtian was in the second grade, the explosive power was quite terrible once he was burning with blood.

"Idiot, it's really stupid." Dmit's Eagle Summit Khan, his face is also extremely ugly, how smart and clever it is to think of him as Daro's Eagle. Why did you accept such a second guy as an apprentice?

Have you seen more of those so-called hot-blooded anime?

The two guys played for more than five minutes, covered in blood. His body was staggering, and he couldn't even swing his fist. But they still did not retreat and ran, still clamoring that a real man would never leave his back to the enemy.

The scars behind are the shame of men, and so on.

at last!

"Bang!" The eagle couldn't bear it anymore, opened his hands and fell backwards, losing consciousness.

"Hahaha ~" Zhao Chengtian wiped the blood on his face, and the second one screamed enthusiastically, "Have you all seen me? Zhao Chengtian is the real protagonist, and the safety of the earth in the future will be given to me. Zhao Ri, no, Zhao Chengtian is gone. "He was full of passion and blood, and there was an urge to change Zhao Chengtian into Zhao Ritian.

Among the superpowered students, there is sweat. Although it won, the scene was too embarrassing. Even if I applaud him, I feel quite shameful, and I really don't want to know him.

Only his two good masters, Bursting Bear and Scud, cheered and applauded in the crowd, screaming that the apprentices were doing well and winning glory for the country. The appearance of Yaowuyangwei seems to want the whole world to know that these secondary two teenagers are their apprentices.

Wang Yan could n’t stand it anymore, and quickly waved his hand and said, “I ’ve done it, Zhao Chengtian won this game. By the way, lift the eagle down and let the Druid instructors take good care of it.”

People can be cured, but that brain may be difficult to cure.

As the opening game, it was a lively game, but it didn't have any technical content.

"Who's next?" Zhao Chengtian was redheaded, blood dripping from his body, and he circled around the ring with extraordinary momentum. His eyes showed the momentum of the world, and the countdown thumb said, "I am not Zhao Chengtian against whom It's just that all of you present are **** in my eyes. "

"I just want to kill you or be killed by you!"

"Come on, look down on life and do it if you don't agree."

In the same sentence, the words of the two teasers popped up in his mouth.

This time, the little girl, An An, was embarrassed to speak for him, and he looked embarrassedly and didn't overdo it, only to not know this guy. Teaming up with Zhao Chengtian is full of shame.

Isn't it just to win the Indian State A3, which is also the second in the second, how could it be as if the whole universe was saved?

"What do you look at?" Zhao Chengtian's momentum surged, and said to the dirty ascetic monk Kesala, "Come, you come to power. Either kill me, or be killed by me." "

"Okay." Kosala, who had the title of Xiaotou, nodded and prepared to go up.

"Kosala, leave it to me." The beautiful girl shooter Shivari said, squinting her eyes. "This guy is so noisy, I really can't stand it anymore." Lighter, it flew up the ring like a gust of wind.

"Yo, beauty." Zhao Chengtian grinned and plucked up the red hair upside down, laughing jokingly, "I don't like to beat women in my life, or let the dirty monk come ..."

Zhao Chengtian was not finished yet.

He heard the sound of "Zheng" and the bow string rang. I saw that Shiva Rui quickly opened a bow and shot an arrow. A long arrow blessed by a rune shone with light, and shot towards Zhao Chengtian like Changhong Guanri.

What the hell!

Zhao Chengtian was startled and hurriedly avoided a lazy donkey.


A long arrow was held on the ring, and a large crater of more than two meters was exploded like a bomb. Zhao Chengtian looked terrified. Was the chick shooting an arrow or a missile?

This is too exaggerated, right?

"Beauty shoots well, shoot the second guy down."

"Beauty is a beauty, and even the archery posture is so beautiful. From now on, beauty I will follow you."

"The elf archer cheers."

On the side of super-powered students, most of them are cheering for the beautiful girl shooter. This gave Zhao Chengtian an instant feeling of tears. My Zhao Chengtian is fighting hard, but you are cheering for the enemy.


Zhao Chengtian even hid seven or eight arrows, it seems that he has reached the state of running out of light. His hand was on the storage bracelet, and the machine gun that used to shoot birds once again appeared on the ring. He gasped and shouted: "Beauty, this is what you force me. Me and you ..."

Before the words were finished, three arrows swarmed in the distance.

The arrow was extremely fast, and DuangDuangDuang poked into the barrel of the cannon with great precision.


The machine gun exploded into countless fragments in a burst of light.

"My machine cannon!" Zhao Chengtian was also blown out and rolled off the ring, covered with debris. But the injuries on his body are far less than those on his heart.

That rune machine gun was of great value, and it was bought by Master Xiong Xiong.

As a result, the bird was beaten once, and it was refreshed once. It was blown away by the beautiful girl shooter, crying without tears.

"Haha!" Wang Yan smiled embarrassingly and took out a cup of tea to drink. It's shameful, really shameful. Obviously there is such a good advantage, because the machine guns dare not say that they can sweep the whole audience, at least they can win two or three?

In the end, in order to install a force, even the guns were cut. This kind of shame is simply thrown into grandma's house. Fortunately, the goddess Shiva did not dare to gamble with herself, otherwise it was really the number of hits she hit.

Just when Zhao Chengtian was bombed out.

Zhang Weifei went to the ring and shouted, "Wow, wow, Zhao Chengtian, you lost so badly. Come and come, your brother will avenge your hatred for you. Quack quack ~" As soon as he landed on the ring, there was a wave of space around him. The whole person disappeared.

"Qi Qiqi, 桀桀 桀 ~" A series of frivolous and weird laughter sounded all over the ring at the same time, "Sister elf shooter, come, come and play hide and seek with your brother. You have to catch your brother, You can do whatever you want with your brother. "

There was an indescribable obscenity inside and outside of that remark, and there was a sense of lasciviousness, which caused goose bumps to come out.

"Haha!" The goddess Shiva sneered while drinking tea. "Son of flame, is this the student you recruited by yourself? Haha, it really is a raccoon with you."


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