The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1105: Black woman with little belly

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An An played.

The scene immediately began to boil: "An An, come on, get rid of the dirty stinky monk."

"An An, don't be too reluctant. The dirty monk is so powerful, you should step down a few times, don't hurt yourself."

"Stinky monk, if you dare to bully An An, don't blame me and you desperately."

In the crowd, all kinds of words emerged endlessly. Even on live channels, there are countless barrage, either to encourage An An, or to persuade An An not to force himself.

This shows that An An, who is still a sixth-grade primary school student, is very popular among super-skilled students. Even in terms of popularity, she is still above Si Kongzhi.

There is no way, who can make a little girl look beautiful like a doll, but also simply lovable and like to help others. For most people, An An is a perfect little girl, full of desire to protect.

Only a very few people know how clever and dark-hearted it is hidden under the appearance of this seemingly cute little girl.

I once ate An Anxiu's hairy legs, his eyes shrank back, and I couldn't help thinking of the miserable situation at that time. Mammy, how could this little girl think so complicated and powerful.

To be honest, SCUD doesn't dare to provoke An An. He even believes that if this little girl continues to develop, she may become a pillar of Yan Zun's society in the future.

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan didn't feel nervous at all. He smiled and leaned back behind the chair, stretching his muscles and saying, "His Royal Highness, it's too early to say this kind of thing. Let's take a look. "

Seeing Wang Yan's demeanor, Shiva was slightly puzzled. Does this look very beautiful, lovely and harmless girl, still hiding the mysterious forces?


Well, this girl has a good spirit, very strong and pure. However, no matter how pure and strong, it is still only the strength of the C + level. If there is no breakthrough, there is no breakthrough.

The gap between the two cannot be counted.

Moreover, even if this girl has broken through to the B level, the Shiva goddess does not think she can be the opponent of Xiaotou Tuo. Xiaotou Tuo has been practicing hard since childhood, and his mind is as firm as a rock, and he will never be disturbed by external factors.

Moreover, with pure combat experience, Xiaotou did not know how many times he won the little girl.

The goddess Shiva couldn't figure it out. She simply shook her head and no longer thought about it. Instead, she focused on Bidou. In fact, where could she expect, what a scheming this beautiful girl looks beautiful. In calculations, maybe she is not as good as Si Kongzhi. But she has more acting than Si Kongzhi, making it impossible to guess her heart, what is she thinking about?

"Brother Corsala is good." An An was wearing a princess dress and holding a doll in her arms. Her voice was clear and full of sincerity. "Thank you for being kind to Sister Wang Bing just now." bow.

"Amitabha." The ascetic monk Xiaotou Tuo changed the ritual and said, "Little donor is polite." During his speech, his eyes looked at the burly and domineering bronze armored corpse, and said calmly, "Little donor Xiaoxiao At his age, he can actually control two peak-level bronze armored war corpses. He is really a genius, and his future achievements are unlimited. "He said two bronze armored war corpses, but he had no fear at all.

With his strength, not to mention two bronze armored war corpses, even three, there is no fear.

As for the others, it is blank, two? Is n’t An’an always the only bronze armored corpse? How come two? Is there a bronze armored war corpse in the coffin carried by the bronze armored corpse?

This, this, this is too terrible, right?

Could it be said that An'an's strength is the first among the key students of the superpower students? The two peak-level copper price war corpses, I am afraid that even Si Kongzhi is not an opponent?

"Brother Kosala has good eyesight." An An said without denying, "An An has two bronze armored corpses. However, I am afraid that he is not an opponent of Brother Kosala."

Xiaotou nodded solemnly: "Yes, I am afraid it is not the opponent of the young monk. But you can rest assured that the young monk will be merciful." The little girl was very polite, and Xiaotou decided not to let her lose so ugly.

"No ~" An An said firmly, "An An also asked Brother Kosala to go all out. An An should lose even if he lost, just like Sister Wang Bing."

Xiaotou was stunned, but he didn't expect An An to say this. Immediately, let him increase his favor again. He nodded seriously and said: "The little donor is admirable, you can rest assured that I will go all out to you, and also ask the little donor to take action first!" During the speech, I didn't see any movements from him, but he still stood loosely. there.

"Thank you, then offend!"

After An An finished his speech, his mental strength moved, and his fingertips were pinched. I saw the bronze armored corpse behind her burst out instantly, carrying the coffin like a tank and rushing towards Xiaotou, and halfway down, it slammed the coffin towards Xiaotou.

This bronze armored corpse is of the power type, and it exploded with all its strength. Compared with the power of some power superpowers, it is still a little better than a half chip. The coffin is flying like a missile.

"Amitabha." Xiaotou Tuo did not hurry, patted the coffin gently with a palm. The impulse of the entire coffin was instantly digested and clean. As he prepared to pull the coffin to the side, he suddenly changed his face and growled angrily: "How humble ..."


Before his words fell, the coffin exploded in front of him, and an explosive wave full of flame power swept away in all directions. Faced with such a raid, Xiaotou's reaction was extremely fast,

A golden shield was put around him, and his body swooped back.

It is a pity that no matter how fast the speed is, it can't keep up with the speed of the explosion. The air wave wrapped around the shock wave, and the small-headed tudor's vajra shield shattered into fragments of energy, so that he flew out, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

But it was not over yet, and I saw the coffin open suddenly, and a silver-white jade hand extended from it, holding a katana in his hand. It was a women's combat puppet, and her whole body of silver was lingering, like a lightning bolt killing the little head.

The blade is sharp and the momentum is like a rainbow.

"Silver Armor!"

There was an uproar around, how could this and this be possible? How could there be a silver armor corpse in that coffin!

At the moment, even Shiva, the goddess, was shocked and couldn't believe it: "Impossible, with her strength, how could it drive the silver armored corpse?" A silver armored corpse, that's class B presence.

"Brother Kosala, goodbye ~" The little girl An An, sweating all over her body, her face was completely white. But the voice is still crisp and moving.


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