The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1106: Everything for President Wang

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As her voice fell, the silver armor corpse had swiftly rushed in front of Xiaotou Tuo, a knife cut to his neck.

Wang Yan was also slightly surprised. He had seen this silver armored war corpse before and had also fought. But at that time, she was just a bronze armor, her combat strength and talent were very good. I really didn't expect that the guy who was a corpse man actually trained her to become a silver armor corpse, and gave it back to the apprentice.

The corpse guy is really willing, and also too bold. Her apprentice's C + level strength allowed her to drive the silver armor corpse, and she was not afraid of the collapse of her mental power and was repulsed by the silver armor corpse.

Look at An An's pale face, sweating all over her body. Obviously, when driving this silver armored corpse, she was also very strenuous and very reluctant. It is no wonder that she now also drives a bronze armored war corpse.

What can be driven out is already a miracle.

at this time.

On a tree in the distance, an old man dressed in a black robe and covered in dryness laughed happily: "Everyone, tremble. Let you see and see, the strength of my corpse apprentice."

Corpse Daoists are extremely satisfied with An An. Apprentices of this level of qualification are already known as the heirs of the highest talent in the history of Xuanzai. I am afraid that it is not inferior to the mysterious ancestor of the Xuan Corpus.

This apprentice, the only thing that makes him a little dissatisfied is. Although worshipping him as a master, the idol she admires most is still the guy Wang Yan. But worship it, worship it now. Which little girl does n’t worship an idol or something?

Such apprentices, of course, the corpse people have spent all their efforts to cultivate. The rise of the Xuan Corpse Sect depends entirely on this heir. As for Liu Lang's fellow, another apprentice has been forgotten by him outside Jiu Xiaoyun for the time being.

Regardless of qualification or mentality, I do not know how many times it is worse. Corpse Daoist can even imagine that his apprentice, An An, has commanded two mysterious corpses, and the days when the mystery of the mysterious corpse is greatly promoted.

at this time!

The small-headed tuo on the ring has been forced to the edge of the ring, but the blade is right in front of him. If you retreat, it is a cliff. It was in this desperate place that Xiaotou once again radiated golden light.

His whole body was shrouded in gold, and he became a Vajra Buddha. With his hands pinched, he blocked the sword of the silver armored corpse with an empty hand.

"Vajra Body." Wang Yan nodded approvingly. The young monk was not very young. The flame of the Vajra Body was very high. It seems that it is not only highly talented, but also very hard.

The vajra body has always been a masterpiece of the Buddha. Once cultivated, it will reach Vajra's indestructible body, and its defense is extremely terrifying.

Wang Yan also practiced this kind of skill himself, but what he cultivated was the immobile Wang Liuli golden body, which was still superior to the ordinary King Kong body. Cultivated to the deepest place, covered with golden glass armor, the situation is like the immortal king, and it is difficult to be a demon.

After Xiaotou stopped the sword, he growled angrily, "Humble ..."

But the scum word still didn't come out, and his pupils changed color suddenly. The left arm of the silver armor war corpse spread out, with a flame crystal thing in her left hand. She flicked it and exploded again. Got up.


On the ring, rubble flew, and the waves rolled. Yinjia War Corps and Xiaotou Tuo, respectively, were swept backwards by the wave of air. The only difference is that the silver armor corpse fell on the ring, while Xiaotou fell under the ring.

His face was so furious that he finally jumped out a word: "Sorry!" The word came out, and a big spit of blood spewed out from the mouth of Xiaotou Tuo, which stained the edge of the ring, and he was about to faint in anger.

It can also be seen how angry and unwilling in the heart of Xiaotou Tuo is.

He originally had a heart of victory and lacked guard against the little girl. The other party had a brother Kosala bit by bite, and they were called intimate, and they looked harmless to humans and animals. As a result, when he started to work, it was extremely deep, counting every step of his life.

Moreover, her coffin was clearly a silver armored war corpse, but she was supposed to be a bronze armored war corpse. That's really deceiving, too much.

The little girl, An An, waved her hands in full time, and continued to return the silver armored corpse to the coffin. Without a large amount of mental energy consumption, her face eased slightly.

Faced with the accusations of Xiaotou Tuo, the rest of the superpowers were also dumbfounded. Isn't it right? An An was so scheming? At first, they used various methods to reduce the hostility and attention of others, and then they exploded their hidden combat power to win in one fell swoop.

The little innocent lost his true injustice, even if he didn't even react, he already lost.

As a result, although An An won, both the Super Academy and the Indians looked at An An in surprise. Is this little girl too powerful?

Many people want to hear An An explain.

But An An just wiped the sweat from his head, walked down the ring, bowed to Xiaotou Tuo, and apologized: "Brother Corsala, I'm sorry."


Tuoto Sarah snorted angrily and sneered, "You really let the little monk see, what a face is like an angel, and a heart like a viper. Good calculation, really good calculation, the small monk lost unjustly."

"I'm sorry, Brother Kosala, I wanted to win too much." An An apologized. "I don't want to make any excuses for yourself. You scold me for being mean, or despise me in my heart, I accept it."

If An An started all kinds of shirks, Xiao Tou Tuo would definitely not accept it. But in the face of her sincere explanation without any concealment, Xiaotou's anger was reduced by a few points: "Winning or losing is just a matter of course. If you do anything to win, you will inevitably go the wrong way in the future. Your Wang Bing is a girl It ’s good to win, just to win, to lose, to lose. Right, why do you want to win too much? "

"I like Principal Wang, I don't want him to lose to Shiva." An An said seriously, "He said to win, no matter what price An An paid me, An An will fulfill his wish for him. Despicable and shameless, no matter how vicious, An An is willing. "


As soon as this statement came out, there were countless people shocked.

Among them, the most distorted face is the corpse man who is still proud in the distance. His dry old face suddenly became frightened and twisted, what? An An actually likes Wang Yan so much?

Oh my god, is it my destiny to be so miserable?

An An, An An, what good is that little white face? Ooo ... Ominous Wang Yan!


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