The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1107: Beast! Child of flame

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To be honest, if the dead corpse had beaten Wang Yan, he would have rushed to fight with him. It is a pity that he can only whine and mourn on the side now.

In fact, Wang Yan was also stunned.

What is this little girl saying? What does it mean to like President Wang, and what does it cost for President Wang, and An An is willing to? Girl, how old are you?

For a time, Wang Yan was dumbfounded, his eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say.

"Hehe." The Shiva goddess on the side was stunned. She had never expected that Xiaotou Tuo would lose, and would lose so fast, so miserable. But what An An said next made her sneer and said, "Son of Flame, you all know that you are capable. But I did not expect that the skill was so great. That little girl, but twelve three Years old? "

Wang Yan touched her nose and looked at the goddess Shiva, her expression was somewhat helpless. He is an S-class powerhouse who can solve countless things in this world. However, there are many things that cannot be solved, such as the scene in front of us.

A 12-year-old or 13-year-old girl said she liked herself and was willing to do anything for herself. In this regard, in addition to being speechless, Wang Yan was speechless. However, this is also normal. Now children are precocious, and it is normal to have someone who likes it.

Only those students from the College of Superpowers feel quite normal. An An insisted on saying that it is not a day or two to like President Wang. Besides An An, there are many female students who like President Wang.

But no one could have expected that An An could do this for President Wang.

The small head Tuo Sara was also standing on the spot. He did not expect that the little girl resorted to such fierce and despicable means for the son of flame. After stunned for more than ten seconds, he sighed and said: "Amitabha, obsession is delusion, and the small donor can do it for himself."

"Thanks to Brother Kosala for reminding me, An An just likes President Wang. This is my personal behavior. It doesn't matter whether he likes me or not. I can only force myself, I have no right to force others." An An looked naive and pure. , But said calmly and freely.

"Amitabha, thank you Miss An'an for waking up." The little head Tuo Ke Sala is also a person with Buddha nature, so far, all the delusions and thoughts in his heart have been dissipated, and even the whole person has been purified a lot.

Suddenly, he was a little curious again: "Yes, the flame crystal you used to explode just now looks like a very powerful one. Is that a one-time exploding treasure?"

In this regard, An An was also not hypocritical, and he took out a handful of flame crystals from the storage bracelet. The flame crystals are all the size of a pigeon's egg, and each one is shiny and clear, which contains a strong flame power.

There are five or six of them.

"A few days ago, I went to fight boss with the ancient Uncle Yan Mo. Uncle Yan Mo saw that I was too weak and sent me a lot of explosive fire crystal self-defense." An An said with blinking beautiful eyes, "I still have many here, Brother Kosala, if you want, I will give you some. "

"Don't use it." Xiaotou's cold sweat dropped his eyes and his pupils shrank, but there was some fear. Those flame crystals are very explosive, and if they are caught off guard, he will suffer a lot.

You know, no matter which country is the ascetic monk, it is famous for its excellent ability to fight. This shows that the power of this explosive fire crystal is quite extraordinary. Even if it's not a sneak attack, but a head-on battle, it's unknown how many Vajrasattva's diamond bodies can resist.

Moreover, as an ascetic monk, he usually uses his personal body as a weapon and rarely depends on foreign objects.

"The little monk lost his heart and convinced him to take it orally." Xiaotou gave a Buddhist ritual and retreated. He also did not accuse An An of using foreign objects. In fact, for superpowers, the vast majority will use foreign objects.

In the world, people who are similar to ascetic monks will insist on refining the body and soul. The vast majority of superpowers are pragmatists. When Wang Yan was weak and weak, didn't he carry a rune to run the world?

It was only the development speed of the rune plus modern weapons, some of which could not keep up with his growth rate, which for the time being abandoned the super-sniper-like weapons. If there is now an enhanced version of Super Sniper, which can kill S-level or above S-level powerful players, do you think Wang Yan uses it or not?

The times are evolving, and if the superpowers hold on to their own views, they are likely to be eliminated slowly. No, this year, the ascetic monk has become less and less.

"I really admire these ascetic monks." Wang Yan said lightly on the rostrum, "Continuing to sharpen the flesh and spirit through ascetic practice, so that the body and soul are constantly pure and impeccable. To the point. The more the future, the stronger. It is a pity that there are not many people who are willing to endure hardships now. "Hua Xia Guo also has a line of ascetic monks, but the people who walk that way are almost extinct.

"You just talk about it." Shiva Goddess glared at him angrily. "A person like you who is rich in wine and wealth can't hold on for three days." The generals who had high hopes for the staff had actually folded in just a few seconds.

What makes her helpless is that although the little girl An'an used tricks, the tricks were the embodiment of IQ in the decisive battle.

Wang Yan did not deny it, and he was too lazy to quarrel with Shiva and stretch out his waist: "Okay, hurry up, and we will be over after the last game." He looked casual, as if Won the general.

This time, it made the Shiva goddess sneer again: "Son of Flame, do you know that your expression is really very punished. Emperor Shitian's status in China is quite high. Every generation of Emperor Shitian Was born out of thousands of horses and horses. In theory, Emperor Shitian's status is the same as mine. "

That's right, this is the case in India. Each generation of Shiva Goddess and Emperor Shitian are the best among young people, and their positions are the same. It was just that the previous generation of Emperor Shi Tian betrayed humanity and died in the hands of Wang Yan. Now, Emperor Shi Tian has not grown to the point where he can compete with Shiva.

"No wonder, this kid looks like a drag." Wang Yan said with a squinted smile, "Your Shiva goddess and Emperor Shitian in the Indian Kingdom have all the habits and traditions that are empty of sight."

"You ..." Goddess Shiva's eyes rolled straight.

It is now.

The new emperor Shi Tian, ​​who has been embracing his hands and watching the show, finally moved. He flew onto the ring and said coldly: "There are two Chinese people left. Come on together, so as not to waste each other's time."


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