The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1108: Nine Yin Mysterious Corpse ~ Law

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Such a rampant tone is that even Wang Yan, who had just buried the Shiva goddess, was dumbfounded. The new emperor Shi Tian was more coquettish than his predecessors.

But it is a B-level, but it is bigger than other S-level people. If this kid grows up to S-level in the future, wouldn't the whole world ignore it?

The goddess Shiva on the side was still burying Wang Yan in her heart. Upon seeing this, some blushing and confessed, he stared at Emperor Shitian with dissatisfaction. Then he gave Wang Yan a white glance and hummed, "Aren't you also a virtue?"

"Don't say that," Wang Yan said with a look of panic and sincerity. "Compared to your emperor Shi Tian, ​​my old king is not many times different."

Lord Shiva's face was dark again, her eyes were even more vicious, and she was moaning in her heart. The Emperor Shi Gen was not from my family. It's just that after all, everyone is a member of the descendants of the gods. Shiva and the goddess are really not good at imposing. They are like eating ten thousand flies.

She had some helpless pig teammates like Di Shitian.

Naturally, no matter whether it is live or live channels, there is a lot of noise. There were scoldings all around the court. In the live broadcast, countless barrage flew. There is everything to say, but the most talked about is that the Indian Asan Tai is arrogant, killing him and other barrage.

Even a lot of **** superpowers have offered astronomical rewards. As long as An An and Si Kong Zhi can defeat Emperor Shi Tian, ​​they can get huge bonuses.

If he can be killed, the bonus will be tripled directly.

The reward figures given, even the A-level strongman will be extremely excited after reading it. If it is replaced with materials and treasures, it can produce extremely powerful help for the students of Si Kongzhi level.

"Hum ~" An An sneered twice, turned his head and said to Si Kongzhi diligently, "Brother Sikong, since Emperor Shitian wanted to die, then we are as he wished. The two of us went together to see how much he could bear . "

An An is a little girl, and she doesn't care about face-to-face things at all. Since Emperor Shitian wants to pretend to be forced, that's better. With her joint effort with Si Kongzhi, she did not believe in defeating Emperor Shitian.

"No." Sikongzhi asked the glasses frame without expression, "An'an, you go to rest. The next battle, it's up to me." Although he didn't speak very loudly, he showed a lot Very confident.

If you are so full of pressure, the morale of your superpowers will be greatly boosted. Let's ignore the wins and losses first. Although Si Kongzhi's words are calm, he is more confident.

Look, this is the Huaxia man. He made him strong, and the breeze blew the hills.

An An's expression was stagnant, although she believed in Si Kongzhi. Because Si Kongzhi never talks big, he thinks he can beat it, then there must be no problem. But this time, she didn't want President Wang to lose, especially to the goddess Shiva who spoke disgustingly.

What broken goddess? I dare not reveal my face, yuck! She groaned and said with a giggling smile: "A district of India, Asan, don't have to bother brother Sikong. Just now someone heard that a **** gave him a reward, let this opportunity be given to the little girl."

Saying that, An An leapt into the ring. And her bronze armored war corpse carried the hidden coffin and followed her with rumbling steps. Her petite body and the huge body of the war corpse form a stark contrast.

Her idea is also very simple. In any case, this decisive battle will be won for President Wang. Whether she has confidence or not, she just wants to do her best. In the worst case, you can also force some Emperor Shitian's cards to give Si Kongzhi more chances to win.

Si Kongzhi's face did not move, but did not stop An An. His face remained as cold as ice, and he didn't know what was in his head.


Emperor Shi Tianhuan held his hands and looked at An An coldly, disdainfully, "If you have infinite spiritual energy, you can drive the silver armor, and you can barely make two moves with this seat. Unfortunately, you still Younger. "

"Oh, it seems to be very glorious." An An rolled his eyes and said, "I am only twelve years old this year, I am already a C + level. You are so old, you have such strength, but also very interesting to say It ’s no wonder that you were just an emperor ’s relief. "

Emperor Shitian's pupils shrank, but he still suppressed his anger and sneered: "This seat disdains and you play tricks on your lips. Don't say this seat is bullying, let you attack first ..."

Before his words were finished, An An's arm was raised, and the three flamboyant crystals were in the shape of characters, flying towards Emperor Shi Tian. The suddenness of the shot and the quickness of the technique were really unexpected.

"You ... wanton" Emperor Shi Tian froze for a moment, suddenly angry with the crown. Earlier he also knew that this little girl, An An, was not a good thing. Although he was small, he was extremely cunning.

Unexpectedly, she was so courageous that her opponent dared to attack.

Fortunately, Emperor Shi Tian was not a fool like Xiaotou. He popped out with one finger, and a white thunder surged from his fingertips. Zi Lala, in a burst of current, the lightning suddenly turned into a small lightning grid, and the three flaming crystals were enveloped.


The electric current penetrated the surface of the explosive crystal without any obstacles. The flame energy in the crystal exploded instantaneously, three flames burst into the air, and the shock wave surged away in all directions.

Although the power is very explosive, it can't hurt Di Shitian in the slightest. Those shockwaves just set off Emperor Shitian's clothing.

"Hehe ~"

An An didn't hit, didn't care, he smiled with a lip, "I really deserve to be Emperor Shi Tian, ​​this thunderbolt is really good enough, it is stronger than the Prince of Lightning."

Emperor Shitian's face slightly changed, sneeringly said: "Let's be less provocative here. However, although Lei Hong is very strong, but sooner or later I will surpass him. For your younger part, if I go down now Just spare your life. "


The exotic eyes of the Shiva goddess on the rostrum narrowed slightly, and seemed to be dissatisfied with Emperor Shitian's words. Although they are all superpowers of the Thunder and Lightning Department, but the so-called lover shows Xi Shi, she does not think that Emperor Shi Tian can be comparable to Lei Bang.

"Hehe." An An took out a pink Barabara little magic fairy-style staff and played with it, his small eyes coldly said, "I can't guarantee you if you can't exceed the thunder. But I dare to guarantee, You want to win me without paying a price. "

As soon as the words fell, the pink staff twirled in her palm, and a cloud of dark and black mist spewed out of the staff. For a time, the black mist surging, the wind screaming, howling like a ghost crying wolf, one after another, making people hairy, like being in the Nine Nether Purgatory.

"Oh ~" The bronze armor corpse was surrounded by black mist, took a deep breath, and immediately roared with excitement, just like a peerless beast. With the howling, there was a piercing abnormal sound from the corpse coffin, like a horrible zombie scratching the metal coffin board with its claws, making people creepy and trembling.

"Nine Yin Mysterious Corpse ~ Law!"

Wang Yan couldn't help but whisper, but he didn't expect An'an's Jiuyin Xuan Corps to practice this kind of degree. Sure enough, he did not misunderstand the child.


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