The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1109: Belly black girl battle costume 13 men

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The key students recruited by Wang Yan are actually extraordinary generations. Even the wretched Zhang Wei is the power to master the law of space, and the future is limitless.

But among all these students, perhaps the best talent is the little girl An An. Not only is she extremely talented, she is also very smart and clever, but she also has a little black belly. This makes it difficult for Wang Yan to estimate her future. Under normal circumstances, the future is at least a legendary strongman.

Of course, Sikong Zhi Wang Yan is also very optimistic. Perhaps his qualifications are not the strongest among those key students, but the most calm and intelligent one. The most important thing is that he did not use extraordinary wisdom in detours.

However, Rao Shi Wang Yan is very good looking at An An and others. But I did not expect that in just a few months, I practiced the Nine Yin Xuan Corps Dafa to this point. Look at the whole ring full of anger, as if the dark sky is coming. Wang Yan knew that An An had touched some field-level forces.

If she can truly grasp the strength of the field level, it is to enter the B level.

For a time, Wang Yan also took a breath of air, and An'an's progress was really fast. Look at her like this, if you enter the B grade, it will be more than a month, and slower will be a year. And if she is going to school normally, she is just a pupil.

If she can be promoted to grade B in a short time, then An An will most likely become the strongest elementary school student in the world.

"Roar roar!" The casket of the corpse collapsed, and a group of armored corpses sprang out of it. Under the leadership of the war corpses of copper armor, they rushed towards the emperor Shi Tian like a large army. Although there are only a dozen iron armor corpses, but under the black yin of the Nine Nine Profound Corpses ~ Law, the roars of the corpses are extremely fierce and magnificent.

But the silver armor never appeared in the hidden coffin. But this is also normal. With An'an's current mental power, he controls so many puppets at once, almost reaching the limit.

"not good!"

In the distance, dressed in black robes, the corpses of the withered complexion changed their faces and stomped, "This child is still too tender. The corpse attacks, if you deal with ordinary superpowers, the effect is very good. But that emperor is released God, but the powerhouse that destroys the thunder system. "

The strongmen of the Thunderbolt Department have a special feature. The most feared thing is the ant-eating attack. Xuan Zongzong's veins, if dealing with such figures as Emperor Shitian, must concentrate on attacking it.

At the same time, some lively and lively channels in the live or live broadcast channel also have clues. In a flash, a lot of news broke out in the barrage.

"An An's tactics are wrong, and her troubles may be very big."

"Alas, it is too young. Although the qualifications and wisdom are not low, but the experience is still too little."

"Hope she is okay."

At the same time, the scene was also exclaimed. Many experienced mentors changed their colors and showed regret in their eyes. If An An had some points to win before, but now the wrong tactics are used, there is really no hope.

All things happen in a very short time. At the same time, Emperor Shitian's eyes also showed a mocking look: "Little girl, this seat thinks you are more able. Now it seems, but it is."

During the speech, Emperor Shitian's hand touched the storage bracelet, and the next moment he had a golden devil dropper in his hand. The Vajra pestle radiated bursts of precious light, and it was no ordinary thing at first glance.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, he was holding a vajra pestle in one hand and carrying it behind his back with his eyes half-opened and his long hair dancing in the wind. Standing there calmly and calmly, as if the corpses and puppets who rushed out of anger were just a group of local chickens and dogs.

Until those puppets rushed a few meters in front of him, especially when the bronze armoured war corps took the lead and waved its hammer-like fists toward Emperor Shi Tian.

Emperor Shi genius opened his eyes violently, and a series of thundering lightning burst into his arrogant and indifferent eyes. With his hand lifted, King Kong lowered the magic pestle and "punched" on the bluestone floor of the ring.

A muffled noise like Xia Lei exploded, and the heart shook.


Focusing on the Demon King Kong Pestle, a thunderstorm rolled wildly in all directions, instantly covering a radius of more than ten meters.

More than ten corpse puppets in An'an were completely shrouded in the thunderstorm.


The electric light exploded like a firecracker, and the corpses were suddenly torn apart by lightning, and the flesh was scorched black. Only the peak copper armor corpse survived in this thunderstorm.

But even so, it knelt down to the ground, and his body was black and scorched everywhere.

The mighty army of corpses and puppets was abruptly killed in a second.

In such scenes, Rao is a superpower who sees An'an losing face in advance, and he also takes a breath. Is this guy Di Shitian really just a B-level? How can a lightning class B superpower be so powerful?

They estimated that An An would lose, but they never thought that An An would lose so miserably. This is more than a dozen puppets, and it is not easy to cultivate. Fortunately, that bronze armored war corpse seems to have a little life.


Emperor Shitian kicked the bronze armored war corpse with his white hair fluttering down, and he sneered at An An with a breezy wind: "Little girl, wouldn't you be capable of this little bit? Only the silver armor puppet is released to play, and see how long I can solve it. "

"Oh, this kid pretends to be pretend. But it does have some skills." Wang Yanhuan held his hands and nodded pragmatically. "When I was in class B, I had some fights."

The goddess Shiva and Linghu Yaojue stared at him angrily. Son of Flame, do you dare to pretend to be more? Even if it is a boasting person, it will also boast of itself, which is exactly drunk.

But Linghu Yaojue's eyes were a bit worried. That Emperor Shi Tian was so powerful, how could An An and Si Kong Zhi resist it? In this competition, Hua Xiaguo really wants to lose?

"Oh, it's a pity!" Wang Yan squinted and smiled.

"What a pity?" Goddess Shiva froze a little, feeling awkward in her heart.

"Unfortunately, he seems to have looked down on An An." Wang Yan's mouth twitched with a smile. "An An, this girl, whoever dare to look down on her, will be bad."

"What?" The goddess Shiva was stagnant, and the secret passage was not good, the situation was worse.


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