The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1111: The moon is coming

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Wang Yan glanced at her angrily. Her Royal Highness, what do you mean? However, at this moment, Wang Yan couldn't help but give An An a compliment. This little girl is so beautiful.

First, the Emperor Shitian was poisoned by tricks, forcing him to be seriously injured, and had to resort to hidden means to swallow the violent Dan. Although Wang Yan does not know what Rage Dan is, it is definitely not a good thing. It is estimated to be something similar to a powerful stimulant.

Similar things have also been developed by the National African Bureau. But it is mostly used when desperately needed. Once the drug has passed, various sequelae are saved.

"Cough ~"

An An blinked at Si Kong Zhi and said, "Brother Si Kong Zhi, you should go next. However, I don't think you will live up to An An's good intentions?"

"No." Si Kongzhi's face calmly supported the glasses frame and said, "Although it is not necessary, but your efforts, I will naturally not let it be in vain." Then, he was carrying his hands and slowly pacing to the ring Side, but not going up.

"Si Kongzhi, if you don't come up, admit defeat yourself." Emperor Shitian roared angrily. The effect of the drug not only suppressed the toxins in his body, but also greatly stimulated his fighting power.

It's just that this violent Dan's side effects are not small. His muscles are twisted, his blue muscles are bursting, and his emotions are very unstable. Inside the body, it seemed that there were countless angers that could not be released, and almost all of his body was to be exploded.

The most important thing is that Emperor Shitian felt very wronged. After swallowing the violent Dan, he was ready to beat the **** little girl, but he did not expect the other party to surrender.

And now, it is really a shame that this Si Kongzhi is not staying on the sidelines.

"You fought a battle just now." Si Kongzhi said, holding his spectacle frame in a hurry, "I'm already tired, I don't want to take advantage of you."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a big laugh all around, and the big guys were happy. Si Kongzhi made it clear that he wanted to delay the drug effect of the other party's violent Dan, but he also said to let the other person rest and rest. Gee, Si Kongzhi, who has always been unsmiling, even told jokes.

Well done, a guy like Di Shitian who pretends to be forced to do this should be so to him.

But Emperor Shitian's side, but even his lungs are exploding, this guy really doesn't want to have a face, but dare not to face any more? But this is the rule, even if he snarled the Emperor Shi Tian, ​​it would not help.

It is now.

In the clear sky, there was a sudden shock.

The shock was extremely fast, pulling a long white flame tail in the air. Everyone looked up and secretly guessed in his heart, as if another master was coming, which one was it?

Everyone secretly speculated that a heroic figure fell from the sky.

She had a refreshing ponytail on her head, and she wore an antique and traditional sword costume of the Shushan Sword School. On her feet was a flying sword with crystals like jade and a burst of coldness.

That flying sword is the famous moon sword.

And the identity of this woman is also ready to come out instantly. The first genius of Shushan Sword School in a century, the new star of hope, invites Yuejian Gaomingyue. Among the younger generation of China, she was once the most dazzling.

It was only after Wang Yan's evildoer was born that she suppressed her edge slightly. But even so, inviting the Moon Sword Gao Mingyue is still an extremely dazzling young handsome show, the pride of China, and the Shushan Sword School in the future.

No, now she is the future of Shushan Sword School.

At this time, she is like a sword that has collected all the sharp edges. Wang Yan, however, could feel the majestic sword intention from her. That sword of mind, even the strong level of Wang Yan, felt a little dangerous.

"Moon Moon!"

Wang Yanteng stood up, his expression was inexplicably surprised, "I heard that you closed the gate some time ago, but I didn't expect this exit, and I was promoted to a legendary level. Gee, terrific, you feel like it to me now. The legendary realm of the unity of swords. "

Gao Mingyue hadn't answered yet. The Shiva goddess on the side glared and taunted: "Son of flames, is your family just connected to the Internet? More than a month ago, Mingyue had been promoted to S-level, and was notified by the China National African Affairs Bureau. To the world. "


Wang Yan remembered that at that time, he was still in the Arctic Circle. Although there is also a satellite network there, I really do n’t care much about the outside world, so I shrugged and said, "Mingyue, congratulations and congratulations. S class, this is the land fairy class. Just now you stepped on the flying sword from the sky. , It really seems to be a fairy. "

"It's not all you forced." Gao Mingyue glanced at Wang Yan lightly, and there was a slight bitter voice in his words. "You grow up and practice as fast as a rocket. I'm slow. Hurry, it was a beat slower than you. "

Don't look at Gao Mingyue's good personality, but in fact her heart is also full of proud women. As the most outstanding disciple of Shushan in the past 100 years, she shoulders the responsibility of revitalizing the Shushan Sword School.

Before Wang Yan appeared, she was the first young talent in China.

Gao Mingyue remembers that when he first saw Wang Yan, he was still a C + -level superpower, and he had a fight with Zhang Yan, the little Yan Zun of the year. But I don't want to. In just a few years, the name of the son of flame has been resounded all over the world, and he has also become a legendary powerhouse.

Looking at Wang Yan, Gao Mingyue's heart was also sighing with endlessness.

"Oh, you aren't slow to practice anymore." Wang Yan also felt a little emotional in his heart. From a small superpower, he grew up step by step to the present, and he didn't know how many things he experienced. After a pause, he asked again, "Mingyue, how can you come to the college today?"

Gao Mingyue glanced at Si Kongzhi remotely, and his voice was clear: "Si Kongzhi has already entered under my door. Just when he saw him live broadcast the game, he stopped by and looked at it."

She is Jianxiu. The biggest advantage of Jianxiu is that she can fly the sword. Compared with other legendary superpowers, flying sword is more advantageous when flying long distances.

Of course, modern social transportation is becoming more and more developed, and the advantage of flying sword long-distance flight has gradually disappeared. Many legendary powerhouses buy and maintain a private jet, which is not a thing at all.

These are all gossips. Wang Yan was somewhat curious: "I heard before that Si Kongzhi chose the Flying Swords of the Shushan Sword School, but he didn't expect to be accepted as a disciple by you. There is no limit to the future, you will find the treasure in the moon. "

"Yes, Si Kongzhi is indeed very good, and it adds a future to our Shushan sword faction." Gao Mingyue's pretty eyes are also more gratifying. What was the scenery of the Shushan Sword School in the past, but in the past 100 years, it gradually declined into a second-class force.

Fortunately, Gao Mingyue gradually rose, and the Shushan Sword School gradually returned to the mainstream.

Several S-class strongmen on the stage are simply talking to each other. The superpowered students below, and even many mentors, stared at the stage with admiring eyes. They are also expecting that one day they will achieve such achievements and become high-profile figures.


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