The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1112: It can still be installed

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"Mingyue, don't take care of him." Goddess Shiva pulled Gao Mingyue aside, her eyes squinting at Wang Yan, "Since the last time I performed the task together, it has been several months, and we have a good time to describe the old."

"Have you ever performed a task together?" Wang Yan asked slightly, "When was this happening, why haven't I heard of it?"

"Mingyue is not your girlfriend, do you want to take care of you?" The goddess Shiva seems to be incompatible with Wang Yan's attributes. I don't know why Wang Yan is always disgruntled, staring at her with a squint and saying angrily. Everyone is a member of the Anti-Disaster Alliance, and it is normal to cooperate with each other. The Son of Flame, do n’t you think that you are fighting against the evil forces all over the world alone? "

"Why?" Wang Yan said helplessly and touched his nose. "You chat, slowly chat."

The goddess Shiva asked a stool, pulled Linghu Yaojue, and Gao Mingyue to the side to chat and chat.

Of course, Wang Yan can't just chat about the chat between women. This podium is not interesting to stay, just simply go down. He used to live in the school as a student for a while, and he knew most of his classmates.

As he went on, he waved and greeted the students. At the beginning, many people were still tied to his identity, and he was short of breath and extremely nervous. But with his approachability, everyone gradually let go of the burden and warmed up with him again.

In fact, Wang Yan is 10 years and 8 years older than them, at most half a generation, and the generation gap between them is not very deep. After a few rounds, the sense of distance brought by the gap between identity and strength dissipated.

"Principal Wang, who will win this round?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? We won, and Emperor Shitian not only got poisoned, but also took Rage Pill. When the medicine was over, even I would beat him."

"What are you bragging about? You are a D-class superpower, and people will win you even if they are abandoned."

A group of people began to make a noise.

"Principal Wang." Zhao Chengtian, the second young man, gathered around and said with a smile, "I just performed well? Or, give me some charity points? You are thicker than my legs."

"You, the whole performance is nothing." Wang Yan said with a smile. "However, seeing that your performance is still hard work, you will be rewarded." Wang Yan gave A bottle of B-grade Nedan essence.

At this level of strength, ordinary treasures have no effect. A bottle of B-grade Nedan essence is not even a hair.

But a bottle of B-grade Nedan Essence, for Zhao Chengtian, is a superb treasure. His eyes flicked and flattered: "It's really worthy of President Wang, thank you very much."

The rest of the people were all jealous.

It is just that Wang Yan has many resources, but he is not an unprincipled reward person. Ignoring the fiery eyes of others, he waved to Wang Bing and said, "Xiao Bing, what kind of reward do you want?"

Suddenly, Wang Bing shook his head nervously and said, "No, no more. Thank you, President Wang." She was calm in the ring and could keep a delicate heart in the complicated situation. But in the face of President Wang, she was still very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, I won't eat you again." Wang Yan smiled, and took out three bottles of B-grade inner pill essence, as well as some ice-cultivation auxiliary resources, "You hold these first, then take Reinvigorate and strive to cultivate to the field level as early as possible to contribute to the country and the people. "

He mixed with Dongdao some time ago, and there was nothing there, but there were many cultivation resources in the Ice Department. Wang Yan also collected a batch of them, which could be used as gifts.

As soon as those things came out, the students around him suddenly breathed, and there were so many rewards. Principal Wang is worthy of being Principal Wang, and his shot is really generous. However, those rewards were also won by Wang Bing, but she resolved two enemies.

"Thank you, President Wang." Wang Bing took the treasure with a blush.

As for other people, envy envy, but Wang Yan will not give resources casually, even if he has a lot of resources on hand. Any superpower can only get real growth if he works hard to earn resources and practice. This process is also called experience.

Even those who have no experience in superpowers, even if they have picked up resources and cultivated them, they are nothing but flowers in the greenhouse, which can't stand the storm. At first, Wang Yan came out step by step, and during the period, he experienced some hardships.

As a result, Wang Yan will never sprinkle resources casually. This is not helping them, but harming them. It is a good thing for the students to be jealous, so as to motivate them to be more motivated.

"Principal Wang!"

At this time, the little girl An An shyly came together, seeming to want to talk to Wang Yan, but she was a little uneasy. The previous words were all impulsively spoken. Now that things are over, she is afraid.

"Little girl." Wang Yan seemed like no one else, smiled and waved at her, "What shame, come here."

An An's face was overjoyed, and he quickly rushed to Wang Yan, shouting sweetly, "Good President Wang."

In such a scene, Wang Yan also touched his nose a bit and felt the atmosphere was strange. Especially An An looks very petite and exquisite, and is a standard pupil.

Wang Yan took a deep breath and said helplessly: "An An, you still call me Uncle Wang."

"Uncle Wang ~ Okay." An An nodded cleverly, Meng Meng Da's eyes were watery, and her voice was sweet and whine.

"His ~"

Wang Yan took a breath of air. This feeling is even weirder and more timid than President Wang. He shivered and said, "Let's call me President Wang."

"Yes, President Wang." An An blinked, still very good.

"Before the battle, you worked hard." Wang Yan quickly rewarded her with a resource to encourage her. However, An An is now a small local tyrant, has a lot of money, and has low-level resources.

"Thank you, President Wang." An An took the resource with a sweet smile, and his small face was full of happiness. She does not lack these resources, but Wang Yan's encouragement is her motivation.

It was also at this time that Si Kongzhi entrusted the glasses frame and stepped onto the ring step by step.

At this time, the effect of Di Shitian taking Rage Pill was only about half of it. He glared and stared at Si Kongzhi violently and surprisingly. It was as if he had really stepped onto the ring, and he burst into laughter with surprise: "Stupid Chinese, the violent Dan effect in this seat has at least five minutes. , You came from a dead path. "

No wonder he was ecstatic. If Si Kongzhi could stand up for another five minutes, even if the **** came, Emperor Shitian would be unable to return to heaven. But now, this kid took the initiative to go to the ring, which means that the battle can start at any time.

The students around were also surprised. Si Kongzhi has always been superior with calm wisdom, how could he fall off the chain at this critical moment. Emperor Shi Tian, ​​who took the violent Dan, was as terrible as a wild beast.

"Hehe." Si Kongzhi laughed coldly. "In the first five minutes, I don't want An'an's efforts to be in vain. But to deal with your emperor Shitian, you really don't need to use procrastination tactics."


After Emperor Shitian's face froze for a while, it became extremely ugly. This kid in glasses was too arrogant to be able to pretend to be Emperor Shitian.


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