The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1113: Shushan Jiandian

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He exuded a violent breath all over the body, stepping towards Sikong Zhi like an ancient beast, and angrily smiled: "Okay, so arrogant boy. You are so confident that you can resist more than five in this seat. Minutes! It ’s crazy, it ’s too crazy. "

The Zizi current rose violently on Emperor Shitian, spreading in all directions as if in substance. The breath he showed was still half a chip better than when he battled An An before.

"Oh no."

An An's face was slightly anxious, "Brother Sikong is too anxious. It would be better if he dragged on for another two or three minutes."

"Don't worry." Wang Yan was very confident in Si Kongzhi, and said with a smile, "An An, we have to trust 100% of our teammates. I believe that Sikongzhi has no problem holding on for five minutes."

Wang Yan knows Si Kongzhi very well. If this person does not have 100% confidence, he will never speak big words. Others thought he was pretending, but he was just telling the truth.

"Yeah, everyone has to believe in Si Kongzhi. There are too many tactics after five minutes."

"It's still too cautious. Si Kongzhi has been too arrogant recently."

At the same time, several women on the rostrum who were chatting and secretly chatting also stopped private chats and paid attention to the events on the ring. Shiva Goddess frowned slightly and said, "Mingyue, is your apprentice too arrogant? The current situation of Emperor Shitian, even if he is an ordinary B-level superpower, may not be able to resist him for five minutes. You know, although his practice is slightly worse than my "Shiva Sky", it is also a top-level exercise. In history, it has also been a semi-god. "

"Crazy?" Gao Mingyue said lightly, "Indira, don't say that my Shushan Sword School seems to be vegetarian. To say history, our Shushan Sword School is famous, and the Celestial Class One Not without it. "

The so-called Tianxian in her mouth is the first level above the land fairy, which is the first level of the demigod. In ancient China, the gods were usually called demigod levels.

"Mingyue, I didn't say that your Shushan swordsmanship wouldn't work." Shiva Goddess stunned slightly, explaining, "If Si Kongzhi has already realized the realm, I'm afraid this battle might be worth watching. Unfortunately, his practice time is short ... want to hold on for five minutes in the hands of Emperor Shitian in a violent state. "

"Indira, if you insist, it would be better for us to gamble." Gao Mingyue smiled inexplicably.

"Gamble?" Shiva Goddess squinted, "You and the flame child are too close, what is wrong with them? Forget it, maybe your apprentice is not a trivial matter, he can really hold on for five minutes Okay, no, now it only takes four and a half minutes. "

Shiva Goddess has a rare friend in the world who does not want to offend Gao Mingyue in this matter. Anyway, after a while, Emperor Shitian can speak with facts.

It is now.

On the ring, Emperor Shitian ’s body continued to tremble and smile wildly: "Si Kongzhi, I like you so much. Do you know how difficult I am to control myself now. For your stupid sake, I I ’ll give you four minutes ~ 30 seconds, how can the time pass so slowly, wow haha ​​~ "Obviously, Emperor Shitian wanted to use four minutes to devastate him.

The extra one minute was regarded as his "reward" to Si Kongzhi.

I saw Si Kongzhi carrying his hands, the eyes under his glasses were not a little excited, and said lightly: "It's enough for you to clean up your words anyway, four minutes is enough."


The scene was suddenly silent, what? Si Kongzhi is talking about packing?

Did you get it right?

Between each other, everyone looked at each other, all saw the shock and daze in the other's eyes. According to the current situation, Sikong Intelligence dragged to the end of the effect of Emperor Shitian's Rage Pill, which was already awesome.

But he, but he even said that he would clean up Emperor Shitian, or just four minutes?

Brother Zhi, are you thirteen, too pretended?

"Oh, something interesting." Wang Yan was also shocked, with a somewhat surprised expression. He originally just thought that Si Kongzhi definitely had a way to control the rhythm of the battle, and easily support it to the end.

However, if you want to fight back in four minutes, it's a bit incredible. He smiled and said, "This battle is finally a little bit worth watching." In fact, if Si Kongzhi just wanted to survive those few minutes, even if he finally won, Wang Yan would not find it interesting.

"Moon Moon!"

Shiva Goddess also widened her eyes, and was surprised, "This apprentice you received, wouldn't it be a person with a brain problem? Even if the child of flame is in C + level, he is not as crazy as he is? Taking Rage Dan Emperor Shi Tian, ​​I am afraid that the combat power will reach the top of the B level. "

"This may not be necessary." Gao Mingyue was also slightly surprised, and immediately thought of the battle between Wang Yan and Xiao Yanzun Zhang Huang when he was in the C + level. "Some people are good at making miracles."


On the ring, Emperor Shitian roared violently, stepped on his feet, and flew straight into the sky. Holding the Demon King Kong Pestle in his hand, the body pulled back, and the whole person bowed backwards, the whole body crackled and the light flashed.

The posture is perfect and overbearing, like a thunder **** in a mythological world.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

He slammed the ball, and the Vajra was firmly held in his hand, but a thunder and thunder struck Si Kongzhi like an arrow from a string. The power of the thunder was probably no less than an air-to-ground missile.

If it explodes, the entire ring will be destroyed by half.

"Oops, Emperor Shitian is crazy." The eyes of God Shiva changed dramatically. How could the power of that move be resisted by every level C superpower? I am afraid that even if the B-level strongman is hard-wired, he will be seriously injured without dying.

When she first thought of her body to stop the blow, she was gently pulled by Gao Mingyue, and her brows were full of confidence.

The scene was also in an uproar, and many people felt a little sulking, secretly crying badly. However, Sikongzhi was in trouble because he was unable to stop all this.


Si Kongzhi hurriedly supported the spectacle frame and pointed like a sword, marking a perfect arc on his side.


A flying sword flew out of the storage bracelet and hovered flexibly in front of him. The sword was green and gleaming with a flash of aura, apparently the spirit sword of the Shushan sword school.

However, Wang Yan's eyes sagged slightly.

Isn't it?

I thought how generous Gao Mingyue would give the genius apprentice some superb flying swords. Unexpectedly, this flying sword is nothing more than a commodity. The Shushan sword sent the flying sword of the younger generation of disciples.


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