The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1119: Outstanding talent in the younger generation

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The stratosphere has always been known for its stable airflow. Most civil aviation aircraft will enter the stratosphere to increase stability, safety, and fuel economy. However, at this time, countless clouds appeared in this stratosphere within a few kilometers.

The thick and boiling clouds showed a red color, like a fire. They danced wildly and madly, exuding a terrifying and devastating breath.

The country of China has become different than before. And nearby is Huahai City, which is the most developed international metropolis in China.

There are countless planes flying in the stratosphere every day, and it is just right. A large DF airline plane is approaching from a distance. In the cockpit, the deputy captain took the lead in discovering the anomaly outside the porthole and exclaimed, "What is that? It seems to be burning clouds!"

"How is it possible !?" The captain also changed his face, and his face was unbelievable. "At this height, huh? It seems, it is really a burning cloud. No, no ... The radiation in front is very strong, is it an explosion ? "

At the same time, the A320 suddenly shivered violently, as if entering the strong airflow area, trembling violently. The flight attendant busy and calmly started the broadcast: "Because the aircraft encounters airflow, it will produce strong bumps. Please return the passengers to their seats and fasten their seat belts ..."

But before her words fell, some passengers by the window exclaimed: "Wow, the fire burns clouds, so beautiful fire clouds."

"That looks like a terrifying demon."

"No, no, it looks like the legendary Indian Lord Shiva." Some people who understood the Indian mythology exclaimed, "You look like that, with three eyes and four hands, and three forks in your hands, Shenluo, jug, war drums! Wearing animal skins and a cobra wrapped around your arm. Look at it, its third eye is open, it seems like a flame is blowing out, wow, so powerful! "

The crimson fire burned into clouds, and turned into the horror of Lord Shiva. It was wonderful and powerful.

According to legend, when Shiva's third eye opens, it will emit a flame of destruction and burn everything it sees.

Although the legend is unbelievable, it can also be proved that the flame of destruction of Lord Shiva is still very powerful.

It was in that A320, exclaimed, at the same time boiling endlessly. Wang Yan sees this and this scene, it is also a little tongue-twisting, right? Shiva, the girl, also masters this big trick?

Through the dance and sacrifice method, the horror phase of the Shiva goddess is summoned, and the horror phase is used to send out the destruction of the heavenly fire. The power of such a move may be close to the lethal power of the semi-god-level strongman.

It is no wonder that she is so confident that she thinks it is difficult for Wang Yan to stop this trick.

However, the Shiva goddess made this move, and it was not without cost. She is still dancing the mysterious and unpredictable Shiva dance, smart and strange, full of mysterious and unpredictable feelings, but her face is completely white, and there is a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth.

Obviously, even as strong as the goddess Shiva, it is very reluctant to use this trick, I am afraid it will have to pay a great price. That's exactly the reason. She only said that if she couldn't defeat Wang Yan, she would automatically admit defeat and later saw him detour.

"This cowhide can be blown really loud." While Wang Yan was dripping cold sweat on his forehead, he couldn't help but scream. It's clear that after your grandmother issued this trick, she was unable to fight anymore.

Before he made a big move, he had to blow a cowhide first, as if it were true.

But the power of this trick seems to be very domineering. Even Wang Yan's strength felt a serious threat. However, he is Wang Yan after all, and the cards in his hand are not one or two.

To make him admit defeat, I am afraid this alone is not enough.

Moreover, the more powerful Shiva Goddess is, the more excited Wang Yan is. Now Wang Yan knows what the original encounter was.

That is the inherited essence blood of the ancient fire **** of the earth.

Vulcan Zhurong has always been known for being belligerent. Wang Yan, who has his inherited fine blood, naturally also has a little temperament. He was holding a fire hammer, and his eyes were also blazing with hot flames. He shouted loudly: "Good coming, just let me know. The legendary Lord Shiva's flame of destruction!"

A flaming monarch's momentum rose, as if the monarch came to the world. No, to be exact, it's like a flame domination. Better than a king. Now Wang Yan knows what power he has in his blood.

The inherited essence and blood passed down by Vulcan Zhurong is a complete change to Wang Yan's bloodline constitution, which is better than the foundation of the pure Yang pulse. Even in the face of the horror of the Lord Shiva, he was not afraid.

Of course, the horror law of the Lord Shiva is just the law. If the real Lord Shiva is coming, Wang Yan estimates that, let alone mentioning the fighting intent, it must be how far away he is and how far away he is.

Wang Yan's power also completely enveloped the battlefield, and behind him was the flames. Those flames that just turned to the sun, just like the midday sun, gradually formed a dharma phase.

He is as tall as a mountain, every muscle in his body is raised like a rock, and he has a flaming red hair. He has endless flame momentum, vast power, as if he lifted his legs and stomped his feet, he could collapse the earthquake.

There is no doubt that this Dharma Fa is created by Wang Yan simulating Vulcan. The image comes from some fragmentary portraits, records, and some mysterious messages imprinted in the blood.

The flames of destruction that swelled up suddenly stagnate slightly, as if they were held back by a certain force of law, and the breath of destruction that burned all the world was also suppressed.

Two of the world's top young legendary strongmen have used the power of Fas to urge a higher level of Fire Law. Moreover, there seems to be a sense of uncontrollable power.

"Gosh, are these two gods fighting?"

On the A320, passengers boiled. Even a lot of people disregarded the air control regulations and turned on their phones to take pictures frantically. Suddenly, the plane not only trembled violently, but flew up and down instantly.

Some passengers without seat belts were even thrown to the ceiling.

Oh no!

Wang Yan and Goddess Shiva, both found that an airplane was involved in the war zone, suddenly secretly shouting. It's just that they have overdrawn their power, how can they stop it for a while.

"This stupid boy, silly girl, has done bad things but has to be devoted to wipe the ass." A helpless voice sounded.


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