The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1120: Three views subverted

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On the ordinary Airbus A320, there has been a mess, some debris flying in the sky, many passengers have been injured. In particular, a young man was thrown into the cabin after being thrown away, and then flung straight behind the cabin. When a passenger stretched out his hand, he didn't catch it, and he was about to die.

There was a scream all around, eyes closed, and even prayer.

It seemed that some people's prayers worked. Suddenly, the plane came to a halt from the violent bumps. Paper scraps, bags, and debris fluttering in the air seemed to be controlled by an invisible force. With. And the passenger who flew backwards in the cabin was originally panicking and dancing, and found that he could not move, his head and limbs could not move even half a millimeter, and the only thing that could move was the grunting eyes.

The feeling was very weird. From the extreme chaos to the ultimate silence, it seemed that even the sound could not be transmitted.

Under the angle that passengers can't see, under the cabin, a middle-aged man dressed in a shirt and beach pants, casually dressed at home, is holding the lower abdomen of a large aircraft with one hand, a vast endless energy is transmitted into the The interior of the big plane.

His movements are so casual and relaxed, as if holding up steady, just a toy plane, not a real big plane.

The whole plane stabilized in an instant, gliding quietly and forward in a quiet and stable manner.

In such a scene, let alone ordinary people, even the mighty superpowers will be stunned by their eyes. Even for S-class powerhouses, they can easily destroy an airplane, but it is impossible to hold up an airplane. Even the red tank, known for its pure power, is impossible.

"what happened?"

The captain was grateful for the cold sweat, and looked around without knowing what happened. Such a situation is by no means his credit. Although he tried hard to stabilize the plane before, everything was futile.

The present scene can only be described by miracles.

"Look, look, there are two people in those red clouds." The deputy captain pointed to the two burning clouds in front of him.

"Nonsense, that's two masses of fire, and the coincidence formed two human figures." Modern Chinese people have received atheistic education, and the captain didn't believe in some supernatural phenomena.

Although, the human figures condensed by the two groups of red explosion clouds are so wonderful, as if the two gods are really confronting each other.

"No, no, I mean under the red cloud," the deputy captain hurriedly explained. "The two little black dots seem to be two humanoids." In the cockpit, some high-power telescopes will still be equipped.

The deputy captain took a telescope to look at it, dripping cold sweat and said, "I'm sure, that's two people."

"How is it possible? Are you blind?" The captain hurriedly snatched the telescope away and looked carefully, almost not fainting. That scene really challenged his three views.

Under the red clouds, there were indeed two people standing, who could clearly see the outline. From the color of clothing, it seems that a man and a woman are floating in a confrontation.

For a time, the captain felt that he had been studying for so many years and had also experienced so many years of life. The scene I saw today completely subverted his cognitive ability.

He and the deputy captain looked at each other almost simultaneously, saying: "I didn't take drugs?"

Drug abuse is of course impossible.

But they also remembered some of the contents of some fantasy fantasy novels. The two masters confronted each other, summoning the Fa phases, and exhibited a great move to destroy the world. Although they are flying, they usually read novels and so on in their free time.

After all, China's current online novel industry is the most developed in the world.

While reading those novels, they were also excited by blood. But the novel content is novel content after all, when these really appear in front of them, the heart is full of panic, fear, it is difficult to accept digestion for a while.

"Another one came." The deputy captain pointed out the porthole, and a white shadow flew by. And the shadow passed by them in front of their portholes, ignoring their plane completely.

At this time, the captain and deputy captain were too clear. It was a handsome guy in a white suit with blonde hair. To say that there is something special about this handsome guy is that he has a pair of pure white feather wings on his back, fluttering, he can fly far away with every flap.

"Mom, look, there are angels." Next to the first-class porthole, a little girl shouted milkyly at the milk outside the window.

"Why ..." Her mother just wanted to deny it, but she was stunned by the scene, covering her mouth and couldn't believe it. It really seems to be flying over an angel, or a handsome male angel ...

"Mom." The little girl blinked her naive eyes and said, "I thought angels are all girls. There were boys too. But think about it, if there are no boys and angels, how can a baby angel be born? "

"Uh ..." These words caused her young woman's mother to blush for a while, and she didn't know what to do. And now the child seems to be too precocious, how old is it, knowing that baby angels want male angels and female angels together.

In fact, everything happened in a very short time.

It was when Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess tried their best to amplify their moves, but they couldn't help it. It was found that the plane stopped miraculously, apparently a master shot out and stabilized the situation.

But before they could even breathe a sigh of relief, a white-winged man flew into the center of the battle between the two without hesitation.


There was a loud and clear voice.


Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess were all in color.

Both of them are legendary characters, and each one reveals great power. Since their engagement, they have escalated the situation to a fierce level. With their best effort, even if the demigod-level strongman wants to make a hard connection, he has to weigh up.

Not to mention the thunder.

At this time, Lei Bang still stayed in the realm of half-step S-class. How can he resist the squeeze of the two powerful moves!

Don't care about that much.

Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess don't care about all the moves, even if they hurt themselves.

As their respective strengths were retracted, the huge and powerful Fa-phase disappeared instantly, and the red clouds were boiling. The two also blushed and spurted blood.

But even with the timely recruitment, there were still waves that crushed the thunder.


In the violent energy, Lei Bang was like a broken doll, and was thrown away fiercely, and a large amount of blood spurted from his mouth.


"Boom ~"

Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess looked at each other and turned away.


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