The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1124: Mom watching ~ Aliens

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For a time, the most bewildered beauty was the flight attendant. She blinked her big beautiful eyes, her face full of dull and silly expressions, and ten thousand heads in her heart rushed past.

As a flight attendant, although the previous things are too unbelievable, but her duty is to appease the frightened passengers. As for some of the strong magnetic storms she casually bullshit, mirages or something, she couldn't even believe her.

If it was a group of Superman fighting, she could still believe.

Fortunately, she still stabilized the emotions of the passengers with excellent persuasion, and then landed soon, when the ground crew came forward to deal with the matter.

However, she managed to stabilize the situation, but there was a person posted on the cabin glass, oh, okay, still a good-looking guy. Wait, what does this have to do with handsome guys?

No matter who you are, big brother, can you stop messing up? What are you talking about, everyone? Sorry just now. Isn't this clear, that is to say, you are the culprit who almost caused the tragedy just now?

Her emotions collapsed. What is this called? This work cannot be done.

In this situation, what good is the culprit to be handsome again? Can he be handsome to the sky? No, um, that handsome guy seems to be quite handsome, well, it seems to be handsome to the sky.

For a time, the flight attendant couldn't open his eyes.

In the cabin, panic was caused at the same time.

"Mom look ~" A little girl pointed at Wang Yan outside the window, and said with a sulky voice, "It's an alien ~"

"Don't talk baby ~" A mother held her child in her arms desperately, staring at Wang Yan outside the window with horror. "Please, please, don't eat my child."

Now even if Wang Yan is handsome, he can't alleviate the fear of this young mother. In fact, the more handsome he is, the more he is recognized as an alien.

Wang Yan outside the window almost didn't fall after hearing the words.


Eat kids?


You foolish people on earth, do you dare to be more mentally retarded? He was also quite speechless, originally passing by to see the plane, he wanted to appease these frightened people.

But I don't want to, it seems to have caused more panic.

In desperation, Wang Yan had to say one sentence: "I am a human from the earth, and I have to come in."

The flight attendant froze for a while, and I couldn't help it. You said that you are a human on earth, then is that a human on earth? How can people on earth be so handsome? You, an alien, shape yourself, but you do n’t know how to make it more reliable, and you can still make people believe it.

"Don't panic, we won't open the cabin door." The flight attendant called out to appease the crowd. "Even if he is an alien, he can't enter ..."

But before her words fell, there was a strange feeling like a ripple in the cabin. The handsome and handsome guy appeared in the cabin so abruptly, and said happily with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Wang Yan, a human on earth."

The beautiful flight attendant fainted, and in a horror, he was a little angry and angry. Whether you are an earthman or an alien, can you always beat me in the face? I just said that it was the mirage of the magnetic storm, it was everyone's illusion, and you appeared.

I just said that you can't come in, and you immediately "shuttle" in. You alien, not far from hundreds of thousands of light years, did you do it right with me?

"Mom, this uncle said he was an earthman." The little girl blinked her eyes, staring at Wang Yan with curiosity, apparently waking Wang Yan's remarks.

"Baby, don't believe him." The young mother hugged her child tighter again and blocked her sight, whispering, "How can an earthman call himself an earth human? And, earth people wouldn't wear walls , No, it's wearing airplanes ... "

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a wave of panic around.

"Aliens, what do you have to ask to come at me and don't hurt the child." The flight attendant rushed over and blocked Wang Yan in front of his face. "If you want to eat, just eat me."

After being so rendered, there was a panic in the cabin, shivering and shivering timidly. The courageous began to provoke Wang Yan to say anything that would not hurt the child.

Wang Yan, a drop of cold sweat, what imagination do you guys have? I am willing to believe that I am an alien, and I do not want to believe that I am an earthman. I am really drunk. Moreover, eat you?

Who told you that aliens are cannibals?

Even if aliens come to Earth not far from light years, how much time and energy are they consuming? Is it just for a bite? Don't judge the aliens with the foodie mentality?

Alien talents are not so boring, okay?

Just when Wang Yan was unable to explain his nose, he said it, and turned around and let the bureau come forward to appease the passengers on this plane. Anyway, since this happened, according to the regulations of the National African Bureau, everyone here needs to do psychological counseling and sign a confidentiality agreement.

Wang Yan, who is regarded as the villain demon, and the alien, is ready to pat the **** and flash people. At this very moment, a weak voice sounded: "Wang Yan, are you really Wang Yan's younger brother?"

"Huh? There are acquaintances on this plane?" Wang Yan looked sideways, and saw a woman dressed as a white-collar worker sitting on the seat not far away. A woman who is not too familiar, but Wang Yan has a very strong memory and recognizes the other party at a glance.

Jiang Jingjing.

The school sister Wang Yan met on the train to Jingnan City, she is also a clerk of Shen Mengting Company. In order to have a little fate at the beginning, Wang Yan also specifically asked Shen Mengting for help, and helped her through the back door.

"Sister Jiang Xue, is it really you?" Wang Yan chuckled, "I haven't seen you in a long time, it's really fate. By the way, has President Shen recently been promoted to your position? How are you doing?"

"It's really you ..." Jiang Jingjing hurriedly untied the seat belt and stood up, hurriedly exclaimed, "I just recognized you just now, but I can't believe it, you, you are, are ... "

For a time, she did not know how to describe Wang Yan.

Anyone know?

In any case, this conversation between Wang Yan and Jiang Jingjing actually calmed everyone's emotions. At least, even if he is an alien, it seems to be a familiar alien.

"Sister Xue, you came just right." Wang Yan breathed a sigh of air in his heart, "You explain it to everyone for me, lest they don't believe me."

"Hmm ~" Jiang Jingjing nodded again and again and said to everyone, "Don't be afraid, although my younger brother is an alien, he is a good alien."

In the first half of the sentence, Wang Yan still nodded. But in the second half of the sentence, I heard him staggering, his face was helpless, Jingjing Xuejie, why did you treat me like an alien?

Am I wronged?


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