The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1125: Native earthman

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"Sister Xue, wait. What's a good alien? My Wang Yan looks like, where does it look like an alien?" Wang Yan protested with a helpless face.

"Student, don't be afraid. Well, you don't have to admit it. How can you be so good, handsome and perfect man on earth." What about even aliens? Foreigners are good and bad, and aliens are naturally good and bad. Sister Xue believes you, you are a good alien. Jiang Jingjing continued to comfort Wang Yan. "You can rest assured that the ideology of our people on earth is already very open and will not bully aliens." "

Is this a matter of bullying or not? But the excellent, handsome, perfect man and the like made him secretly relieved.

Wang Yan touched his nose and was powerless to protest. If you said I was an alien, just aliens, I was too lazy to explain. If you are a superpower, you have to explain for a long time. Moreover, everyone's fear of superpowers is not necessarily less than aliens.

For a time, Jiang Jingjing's words convinced a lot of people, everyone's hostility and fear of Wang Yan was greatly reduced. The beauty is right, aliens are also a kind of creature, let's not discriminate him like that.

Everyone looked at Wang Yan's eyes, and he had become a lot more kind, just like admiring the giant panda.

"Uncle, are you the Krypton star from the M78 nebula?" The little girl was not nervous anymore, but asked curiously, winking and blinking, "Alien uncle, do you know Superman?"

"Little sister, I don't know Superman." Wang Yan answered honestly. "But his sister, Superman, I know." He was too lazy to explain that he was not from the M78 Nebula.

"Wow, uncle, you actually know the sister of Superwoman." The little girl exclaimed with a wide face, "They are the favorite sisters of Supergirl."

As the little sister's question succeeded, and the "alien" seemed to be truly hostile, everyone's vigilance was relaxed again, and the curious began to ask some questions.

Wang Yan came to appease them. Anyway, they will also receive psychological treatment and sign a confidentiality agreement. As a result, he did not refuse the visitor. When he encountered a question, he could answer it if he could. If he could not answer it, he would just make up and make up. After all, the battle between Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess almost harmed them, satisfying their curiosity, amusing them, and smoothing their emotions, it should be to compensate them.

After a few minutes, even the captain ran out to visit the alien plus curious baby.

"Khan ~" Wang Yan said without a word, "How can you not be in the cockpit as a captain? Is this really okay?"

"Relax, now the planes are all automatically navigating away." The captain said with a big face, "Furthermore, the deputy captain is staring. By the way, the deputy captain asked me to ask you a question You Kryptonians are so handsome, will you soak up the earth ’s sister? Grab our resources and affirm that this is the problem of the deputy captain. "


Wang Yan was speechless for a while. Who are these people? However, it can also be seen from this that humans on Earth now have a high degree of acceptance of alien species. It is estimated that all the credits made by the film and television works.

"I don't need to answer this question. I know it all." The captain asked again. "Is the woman you fought with in the stratosphere just now also an alien? The deceptive form she transformed was terrible." Chang also made a look that I was afraid of.

"Okay, she is indeed an alien, or a very temperamental, unreasonable alien." Wang Yan said casually, anyway, there was no difference between the goddess Shiva and the aliens.

"She really is a bad alien. Is her purpose to destroy mankind? Or does she want to conquer the earth ..."

"It turns out that this little handsome guy is the justice messenger who protects the earth. People love your protection."

This group of people relaxed at first, and it was really a mess of things. It really made Wang Yan cry and laugh. As long as there are more goddesses of Shiva, everyone will portray her as a world destroyer.

A little dissent, they quickly disappeared into the crowd. If you let Goddess Shiva hear all these words, I ’m afraid that you will be angered and vomit blood directly. Why is everyone a human being? Everyone fights, you become a savior, and Goddess Shiva becomes a world destroyer ?

Fortunately, time passed quickly. Under the arrangement of special channels, the plane landed leisurely at Hongqiao Airport. Before the cabin door was opened, a row of military jeep was parked outside, and a team of secret agents had surrounded the plane.

As the cabin door opened, the first to enter was the secret service team members. They soothed everyone with great professionalism, and took them one by one to undergo mental and physical examination. Of course, the most important thing is to sign a confidentiality agreement.

"Good head."

The captain of the Secret Service salutes Wang Yan, his eyes full of admiration.

"Everyone has worked hard." Wang Yan waved his hand with dignity, and then pulled Jiang Jingjing out. "This is my school sister. I will do the follow-up work myself."

In a state of bewilderment between Jiang Jingjing and everyone, Wang Yan took Jiang Jingjing on an off-road vehicle and was driven by secret agents to the direction of PD. Wang Yan was going to send her to the company.

"Study, brother." Jiang Jingjing said slightly nervously, "You, aren't you aliens? Why, how do these soldiers call you the chief?" She swallowed her saliva, a little scared. Is the alien now dark Take control of the earth?

"Sister Xue, I was just teasing everyone. I am an earthman and a native earthman." Wang Yan chuckled, "The world we live in is more complicated than you think. But Do n’t worry too much about it, just continue to work and live a good life. ”

Jiang Jingjing was dizzy, and now Sanguan collapsed, where can he work with peace of mind?

"It's just some special time, don't think too much. Come on, sister, you sign this confidentiality agreement."


After more than half an hour.

The vehicle stopped at the door of Shen's Group, and Wang Yan originally wanted to send her to here. It's just that Jiang Jingjing was reported to "Shen Zong" on the road. Naturally, Shen Mengting poked a call to Wang Yan and asked him to sit up.

Wang Yan and Jiang Jingjing went to the top floor together.

As soon as he entered the top floor, Wang Yan saw that Shen Mengting had stood at the door. Not seen for many days, her temperament is still indifferent, as if she does not care about anything.

However, there was a hint of worry in her eyebrows.


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