The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1144: It ’s good to have a backstage

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At the same time as the goddess Shiva greeted the members of the National African Bureau.

Far away in Europe, the famous Holy See.

The Holy See is one of the smallest countries in the world. What ordinary people do not know is that although the territory of the Holy See is small, its real area is not small at all.

Sanctuary of Light.

As a subplane space attached to the earth, the only stable passage is in the Holy See.

In terms of area, the Bright Sanctuary has reached millions of square kilometers. Except for the Bright Holy City in the center, the rest are all wilderness fields full of glorious power.

Many clerics, after reaching a certain level of strength, will enter the sanctuary of light in order to strive to stabilize the realm and hit a higher level. Of course, apart from the dark creatures, the rest of the non-Holy members can also apply to enter the Sanctuary of Light to practice.

It is also because of this that the strength reaches a level where you can go to the Holy Sanctuary of Light, which is called the Sanctuary level in Europe, which is now the international standard A level.

This is the impression of ordinary superpowers on the Sanctuary of Light.

However, only the real members of the Light Holy See know the secret, that is, the Holy Land of Light is not just a secondary plane for practicing retreat. In fact, this is a stronghold established on earth by the great Father of Light, a fortress of war.

As long as he is willing to pay a huge price, he can open the channel to the kingdom of light, and summon a real army of light to come to help. Similarly, members of one's own side can also enter the legendary kingdom of heaven through this channel.

In the kingdom of heaven, the resources and environment of cultivation far exceed the sanctuary of light, and far exceed the ordinary environment of the earth. Even, you can get the guidance of the demi-level archangel.

If you are very lucky, you can even get some enlightenment from the bright Father.

It is a pity that this opportunity has been very rare since ancient times. Unless the consent of the Father of Light is obtained, even the Pope of Light is not eligible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

at this time.

In the sanctuary of light.

Rows of paladins formed an honor guard. The priests held the Bible in their hands and chanted the divine and majestic light and praise. In the sky, a ray of golden light intertwines and haunts, forming an extremely magnificent gate to heaven.

The gate of heaven is far more majestic and magnificent than the temporary passageway of the Pope of Light when summoning angels. The door lintel filled with the Baroque style gate of heaven even sculpted a bright eye.

This means that anyone who passes this gate of heaven must proceed under the watchful eye of the Father of Light.

In the sacred and majestic chants of praise, rows of young angels fluttered out and formed an honor guard in the air. At the same time, a man and two women flew out of the gate of heaven.

The man headed, dressed luxuriously, wore a crown, his face was majestic, and there were golden lights around him. This prestigious middle-aged man is one of the most powerful men in the world, Pope Philhos.

At this time, she was lingering with golden light and full of dignity. Even the legendary strongman felt an unprecedented pressure in front of him and could not lift her head. Every move of him revealed great dignity.

That's right, just looking at the momentum, you know that Pope Philhos was promoted to demigod level. Although his appearance looks steady like Tarzan, calm and calm. But in fact, his heart was turbulent.



Hahaha, my light pope Philhos was finally promoted to a demigod and became the third demigod pope in the history of the light church. All along, his biggest dream in life was to promote the demigod.

Especially after learning that Yan Zun's old guy was promoted to the demigod earlier, he was unhappy for a long time. The shameless guy dare to show off in front of himself.

It is a pity that strength in superpower is strength.

There seems to be only half a step between the legendary peak and the demigod, but in fact it is a world apart. As long as you reach the demigod, you have mastered a trace of divinity, and you can initially improve the power of your own laws, making the laws more suitable for you.

And a demigod with complete strength can single out a group of legendary powerhouses without falling.

For a time, Philhos was in a strong mood, and the only regret was that he was not the only demigod-level human being on the earth today, the far east, and Yan Zun's two goods were staring at him.

And this time he was promoted to demigod level, and he didn't rely solely on his own efforts. Instead, he was summoned by the Father of Light and went to the Kingdom of Heaven to "study" a lot. Even with the help of the consciousness of the Father of Light, he was barely promoted to the demigod.

After all, the qualifications were slightly worse, which made his demigod road a bit bumpy.

But anyway, demigods are demigods. Since then, the Bright Holy See has once again stood at the top. For a time, Philhos' eyes glanced over the Paladin's army, and there was quite a look of joy in the world.

At the same time, there were two young women standing behind him from left to right. A blond woman with a delicate face and a delicate sense of oriental women. One is a wheat-skinned woman wearing a burlap sackcloth and holding a thick stick.

Both of them exude pure light power, making them look particularly holy and honorable.

Undoubtedly, these two are Lulu, the current bright lady, and Nini, the bright monk. Because of their outstanding performance, they were also inspired by the Pope of Light to go to heaven and study in the Kingdom of God.

This is not, both of their strengths have advanced by leaps and bounds, and have really been promoted to the legendary level.

In fact, according to normal principles, with the qualifications of the Bright Saint Maiden and Nini, it is a matter of time before they are promoted to the legend. However, after all, they are still young, and cultivation is not enough. According to the truth, it is not yet possible to promote the demigod.

But people can't stand there are backstage backers. In the light of the entire Holy See, the biggest backer is of course the Father of Light. He is an old man, but he is a great god.

And it seems to be a living god.

This alone is enough to make countless people envious and jealous. It ’s nice to be organized in the background.

Of course, it is impossible for the Father of Light to promote his followers without any problems. Perhaps this time he felt the crisis of the earth and knew that the abyss demons were not easy to deal with.

Perhaps it is that there are too many rising forces on the earth, especially the China National Bureau of African Affairs. If you do not open a small stove for the Guangming Holy See, how can you maintain the majesty of the Guangming Holy See?

Of course, not everyone is eligible to enter the eyes of the light father. At this moment, the bright Son Wright can only watch this scene with his eyes. Woo ~ According to the Father ’s consciousness, his performance at the Youth Conference was mediocre, which led the Father to not waste precious resources on him.

I want to cry without tears. I knew that the Father of Light had paid so much attention to the Youth Conference. He would die on the ring.


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