The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1145: Super man super girl

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At the same time that the light son Wright regretted it.

Cruising in the sky, a giant aircraft full of futuristic sci-fi style floating in the sky like an island.

On the deck.

Countless elite warriors of the Super Shield Bureau looked at the center of the deck with admiring eyes.

There, the most eye-catching is a burly blonde American who wears blue tights and blindfolds. Every muscle on his body is angular, as if it were a metal body.

That's right.

This is the most popular super hero of Midi-the male super. The cartoons and video game works about the male superheroes have penetrated into the hearts of every Mi Di people. Countless Mi Di people believe that the male superhero is the most powerful existence on earth, and the appearance is also perfect.

Being a colleague with the Super League is the obsession of every Super Shield Warrior. It's just a pity that most of them have never seen a male superhero in their lives.

At this time, he was suspended three meters above the deck, holding a diamond-shaped metal shining with a breathtaking light. The light from the diamond-shaped metal was all concentrated in the body of a woman.

The woman was also wearing tights, her figure was very delicate and very sexual. At this time, she was trembling all over, sweating and the muscles twisting and showing pain.

"Vila ~ Come on ~ You must be able to support it." The male superhero encouraged with a magnetic voice, "For the glory of our superhuman family."

This diamond-shaped metal was made from fragments from the explosion of Krypton in Superman's hometown. The vast majority of Kryptonian fragments have a negative effect on the Superman family.

This diamond-shaped metal is produced by the kryptonite core, and the radiation is much stronger than ordinary krypton gold. It can quickly kill Superman's cells and suppress their power.

However, if it can survive under this radiation and achieve the immune effect, it will allow the combat power of the Superman family to get a qualitative flight.

The male superhero also feels that his bottleneck period is too long, and he has never broken through the semi-god level. In addition, his second hometown earth is facing the threat of the abyss magic disaster. After finding this extremely precious and terrifying krypton core fragment, after nine years of life and hardening, he broke through the barrier and reached a demi-level combat power.

The remaining kryptonite core is naturally used to improve the physique of sister Vera, but whether she can support the past depends on her own willpower. As a superman, he has no way to support his sister in this regard.

"Vila, think of the ice queen Nan Lian." Not far away, the charming spider queen Arenia, smiled and encouraged, "At the youth meeting, she turned you over. Now people are more It was collusion with the winter goddess, and he was promoted to S level. If you do n’t try to break through now, you will be thrown far away, and you can never catch up. "


The female super body muscles tremble violently, clenching her teeth and growling, "Nan Lian can't be stronger than me, I can definitely surpass her. Our Superman family is a powerful fighting race in the universe, ah ~"

Under all kinds of stimuli, the willpower of the women's super team exploded into a bright light, desperately enduring the severe pain brought to her by the krypton core. That kind of pain is unimaginable to others, and it is more painful than scraping bones.

On the observation deck in the distant ship island, the expression of Director James is also very tense, hoping that the women's super team must survive this promotion legend. Logically speaking, the Super Shield also has many legendary powerhouses.

However, those legendary powerhouses are the characters of the previous generation. Today's generation, although it is not lacking in talents, is a far cry from the China National Bureau of African Affairs.

Just kidding, the sons of flame and ice queen in the young generation of China, and the moon sword Gao Mingyue are all promoted to legend, which has brought great pressure to major organizations around the world.

Among the excellent young people under James, the Golden Lion Sword and the Spider Queen Arenya are all a long way from the S-Class. The most promising to support the scene, only the female Super Villa.

Just a few minutes ago, he had just received top-secret news that the young generation of the Light Holy See, the Light Saint and the bitter monk Nini, were both promoted to legend. This has caused Commissioner James a great blow, and his heart is extremely unbalanced.

People have backstage power, but it ’s Niu Breaking. As soon as I pulled to the Kingdom of Heaven, I created two young legendary levels, which is against the rhythm of the sky.

It is a pity that although the Super Shield has a large number of talents and extraordinary strength, it does not have a real **** to serve as the backstage. Everything, can only rely on their own efforts.

"Fortunately, the men's super team is good enough." Secretary James wiped his forehead sweat, fortunately, not only found the krypton gold core, but also successfully promoted the demi-god.

This makes it impossible for the Super Shield to gain an absolute advantage at once, but at least it will not fall behind.

At this moment, the female super hero roared, and her skin broke like a tile. Immediately afterwards, the reborn female superhero Vera, like a cannonball, went straight to the sky and pulled up a long flame tail, which soon exceeded the double speed of sound and was like a rainbow for a time.

Just as everyone cheered, and Super Girls Vera broke through to legend. There were several thunders in the sky suddenly, thundering ~

Soon, everyone watched the scorched superhero Vera fall from the sky. With a bang, it hit the superalloy deck and hit a big pit.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbstruckly and looked at each other.

"Uh ..." Queen Ariana of Khan said, "It turns out that the alien's promotion to the legend will also be thundered? I thought it was a feature of our earth."

The golden lion sword on the side was also dripping with cold sweat: "The rules of the universe are the rules of the universe. Vera is only an alien, not an alien."

Secretary James even twitched his mouth. Should such a shameful role in Secondary Two be taken to India for an exchange seminar? When you don't go, it's humiliating.



On the new high-speed train to the Taj Mahal, this train is running on the track at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

Wang Yan and others all listened to a leader of the Indian Asan with a boring face, and talked about the "difficult" construction process of this train.

However, although this train is slow, it is still very clean. The Indians in it are also very qualified and not crowded. It does make Wang Yan and others improve their impressions.

Suddenly ~

The leader of the Indian State Asan in black autumn and autumn said suddenly: "Dear guests of China, do you have such a fast and stable high-speed train now?"

Between his words, he was full of pride and sense of suicide.

In an instant, the car was silent.


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