The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1146: Wronged you a soul head

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For a time, even the accompanying Shiva Goddess' face suddenly changed.

To be honest, taking the train to visit the Taj Mahal is one of the tourism projects in India. Shiva, the goddess herself, did not plan the hospitality, so she ordered the servant to arrange it. The servant specially found the leader of the local tourism department and asked the other party to arrange.

The leader of the other party also came out to entertain him personally and explained the scenery along the way, but when he saw that the Chinese were entertaining, he couldn't help but say something.

No one else has seen it, but it does not mean that the Shiva goddess has not.

Last time in China, she also disguised as a private visit and took the Beijing-Shanghai railway line. I have to admit that the Shiva goddess was shocked. The high-speed railway in China not only has a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour, but also can erect a coin without falling down for a long time.

Originally coming back this time, she also wanted to suggest that the government go to China to introduce high-speed rail construction and strengthen non-governmental cooperation between the two countries. Unexpectedly, when entertaining Wang Yan and others, he would be made a joke by an ignorant second-hand goods.

Looking at Wang Yan, they were very quiet, and Shiva Goddess only felt that her face was hot and painful, and the murderous eyes went straight away. How did this idiot achieve leadership position? If you can, I really want a flame of destruction to burn this ignorant fool into ashes.

Wang Yandong Zhang Zhang, looking west. After finding everyone quiet, the Shiva goddess was embarrassed. Suddenly, Wang Yan's heart was overjoyed, and the opportunity to secretly brush his favor came.

Unexpectedly, the spirit of the Shiva goddess was highly nervous at this time, especially for Wang Yan's poisonous tongue. In her view, the guy Wang Yan belongs to someone who can utter a bad tongue and provoke a great disaster.

Now it is the Indian side that has done the wrong thing and caused a disaster. With the temper of the child of flames, he will be fully mocked.

Sure enough, Shiva Goddess caught a glance at Wang Yan's mouth. In my heart, "Oh, secretly, the guy who is the son of flames will not miss this opportunity."

She groaned in her heart, squeezing her dissatisfaction, and secretly shot herself a psychological booster, so as not to spit blood on the child of flame.

"Cough ~" Wang Yan smiled and said kindly, "Actually, our China country really doesn't have such a fast high-speed train." During the speech, he also cast a good look at the Lord Shiva.

The meaning is simple and clear. Look at Indira. I did n’t take the opportunity to hit your face?

Before the Lord Shiva responded, Zhao Chengtian suddenly laughed: "Hahaha ~ Principal Wang is worthy of being Principal Wang, and even ridicule is so clever. That's right, our Hua Xiaguo really is not like that. Fast high-speed train. Hahaha, laugh to me. Because our Huaxia high-speed trains are all up to 300 kilometers per hour, of course, there is no such fast fast train. "

Zhao Chengtian also accentuated the accent, and taunted the leader of the Indian State Asan. As for being afraid of the other party turning his face, Zhao Chengtian didn't care.

Just kidding, if the sky collapses, there will be tall people. Anyway, this wave of sarcasm is also the head of President Wang. If something goes wrong, he will naturally come to the top. Besides, what about Saint Shiva? Isn't President Wang forced to learn dog barking?

Hehe ~

All in all, Zhao Chengtian admired the principal of the dead king and regarded him as a super idol. He dared to do everything and was extremely bold. In the future, we must make President Wang the goal of catching up.

The leader of the Indian Asan, listening to Zhao Chengtian, was stunned. He obviously couldn't understand this ridiculous joke at a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour? Oh, this is bragging,

Only the well-known Shiva goddess could feel the redness on her face. This face was beaten, it was really going to die. You ridiculed yourself, son of the blazing flames, and let the students lie in ambush. It really has you.

Thinking of this, Shiva Goddess gave Wang Yan a vicious look.

Wang Yan in this box, a drop of cold sweat. This, obviously, I wanted to take the matter and hit this thing past. As a result, Zhao Chengtian received the ball and took a harder shot.

What the hell! This is not my vision. Wang Yan feels that the eyes of Goddess Shiva are full of grudges. And Wang Yan's heart felt even more innocent, and he clearly wanted to brush up his favorability. Instead, he hit his face harder.

In desperation, Wang Yan glared at Zhao Chengtian: "Chengtian, what are you talking about nonsense? Don't hurry to apologize to the goddess?"

Zhao Chengtian was stunned. This, this, this is clearly the head of President Wang? I'm just ... well, I see, this is a signal to chase. His eyes were bright, and he showed a look of sincerity and fear. He nodded to the goddess Shiva and apologized. "His goddess, I'm wrong. I shouldn't tell the truth, no, I shouldn't talk nonsense. Our Chinese nation Compared with the high-speed rail in India, the high-speed rail is simply slag. "

He apologized, and his expression was very frightened.

But in front of the facts, these words are really chasing and hitting the face. This time, the blush on Shiva's face was red behind her ears, and she was ashamed and angry. I really wish I could find a hole in it.

This time, Wang Yan was dumbfounded. Zhao Chengtian, which one of you wants you to apologize like this?

What's more terrible is that Zhao Chengtian also squeezed his red hair and winked at Wang Yan. The expression over there seemed to be saying to Wang Yan, Principal Wang, look at me doing a good job, please praise me, praise me quickly.

"Son of Flame ~ Are you enough !?" Shiva's status as a goddess is too high, she can't worry about Zhao Chengtian's "Ma Mazu"? He could only grind his teeth at Wang Yan, and the hatred value soared again.

Poor Wang Yan blinked at Shiva Goddess with innocent eyes. This time he clearly came to seek reconciliation and favorability. As a result, things had evolved to such an extent that his expression was a little bit wrong.


The goddess of Shiva's anger, once again soaring up, **** the son of the abominable flame, what are you doing wrong? It should be the goddess who is wronged. Last time she went to China, she just wanted to take the opportunity to visit Lei Bang, and add some revolutionary friendship with Lei Hong.

As a result, the son of flame came suddenly, humiliating her with a crack.

She finally returned to India with Thunder, and had not had time to enjoy the world of two, healing the wounded soul. It turned out to be good. I haven't settled yet. Your son of flame rushed over to humiliate the goddess again.

What kind of hatred do I have with you? You want to treat me like this, hateful, hateful, hateful!

Gao Mingyue and Linghu Yaojue on the side looked at each other and said that they were speechless, and felt the pressure on their shoulders. They couldn't help but throw a blind eye at Wang Yan, Wang Yan, are you enough?

Also wronged, wronged you soul head.


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