The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1147: Has the child of flame turned?

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However, their white eyes turned to white eyes, but this thing is definitely quite cool. The Indian Asan was not only ignorant, but also looked down upon others. Even so despised Hua Xiaguo, it is estimated that the understanding of Hua Xiaguo was still a few decades ago, or the self-righteousness of the mind.

Just kidding, China's high-speed rail mileage and coverage rate have now reached the world's first. For areas within a thousand kilometers, the first choice is high-speed rail, which is convenient, fast, and safe.

However, Wang Yan, you are so stubborn, can you direct the firepower to the leader of the Indian Asan? Instead of aiming at Shiva, the goddess ...

Although Wang Yan was wronged, the rest of the Huaxia delegation felt very happy. Especially An An, who wore pigtails and dressed like a little princess, blinked her big eyes and looked at Wang Yan with admiration.

"Principal Wang is so upright, he can't rub a little bit of sand in his eyes." An An was a little excited. "He's not afraid, even if he's on someone else's territory. He's not afraid to offend anyone. He's not only long It ’s handsome, and it ’s a sense of justice, and it ’s just right. "

Fortunately, the goddess Shiva would not read the mind, otherwise, if she learned the thoughts of the young lady An An, she would be spitting blood three liters. Saying Wang Yanshuai, she still admitted. But what sense of justice is bursting out, just right, and so on, can you get on with Wang Yan?

It's just that despite the fact that Shiva was not angry, after all, the whole thing was her own fault, and she couldn't directly face up with the Huaxia delegation. I had to sternly stare at the leader of the Indian Asan: "Ignorant idiot, starting today, you are an ordinary employee on the train platform."

In my heart, I couldn't help but scolded. This idiot was ignorant and stupid, but it was so disgraceful at the crucial moment that she was caught by Wang Yan and humiliated a lot.

How could this make her tolerate, and to whom did she vent her anger?

As the goddess of Shiva, Indira is the top core figure of Shiva, and he has a powerful power. What's more, she is a member of the Brahmin family. Their families are among the best in all fields in India.

Not to mention the decision on the life and death of a leader of the railway department. Even if she is a high-ranking politician in India, she can't tolerate any rebellion if she wants the other party.

The Indian Asan was trembling with fear and sweating all over his body. At this point, he didn't understand what he had done wrong. Only faced with the anger of Lord Shiva, he really had no room for resistance.

Indira said in a sentence, immediately a few secret service personnel who were hidden in the dark and cleared and protected, took away the troubled leader of the Indian State Asan. It saves him to show off to the great Shiva goddess before the noble guest.

"Son of flame, are you satisfied now?" After the goddess Shiva treated the man, she said to Wang Yan's staring eyes.

Obviously, Shiva Goddess completely calculated this account to Wang Yan.

At the same time, Linghu Yaojue also secretly uttered a voice: "Wang Yan, have you said that you don't come up against Shiva's face?"

Wang Yan touched his nose, so innocent.

Fortunately, after this incident, the next thing went smoothly, all the way to the legendary Taj Mahal. Moreover, the goddess Shiva used her privileges to temporarily seal the entire Taj Mahal from other tourists.

This is a rare visual feast.

"His Royal Highness, like your country, your country is a country with ancient civilizations. This historical heritage is really unusual. I would like to praise you." Mission.

"?" Goddess Shiva habitually watched, staring at the pretty eyes full of exotic style, looking at Wang Yan like a thief. That's right, Wang Yan's guy did say something nice.

But Shiva not only did not feel the warmth of spring breeze, but also felt the cold wind in winter. Who is that child of flames? Can he vomit ivory in his dog's mouth?

Obviously impossible, it must be the beginning of the next wave of satire.

"Wang Yan, you said you shouldn't be a goddess of Shiva." Linghu Yaojue on the side also became very nervous, and the voice warned, "Why did you start attacking again?"


Wang Yan was cold and sweaty, and he could not help crying or laughing. Aunt Linghu, when will I prepare to attack? I'm obviously trying to please the Shiva goddess, ready to brush her favorability.

Why do you treat me like a thief?

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Wang Yan said helplessly, touching his nose, "I just think that this time India has done something that has changed some of my inherent views of India. The original India, Is it a country with a lot of cultural heritage? "

"Are you sincere?" Shiva's eyes lightened and her face softened slightly.

"Of course it's true, it's truer than real gold." Wang Yan nodded his face in earnest, "His Goddess, you must believe me once, this time I sincerely want to praise your country's cultural heritage, absolutely nothing A little bit of attack. "

"This ..." Goddess Shiva blinked, still suspicious, and her voice was weak. "Well, I don't need to praise you, don't worry about me."

"No, it won't." Wang Yan sees that something has changed, and Goddess Shiva's hostility towards her is declining. She hurries to hit the railroad while it's hot. "If your goddess doesn't believe me, let me prove it to you. Take a picture, send a circle of friends, and give a good compliment to your country's culture. "

After all, Wang Yanfei was in the air, took a panoramic view of the Taj Mahal, and then sent a message to the circle of friends. At the same time, he left a testimony: "The goddess Shiva hosted the visit to the Taj Mahal and felt the long history of different countries. Profound culture, worth the trip, praise! "

As a result, everyone present was shocked.

Isn't it?

The students are disappointed. What the **** are you doing, President Wang? Is this reversible? I used to be shy with God Shiva, did you suddenly admonish you?

Linghu Yaojue and Gao Mingyue were relieved. Wang Yan did a good job in this wave and at least reduced the hostility of some Shiva goddesses. Look at the face of Lord Shiva ...


Why did Shiva's eyes become so embarrassing at once? Um, she seems to be breathing fire in her eyes ~

"Son of Flame! You, you, you ~ you bastard, you are too much." The goddess Shiva's hand holding the mobile phone was trembling, and the whole person was awe-inspiring, as if to destroy Wang Yan's body.

"..." Wang Yan was stunned. Which nerve did she poke herself?


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