The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1158: Are they all aliens?

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Her small jade hand was like a pair of iron pliers at this time, no, it was much more powerful than iron pliers. In her hand, she seemed to have endless power, and her appearance was diametrically opposed.

Rao is Wang Yan, and he felt a sudden pain when he was caught off guard. He instinctively clasped his hands to resist. As for trying to retreat, it is too late. Her tiger mouth held Wang Yan's hand firmly.

"Hey, hey ~" the Super Girl said with a smirk of joy, "Lao Wang, let's talk about it for later. Let's play for a while and compare the strength. Yo, what expression are you doing, this lady hasn't started to work hard What. "

"His ~"

Auguste and the Queen of Spiders behind her changed their faces, and looked sympathetically at Wang Yan, "Lao Wang, why are you so stupid and gave the opportunity to the female superhero?"

"Yeah, yeah, she just got promoted now, and she feels that she has endless strength. After it's over, Pharaoh is going to be unlucky this time."

There is no doubt that the female superstar has abused them all over. But even more undoubtedly, with their power, the women's super league has no interest after playing twice. Now that she is staring at Wang Yan, she certainly won't stop easily, and wants to have a good time.

Wang Yan looked stunned and shook hands to test his strength. Shouldn't this all be a man's job? He didn't expect the women's super team to come up with such a trick. The other party exerted pressure, so he had to follow it, otherwise the bones would squeeze her.

"Hello, Your Highness, Goddess." Wang Yan couldn't help but turned around and said helplessly, "Don't you just say, who dares to provoke Shiva out of the shrine? Now the Super League is provoking and causing trouble."

Goddess Shiva was naturally happy to see Wang Yan suffer, and his eyes lightly said: "Miss Vera is just shaking hands with you. If even shaking hands is a nuisance, everyone will be kicked out."

"That's right, they are a weak woman, just want to shake hands with you." Vera, the female super girl, was excited, but said dizzyly.

"Your Highness, Goddess, you are a slant." Wang Yan touched her nose helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, since Miss Vera is so interested, I will accompany you to play."

With so many people present, Wang Yan naturally didn't want to admit it.

"Haha, I am optimistic about your courage, Pharaoh." Auguste, the golden lion sword, laughed. "But don't cry for a while and beg for mercy. I feel Miss Vera's hand can even squeeze the planet."

"The Superman family is really perverted. After the promotion of Miss Vera to the legend, the strength is terrible."

"Old Olympics, it seems that you have already cried your nose?" Wang Yan's face continued to increase in strength, squinting and smiling. "Since you are so beautiful, Miss Vera, shall we take a gamble?" Miss Vera and I, who is the first to beg for mercy? "

As soon as he mentioned Wang Yan's gambling, Augustton's face changed, and the strength of Vera he had experienced before, it felt that it was not inferior to the red tank. Intellectually, she would have won Wang Yan if she was more powerful.

However, from the past experience. As long as they compete with Wang Yan, none of them will not lose. For a time, he hesitated and melancholy. Last time I was so confident and gambled with Wang Yan that I lost all my underwear.

But this opportunity is so good now, if you don't gamble, it is really ...?

"Wang Yan, do you remember what you promised me?" Linghu Yaojue said angrily, "Compared with strength, it's a good comparison. Gambling or something, it's really annoying."

"That is, our Shiva religion prohibits gambling." Shiva is also very unsightly. "Whoever dares to gamble, get out of Shiva Temple." Obviously, she thought of betting with Wang Yan Fighting, the result is to lose the dog barking in front of people all over the world.

Now when she mentioned gambling, she had a feeling of panic and anger.

"Okay, don't bet if you don't bet." Wang Yan burst into his face with a sudden face. "Miss Vera is careful, I'm going to start exerting force."

"Good." Vera, the female supergirl, was also extremely excited. "I have been so boring these two days. Fortunately, I met you." After the promotion, she felt quite alone.

Of course, she will not be foolish enough to think that her power is invincible. In the case of Midi Super Shield, there are two people who are more powerful than her. One is her brother's male superhero, not to mention that he has been promoted to the demigod, even if not promoted, she is not an opponent.

The other is the Hulk, who is said to be the existence of a legendary pinnacle. Purely in terms of strength, the Super League is not as good as it is.

But she did not think that Wang Yan would be her opponent.

Although Wang Yan's strength is not weak, he is, after all, a son of flame, not a son of strength.

"Principal Wang is cheering."

"Principal Wang, you will definitely win."

Fans of Wang Yan started shouting for him. In their eyes, President Wang is an invincible person in the world. Even though it is not invincible now, it seems that he will be the first in the world sooner or later.

The rest, including An Pei Zongxiu and others, although not speaking, are also very concerned about this competition between forces. Seeing the whole leopard, they also want to see if Wang Yan's current strength is really as boastful as the outside world boasted.

In particular, An Pei Zongxiu didn't think Wang Yan was so powerful. The reason for beheading the Black Death Demon Lord is very complicated, and it is not his credit, but at best it is barely won by tricks.

With everyone's thoughts in mind, the strength of Wang Yan and Super Girls Vera continued to climb upward. What followed was a crackling in the air, sounding like a firecracker.

People who know how to do things are secretly stupid, these are just two monsters. Pure power and increasing power can trigger the air giant earthquake to burst. How much power can this achieve?

"Oh, Pharaoh, it's not bad." The female superwoman's face also changed slightly, but she was more excited. "You are the first guy who can withstand my 50% strength and keep his face unchanged. Sixty percent strength. "


"His ~"

There was a sound of air-sucking around, and their respective powers had triggered an air burst, which was actually the 50% power of the female super? Abnormal ~ really, really abnormal.

Really worthy of being an alien, but it is different from the earth.

Everyone also secretly rejoiced that the female super team did not select them to try their strength.

"Villa, I suggest you use the 10% strength directly." Wang Yan said lightly, "When we slowly increase our strength, when will it be."


Linghu Yaojue and Gao Mingyue, as well as Shiva and Goddess, looked at each other, their eyes were a little horrified.

This guy, Wang Yan, is more like an alien than the female Super Villa. Especially Shiva, the goddess, blinked in doubt. Is Wang Yan really not a human?


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