The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1159: Do you mind having an extra girlfriend?

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The Super Girl was more excited when she heard the words, "I can finally test it, where is my strength limit. Pharaoh, you are careful."

As she said, her body seemed to swell for a point, and her musculoskeletal crackled. The blond hair floated upwards, and a vast and invincible feeling suddenly filled the audience.

Even on her side, there was a faint gleam of gold.

At this point, she felt like Athena, the goddess of war. No, to be precise, she is more terrifying than Athena, and Athena doesn't have such terrifying power.

"Hehe ~"

As Wang Yan chuckled, his bones also burst into thunder, his eyes faintly blazing with flames, and the surging power continued to invade the female superhero.

The collision of pure handshake power between the two, the air explosion caused by the rotation turned up, and a stream of air went to the surroundings.

The young people under the power, all looked back with horror.

Is this a joke?

Are these two guys still human? No, it is well known that the female superhero is not human. Is n’t President Wang also a human being?

For a time, even An Pei Zongxiu, who was constantly shaking his folding fan, stopped his movements in his hand, and a trace of vigilance appeared in his seemingly casual eyes. He did not expect that Wang Yan's strength was so strong.

It is normal for a female superpower to be strong, not to mention her IQ, even if it is strong, it is not terrible. After all, she has a single combat method. But Wang Yan is different. This guy is as cunning as a fox, and the fighting methods are cunning and changeable.

With such power, it is very difficult to deal with.

It was even more shocking that the red monk was right. He had a few words with Wang Yan before. If he was not determined, Wang Yan would be fooled into the ring. Previously, Wang Yan said that he had beaten him in ten minutes. He still didn't believe it, but he dared not take the risk.

In terms of the terrifying power that Wang Yan has shown now, let alone ten minutes, I am afraid that within five minutes, he can be beaten into a sludge. The feeling of escaping from the dead suddenly flooded my mind, and the fear of sweat soaked his red monk's clothes.

As the power of the two surged and escalated, two or three minutes later, the forehead of the Super League began to ooze sweat. Compared with other people, she was terrified. At this time, she had exerted all her strength, but she couldn't help Wang Yan.

Although Wang Yan at this time, his face also started to turn red, and the blue tendons on his neck burst.

However, the Women's Super League knows that if she uses one more force, Wang Yan will definitely be able to add one more force. This terrible opponent made her suddenly feel a powerlessness and lost the desire to compare again ~

"Forget it, even if it's a tie." Wang Yan didn't wait for the female superhero to speak, and first proposed a sentence.

This made the female superstar relieved and quickly nodded in agreement. The two coincided, slowly letting go of power. After more than a minute, the two talents took two steps back.

"Admire admiration." Wang Yan praised sincerely. "Ms. Vera's power is simply incredible. I am not ashamed of Wang Yan." In fact, Wang Yan also knows that if the hard top goes down, the two of them are estimated to be no big difference.

But in this case, it is better to maintain a gentleman's demeanor. Competing with a woman is already shameful enough. Besides, if you want to be low-key and low-key, why be brave on this occasion.

"Lao Wang, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Vera, the female superwoman, flushed and looked at Wang Yan. "Yes, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh ..." Wang Yan was stunned for a while, did this tone change too fast? For a time, some thought jumped, "This, that is a well-known thing. I already have a girlfriend, and there are more than one."

At this time, everyone around looked at Wang Yan with a grudge. This man is simply the public enemy of men around the world, and now there are not only two girlfriends on the bright side, they are all famous celestial daughters.

Moreover, I heard that the bright saint of the light church and the dark saint of the dark council seemed to have some meaning for Wang Yan. It's just that they haven't developed to that degree.

Linghu Yaojue and Gao Mingyue also showed a complex color in their eyes.

In a sense, they have been married to Wang Yan under the coordination of others. It stands to reason that the proud daughters of the sky like them, and any men favored, are lucky for each other's three lives.

But the guy Wang Yan turned them down.


"Then don't you mind one more?" Super girl Vera pursed her lips and said, "I don't mind if you have other girlfriends."

But do I mind?

Wang Yan slapped his forehead and couldn't help crying or laughing. This is what happened. Shaking his hand and comparing his strength, this kind of situation can still happen, but helplessly said: "This, thank you Miss Vera for your favor. It's just that neither of us Forget about the emotional basis, hehe. "

Everyone fainted, didn't they?

The female Super Villa is a legendary strongman, and her figure and appearance are extremely perfect. You, you, Wang Yan, you will refuse.

Supergirl Vera blinked and said, "Pharaoh, are you scorning me for being an alien?"

"No ..." Wang Yan shook his head seriously, "I don't have the habit of racial discrimination. It's Miss Vera. It's too hasty to be my girlfriend just to see my strength."

"No, no, it's not sloppy at all." Vera, the female superhero, shook her head again and again. "I've already compared it seriously. Among the younger generation of the earth, your genes are the most powerful and perfect. If I have a child with you It will definitely be very good, no worse than our pure blood superman. I want to continue the race in this way. "

Speaking of which, Supergirl Vera's eyes are full of sadness, "You also know that there are only two of us in Superman. And we are still sisters ~"

For a time, An Pei Zongxiu's cheeks twitched twice. What is the strongest gene in Wang Yan? Is there another Wang Yan in the world?

Linghu Yaofei and Gao Mingyue both looked at Wang Yan with weird eyes. This guy really provokes peach blossoms. Shaking hands can attract peach blossoms.

"This ..." Wang Yan was a bit uncomfortable and couldn't bear to hurt her heart.

"Wang Yan, I know you have scruples." The female superintendent's eyes suddenly lighted up, "It doesn't matter if you don't want me to be a girlfriend, as long as you can make me pregnant with children, you can rest assured that you are not responsible."

Wang Yan was dumbfounded. What is this?

At this moment, a sneer sounded from a distance: "Comrade Lao Wang, what on earth have you done to others? Is it to the point of having children?"

That voice, that momentum!

The Bright Lady is here!


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