The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1166: Whose BUFF is stronger?

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In the distance, a majestic and ancient tower stands on the vast square.

At the top of the giant tower, a breath full of destructive power diffused in all directions. Even across the distance, you can also feel the kind of palpable depression.

Each delegation from the five countries was allocated a set of seats filled with various melons and fruit tea.

The young people who participated in this baptism of destruction have arranged their teams in front of the square according to their respective camps.

Of course, in the five-nation delegation, only young people from four camps participated in the trial. The members of the Midi delegation gave up the trial “actively” because of “human rights issues”.

Although the delegation of Midi repeatedly pleaded with Shiva to give their young people a chance to make new choices, Shiva refused coldly.

This made the Midi delegation very helpless.

Yes, Midi is indeed the world's first in terms of military economy. The Indian nation needs to rely on the Mi Emperor in all aspects. But what is the status of the goddess Shiva who has grown up?

She refused to give face, no one could take her.

"Lao Wang ~" Auguste, the golden lion sword, said to Wang Yan with a decadent face, "You must fight for your strength and wipe out the Dongying and Indians."

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan smiled, "No one can guarantee this kind of thing. By the way, has your Mars exploration spacecraft been built?"

August was speechless for a while, his eyes flew straight, Pharaoh, you have the ability to change the subject enough? But he still said, "I heard that in these two years, the first test flight will take place. I seem to have heard that your China country is also building an exploration spaceship?"

Speaking of this, Auguste still admires China. Although in the past one or two hundred years, the history of China has been turbulent and has experienced many twists and turns. However, this nation has a tenacious temperament in its bones.

Especially in recent decades, both technology and economic strength have reached an unbelievable level. Now, it is even more involved in the aviation industry, and even began to enter Mars.

Of course, the normal scientific and technological strength of China will not reach the level of marching into Mars. It's just that Pharaoh's guy is good at making black technology, and he doesn't know where he got the anti-gravity equipment. Although that thing is not as good as the treasure that the Super Shield used to build the space carrier, but it is definitely just right for building small spaceships.

"It's still too early," Wang Yan lamented. "Our country's technological foundation is ultimately inferior to that of your Mi Emperor. Otherwise, you can provide me with some technology and let me build it soon. Spaceship, take you to fly together? "

"Pharaoh, do you think too much?" August hurriedly hides away from him. If he really wants to give him some technology, he will be involved in treason.

When Auguste ran away, Lulu the Bright Lady and Nini, the bitter monk, also ran over. Their relationship with China was the best. The unidentified identity of the Bright Lady, but today is the daughter of Yan Zun, the first master.

The bitter monk Miss Nini is also the sister of Lei Bang and Wang Yan.

"Second brother, you see those Indians, they are blessing BUFF." Nini stared at the young Indians far away, slightly worried, "Otherwise, I will let the accompanying priests and paladins, also help you Add some BUFF? "

Wang Yan naturally saw the scene. The young people of the Indian country gathered together and poured an unknown liquid bit by bit in a pious manner. At the same time, there are a group of monks chanting the mysterious scriptures around them.

With the passage of time, those young people's expressions relaxed, and entered a state of joylessness, sorrow, and etherealness.

And the members of the Light Holy Seem are not willing to be outdone. Paladins and priests are adding BUFF to their own people, what purification, tenacity, bright blessings and everything.

When Dongying people saw it, they also learned a lot. An Pei Zongxiu personally exhibited a wonderful volley of aerial symbols, and Fu Lu burst out with a ray of light, which covered Dongying's young people.

However, it is clear that the Indians have a better hand to deal with the tower of destruction, and the preparation is very thorough. There are all kinds of buffs and calm "drinks" to drink.

"This is trouble." Gao Mingyue frowned slightly. "We didn't think of this. I knew it was like this. It was good to bring a Taoist priest who was proficient in fu. Even a few druids would be good."

Although Gao Mingyue does not approve of Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess gambling, but her national feelings are still very deep, naturally do not want to lose in China ~

Regarding Nini ’s kindness, Wang Yan smiled and said, “No, your BUFFs are all BUFFs that strengthen the body and combat power, and they have no gain in resisting destruction. But the BUFFs of the Indians are very professional and calm. , A BUFF that purifies the mind. "

"So what should I do?" Nini blinked her clear eyes. "Otherwise, I'm going to plead with Her Royal Highness and help us add one more buff?"

"Nini, you are too naive." Wang Yan said rather helplessly, "How can the stingy woman Shiva, the goddess, help others add BUFF?"

But before his words fell down, he heard the goddess Shiva greet Nini in the distance and said, "Miss Nini, Her Royal Highness Lady. We have prepared some holy water for the Ganges on your side. Fang bless a meditation spell. "

"Really?" Nini's eyes lit up like a monkey, "Thank you sister and goddess." Then she threw back her glance at Wang Yan as if to say, look, sister and goddess is still very generous of.

"Can those Ganges holy water give me my second brother?" Nini asked naively.

"Oh, your second brother is so powerful that you don't need these Ganges holy water to win me." Sure enough, the Shiva goddess refused without hesitation, and gave Wang Yan a cold look, showing a strange smile. .

Obviously, she had already thought about it, what should Wang Yan pay for this time.

"Oh ~" Wang Yan calmed down and snapped his fingers, "Director Linghu, it's your turn, bless BUFF for our friends."

Director Linghu?

Everyone's attention was concentrated. Of course, everyone knows the power of the seven-tailed fox king. If you are cold in the group battle, you will be charmed. And even if you can't be charmed, you can easily get lost and get caught off guard.

However, it is awesome. But I haven't heard, what other BUFF will the Jiuwei Fox family add?

Director Linghu blushed, and glared at Wang Yan angrily. However, even though she was very dissatisfied with Wang Yan, she still ended up, swaying in a posture, and suddenly had a variety of styles, confusing all beings.

"What? Isn't it?"

Everyone is dizzy, even Linghu Director has used charm to add BUFF?


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