The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1167: Charm BUFF

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This is unbelievable. I have never heard that charm can also be used as a buff?

But to be honest, Linghu Yaojue itself is a stunning beauty, as her cultivation becomes more sophisticated, her own charm and temperament begin to become natural, and in a word, she has endless charm. .

Now she exhibits the talent charm technique, which is even more temperamental, just like a fascinating stunner that charms all beings.

Zhang Wei, who was the weakest in willpower, naturally took the lead. Although he is a talented space controller, he is still a hairy kid who has just joined the superpower world, and his youth is still far away.

Especially for beauty color, the resistance is surprisingly weak.

I saw Zhang Wei's face with dementia, eyes shining, drooling at the corners of his mouth, a dull look. Seeing Wang Yan as a straight frown, does this dare kid's anti-charm attribute dare to be worse?

You know, it's against the abyss next. In the abyss, in addition to the abyss demon, which is the dominant level of demon, there are many other vassal races, the most typical of which is the succubus.

The succubus family is also good at charm, and their charm is more evil and terrible. If the willpower is not strong enough, they may even be charmed for a lifetime and become a slave to eternal life.

"Director Linghu, don't be polite with these boys." Wang Yan said aloud, "If you come a bit ruthless, you should give them double trials and more grinding."


Linghu Yaojue turned his head back and gave Wang Yan a glance, that gesture was really charming and charming. Rao Yi Wang Yan's current strength and mind can't help but sway his mind, dizzying for a while.

Those children are even more needless to say. Zhang Wei, the weakest will, prostrate directly to the ground, his eyes are already red, his breath is short, and the look in Linghu Yaojue is full of fanatical breath.

It was as if he had worshipped the goddess for countless years, and finally smiled at him with a clear smile, and favored it. Even if it was just a look, it was enough to make him go to the fire, and the bones and bones were as good as it was.

Zhao Chengtian, a young man in the second year, seemed to be no better. His hair stood up, and his blood flowed violently, as if full of endless power.

"Sister ~ It's so beautiful ~" The little girl An'an also had her eyes dumb, full of little stars.

The charm technique of the Nine-tailed Tianhu family is not a technique of lure, but a technique of mental interference and psychological suggestion. The subject is able to imagine and beautify the subject infinitely in his mind, and has a strong affection for the subject.

Once successfully charmed, the surgeon often makes a move, a sentence, or even a look, can trigger a strong reaction from the surgeon, and can do anything for it.

However, the charm technique is not invincible, and strong mental and willpower can resist immunity. However, it is a pity that Linghu Yaojue is a legendary strongman, who has a deep and strong body, which is definitely not comparable to the little hairy children in these areas.

Not to mention Zhang Wei and Zhao Chengtian, the two young men with good temperament, even the little girls An An and Wang Bing can't escape the charm of Linghu Yaojue. The only exception is that Si Kongzhi, who is very young but extremely wise.

Among the students of Wang Yan, Si Kongzhi is the most calm and the most intelligent. Moreover, his mental power and willpower far exceed those of his peers, and even some high-level superpowers.

I saw his eyes closed, his body trembling slightly, and his forehead was dripping with sweat. But even so, it can be seen that he is resisting hard, and his will is not lost. This made Linghu Yaojue slightly surprised, because of the difference in strength between the two, it was reasonable to be confused in a flash.

Even if Si Kongzhi's will is firm again, he can hold up the effort of number interest, which is already amazing. But he didn't expect that he could persist till now!

"It's not bad." Wang Yan also saw this scene and couldn't help but praise, "Although I have repeatedly overestimated Si Kongzhi, he did not expect to be stronger than I thought."

Linghu Yaojue hesitated a little, and then revoked his charm control, and did not force him to charm him again. Otherwise, with the legendary strength of Linghu Yaojue, it is possible to control him hard.

However, it is very likely to crush his will and make him inevitably traumatized.

Such talents are very likely to be the pillars of the future Chinese country, and Linghu Yaojue is naturally a pity.

"Hoo ~"

Si Kongzhi only felt that the disturbing mental power that haunted him retreated like a tide, and he immediately felt relieved, and his back was already wet, and his heart was startled and frightened.

I have never seen Secretary Linghu really take action before. I never think how powerful she is. Now, she felt her horror. A small glance came, and his proud willpower was almost completely lost.

Really worthy of being a legendary strongman, definitely not a match for his little superpower.

"Thank you Secretary for your kindness." Si Kongzhi took a deep breath and thanked Linghu Yaojue. Today, he has finally begun to face the gap between the ranks of strength.

Between each big realm, there is a huge gap.

If there is a difference between two big realms, it is simply unable to resist. Between him and Linghu Yaojue, there were three big differences. Under such a terrible gap, he was as small as a ant.

"Your willpower is good, and you can achieve good results on your own." Linghu Yaojue said to him and Yan Yue, and now Huaxia Guojun came out in large numbers, and she is also very pleased.

Si Kongzhi's willpower is strong, but others are all tricks.

Especially Zhang Wei, who yelled and roared, "Is this the meaning of destruction? I have Zhang Wei in control of the space, and what is there to fear." More than ten meters out, he walked steadily towards the Tower of Destruction.

"Stop, don't allow me to grab the limelight. Zhao Chengtian is the protagonist." Zhao Chengtian's red hair erupted at full speed and sprinted toward the Tower of Destruction.

Both of them seemed to be playing with endless chicken blood, full of fighting spirit, and their potential was constantly being inspired.

The two of them moved first, and the rest of the country's personnel also hurried to catch up. This time is not a time for modesty. Everyone is an arrogant young man, and no one wants to lose!

Only Si Kongzhi took a deep breath and walked towards the goal calmly and step by step.

Just after the young people set off, Shiva Goddess sneered into Wang Yan's ear: "Son of Flame, you really deserve to be resourceful. You can come up with this way to deal with it temporarily."

"Where and where." At this moment, Wang Yan bluntly said, "My Wang Yan, how can Shiva be so clever and overbearing, I have no choice but to parry."

Now that Wang Yan has agreed to the gambling contract, he no longer has to be satisfied with the wrongdoing of Shiva. He was not afraid that Shiva would not admit her account after losing. With her status and personality, she would definitely approve the account once she lost.

"You!" The goddess Shiva was dizzy. It was so dangling that Wang Yan was mad at him. In order to brush up his favorability for the past two days, this guy had at least quite a low eyebrow for his attempt.

But he didn't want to. He had just started gambling with him, and this guy began to show his true form. He talked and hid needles, even stabbing.


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