The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1200: Reciprocity

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At this time, the snake was confronting Gao Mingyue.

"His ~"

The viper felt a strong danger, the ugly man's face lifted up sharply, his fangs and his mouth screamed. The sound of terror penetrated into the air, and Wang Yan, who was shocked in the air, was all dizzy and dissipated a bit from the sky.

At the same time, its muscular tail flicked wildly, pulling the volley upward. When the giant snake tail more than 20 meters long swept through the air, the air was squeezed repeatedly and there was really an atmosphere of a dragon with a tail, as if even a small mountain could collapse.

This venomous snake is also a monster in Dongying, and its strength is very powerful. In the stand-alone confrontation, even Gao Mingyue, who is the best at attacking, couldn't help it.


The huge snake tail and Wang Yan's warhammer blasted together, and two huge forces collided violently, and even the entire tower of destruction shivered faintly.

"Ao ~"

The snake screamed in pain, the skin of the snake's tail turned into charred black fragments flying around, and the bones could be seen vaguely. I don't know how many years, the snake has not suffered this level of injury.

And Wang Yan is also not very well received. The brute force of this venomous snake is very amazing. It sucked Wang Yan up and down and smashed **** the nine-story dome wall. Suck it in.

His arms were numb, and he couldn't help but spit blood. This made him secretly stunned, really deserved to be the old demon with a ray of blood snake, it is simply possessing the terrible wild power.

This time, each person and one snake suffered a great loss.

But Wang Yan is not alone.

Gao Mingyue, who has had many years of teamwork experience with Wang Yan, is already poised to take off. The bright white ice cold moon sword turned into a seven or eight meter long sword awn, like a galloping lightning, flashing across the snake.

"Uh ~"

In the light, the snake turned into two pieces, rolling across the ground, and the snake blood flew.

Not waiting for it to counterattack, Inviting Moon Sword to shoot back like a swimming fish, inserted into the snake's head fiercely, twisted and twisted, the snake suddenly lost its life. But even so, the two bodies still rolled back and forth on the ground like a conditioned reflex, smashing the cracked ground like a fine iron.

"Hush ~"

Gao Mingyue, who successfully beheaded the snake, was also pale, as if his body had been hollowed out. In order to ensure that one blow will kill her just now, she paid no less than Wang Yan.

But at this time, it was not when she rested. After swallowing a pill, she stepped on Yue Yuejian and galloped away to An Pei Zongxiu. No one arrived, Jianmang had arrived, and quickly joined the battle group.

This is also a helpless move.

Because in just a few breaths, Lord Shiva and Linghu Yaojue have been in crisis. Two legendary levels against a demigod, even the demigod best at summoning, is extremely difficult.

Gao Mingyue's sword happened to force An Pei Zongxiu back, giving Shiva Goddess and Linghu Yaojue a chance to breathe.

"Son of Flame! How dare you ~" An Pei Zongxiu's face became more and more ugly. At this time, he would never imagine Wang Yan's strategy. That is all the breaks, constantly releasing combat power to contain him Ampezong Xiu.

As long as Wang Yan kills one more, his situation will be even worse.

Therefore, how could An Pei Zongxiu be led by Wang Yan? Immediately, he took a step into the void, like a shuttle to the void, to the battlefield of Zhishui and Nini. There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Isn't it just to concentrate the advantages and break each one? You Wang Yan played, can't I play Ape Zongxiu?

What's more, he is a demigod-level strongman, playing this set is more domineering than Wang Yan.

"Not good!" Linghu Yaojue and the other three women saw this, and immediately screamed, and quickly rushed to rescue Nini.

Nini is a rising star of the Bright Holy See. Her qualifications and potential are huge. But no matter how great the potential is, she has just set foot in the legendary realm, which is a bit worse than the experience of the experienced hot service department.

The two had been fighting for a long while, and it was obvious that Nini had fallen. If no one else intervenes, and within a quarter of an hour, Nini will most likely be defeated, even in danger.

But if An Pei Zongxiu intervened, that would be a big problem.

"Little girl, don't blame the venerable heart." An Pei Zongxiu came like a demon, pinched his fingers, and a blue finger burst into Nini. This blow is almost the full blow of a semi-god-level strongman.

If any legendary strongman wants to carry it hard, he will be seriously injured without dying. Even Wang Yan may not be able to stop this trick, only to find a way to avoid it.

But at this time, the service department had stopped water and had entered a stealth state, hiding like a deadly viper near Nini. Once she dodges in embarrassment, she is greeted with a fatal blow.

"Dare you dare!"

Rao Shi Wang Yan did not expect that such a thing would happen. An Pei Zongxiu learned his tactics and carried out various breaks. He was frightened and intermittent, ignoring his injury, his wings fluttered and flew through the space.

Even so, after all, it was a slow shot.

Is Nini going to die on the spot? For a long time, Wang Yan has not been so anxious and anxious.


At this most urgent juncture, a thunderstorm exploded, like a plasma ball, and countless currents danced like a golden snake in the air.


A thunderous roar sounded, and I saw a figure on the ground rushed to the sky like a lightning, and a spear met Ape Zongxiu's blow.

"What? It turned out to be thunder!"

This man holds a spear and has a pair of wings on his back. The man who was blessed with thunder and lightning was a thunderbolt that had been neglected. At this time, he was magnificent, and his thunder and lightning were full of good morals. He obviously broke through the shackles and realized a higher level of law power.

This process has been experienced by most people present.

That is the promotion!


Lei Bang's shot hit An Pei Zongxiu's finger with an offensive attack.

The two violent energies collided, and the energy exploded in one point in all directions. The finger energy was mixed with thunder and lightning fragments, flying wildly in the air.

Lei Bang blew his blood madly, but he stood in the air after all, standing across the gun like a Thor coming.

"Boom ~"

The goddess Shiva was pleasantly surprised, and Lei Bo actually broke through the shackles and reached a legendary level at the critical moment. Moreover, he actually solved the toxins in his body. But when Joy just climbed on her cheek, she suddenly felt numb.

I saw the broken place of the ninth-level dome. In the dark and twisted outer space, twisted thunder and lightning were gathering into a group, exuding a terrifying atmosphere of destruction.

"Oops, it's a catastrophe!"


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