The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1201: What do you mean when you eat ten thousand meals?

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The promotion of the legend is bound to provoke heavenly disaster.

This belongs to the natural law of the universe of heaven and earth. This is like the immune system in the human body. Once a virus that damages itself appears, it will take the initiative to kill it.

Tianlei belongs to the universe's own immune system.

And don't think that hiding in the subspace, different space, or even the folds of the space can avoid the sky-tribulation. Because in theory, all the space in the universe is part of the universe, and nowhere can it escape the arrival of the heavenly disaster.

However, nowadays, human beings have more and more researches on sky-tribulation, and they are also able to deal with it. In particular, some large organizations, such as the Bright Holy See or the China National African Affairs Bureau, have a set of corresponding mechanisms for the promotion of superpowers to legends and resistance to sky-tribulation.

Now I dare not say that one hundred percent has been oversold, but basically few people will die under it.

The reason why the Shiva goddess is so bad is that Lei Hong is in a very bad condition. Before accepting the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation, he and An Pei Zongxiu took a hard tactic and suffered serious injuries.

And the situation is very chaotic at the moment, the atmosphere of all the powerful people is chaotic, the energy attacks are one after another, and even the space is ruined ~ This will undoubtedly make the laws of the universe instinctively increase the power of the ranks of heaven.

This is not the Shiva goddess guessing wildly. In fact, from the broken and distorted outer space, the robbery cloud is thick and substantial, which contains a lot of thunder and lightning elements, which makes people unable to bear the scalp and numbness. The vertebrae are all erected.

But Wang Yan was relieved, and the situation at the moment was really bad. No matter how bad, it is better than Ni Ni's direct death. After Lei Hong blocked Ape Zongxiu's fatal blow, he kept disappearing and stopped at the clothing side of Nini to stop the water, and also gave Nini a wave of offensive.

However, Ni Ni was transparent and did not panic because of the chaotic situation. She calmly blocked this wave and did not give the enemy a chance.

It is in this short period of time that Linghu Yaojue, Shiva Goddess, Linghu Yaojue, and Wang Yan have arrived on the battlefield. They floated everywhere, besieging An Pei Zongxiu, their respective expressions were both angry and vigilant.

An Pei Zongxiu is not a wild monster like BOSS, but a sly and brutal old monster. If you don't pay attention, it will make everyone fall into a terrible situation. Just like before, if he was successfully attacked by Nini, he would have no remorse.

As a result, if the four people blockade, at least they can chase them down. Don't think that if there is a master in front, you can twist the space to teleport the breakout. In fact, to the level of legendary power, although not necessarily proficient in the laws of space, but it is not know nothing.

If someone tries to distort the space, swaggering from the direction they are guarding, as long as they hit it, they can violently shake the space and interfere with the other party's distortion of the space.

In this way, it can cause great danger to the other party.

As a result, after reaching the level of everyone, if they are not sure, they rarely dare to break through the blockade directly by means of teleportation.

"The three of you are also crippled, and you can't hold a blame." Wang Yan said to the three females with a terrified voice. "It can even make Ampezong show up to deal with Nini." Three long and two short, her neuropathic master St. Bernard is not upset? "

What's more pitiful is that such a change temporarily blocked his various tactics of breaking. The service department stopped water, Taiyin, and the giant centipede were in a state of vigilance, and it was almost impossible to think about instant killing.

"Son of flames, what do you say?" Shiva goddess shouted angrily at Wang Yan. "That Ampei Zongxiu is not the boss monster in the game, just use the hate mechanism to pull it? You have the ability Let me see for myself. "She was also aggrieved. To deal with the demigod level of An Pei Zongxiu, the three of them had already struggled hard enough, and now they still have to complain to Wang Yan.

Linghu Yaojue and Gao Mingyue are also very close-minded.

"Oh, isn't that just pulling monsters?" Wang Yan said calmly, "You guys look good, I will show you a wave." Wang Yan also felt that he could not let An Pei Zongxiu chaos, if he was killed. If one or two small partners, the matter is big.

Although he is now temporarily blocked, he is still not very safe.

"Hehe ~ Then I will wait and see." The goddess Shiva glanced at Lei Hong, and found that Tian Lei was still in the process of brewing.

"Hey, grandson!" Wang Yan mocked An Pei Zongxiu frivolously, "Brother is standing here, you come to bite me, bite me?"

"Humph!" An Pei Zongxiu didn't know where to take a folding fan, and shook it slowly, "Son of Flame, do you think you want to win the deity because of a few of you? It's naive and funny ~"

Wang Yan's sarcasm didn't seem to work at all, and An Pei Zongxiu didn't move like a mountain.

Huh ~ Stupid. The goddess Shiva looked at Wang Yan sarcastically, this guy, is he really playing games? Can casual use of mocking tactics pull BOSS?

"By the way, is your soul now integrated with ancestor An Pei Qingming?" Wang Yan continued to say calmly, "In fact, we still have some origins. Qingming your mother seems to be a nine-tailed fox, right?" ? "

An Pei Zongxiu's face was a bit ugly. In fact, no one knows, in his soul, whether there is more Ampei Qingming or Ape Zongxiu.

"Hey, I don't need to remind you, you know that Jiuwei Tianhu grew up in Wanjiafan." Wang Yan smiled very ambiguously.

"you wanna die!"

An Pei Zongxiu was indignant and shook his fan, even a hurricane blew up and rolled towards Wang Yan. Although the hurricane was not large in scale, it could rotate at a terrible speed, and the ears of the wind-stricken air shattered.

Some hard ground debris was caught in it, and was instantly crushed into debris.

I really deserve to be a semi-god-level Onmyoji, with various techniques and techniques appearing endlessly, and the power is very amazing.

Wang Yan took a picture of the Devil ’s Wings, and wanted to plunder away from the open space. At the same time, the sound stirred back and forth across the ninth floor of the Tower of Destruction: "Hey, do you know how your mother went to Dongying? At first, she was so bold that she dared to seduce my ancestor Chunyang, and my ancestor chopped off nine tails, which made me embarrassed. So ah, whether you are Ampei Qingming or Ampei Zongxiu, you have to thank me We are pure Yang. Otherwise, how can you exist? "

His voice was very loud and reached everyone's ears.

Even the demons such as Taiyin were stunned. What happened to the Ampei family? But what does it mean for the one who grew up eating 10,000 meals?


An Pei Zongxiu's face suddenly turned red, and a spit of blood spewed out.


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